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Does he like me or not? I AM SOOOO CONFUSED...IT'S FRUSTRATING!!!?

For many months he has shown signs that he was really interested, so I wanted to know without asking him directly because I did not want to scare him. While we talked, he mentioned a place where he went that was good where live bands perform. I said, "We should go." He answered, "Maybe." Does that mean 'yes' or 'no'? It seems like a 'no' to me. I hate this.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This guy answered "maybe". If he really interested with you , he should be sky-floating with your invitation. Sometimes held him back . Hopefully with a reason greater that of being with you , otherwise just forget him. Do not rush yourself into this relationship until you manage to dig out more. Asking him directly is a NO . If he happened to be a dishonest guy , he will take opportunity on you and you will soon end up asking yourself question again , "did he really love me"

  • Mike
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    He might have been making that "place" up to act cool or more mature, saying you'd like to go reminded him that the place is fake and he said "maybe" to not look like a liar. It really doesn't show interest or disinterest, you're just anxious and reading into things too much. If you want to avoid direct questions, I'd ask him to do something, but phrase it this way:

    Hey I'm going to or doing _____, feel free to come if you have nothing to do. This way, if he says yes, its kinda like a date. If he says no, you can say "Thats cool, just thought it'd be nice/polite to ask, talk to you later" so even if he turns you down, you don't have to feel bad or deal with awkwardness afterwards because technically you didnt ask him out, but only to join you on something you were going to do anyway, with or without him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes means yes, No means No, and maybe means....maybe.

    Hun, as a guy i gotta say, i would totally be freak out. Take it slow and try to keep it cool. Bring it up again in 3 days, or so. Everything from the past just seems irrelevant, then ask. Guys like girls who are confident enough to ask them to go somewhere, as guys its just too much work for us. So ask him.

  • 1 decade ago

    May be means not yes and not no, but more YES cause lots of people use the word "may be" for a yes reason, not no. So answering your question may be means YES!!!!

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  • uhh.. im sorry to have to tell you this.. but it sounds like a no.. but it really depends on how he said it.. was he saying it in a serious way or a teasing like way.. you should ask him..or remind him of it again and if he sais maybe again..tell him he has to answer with a yes or no cuz its a yes or no question.... hope i helped!!

    Source(s): :) <3
  • 1 decade ago

    there are 2 possibiliyies

    1 he likes you but he is nervous about an acctuall "date"

    2 he doesn wanna go with you

    i cant tell from what you've said so asking him or his friends would probably be your best option.

  • 1 decade ago

    LMAO he likes your I'll put one million bucks on it. Thats a game that men play to get women all worked up, and keep you intrested. And guess what girly, your eating it all up.

  • Female
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, it sounds like a no. seems like he likes you but doesn't want to go to that place... cause it wouldn't be good for a "date".

  • 1 decade ago

    ouch. id only say maybe to a girl only if i had a girlfriend already. maybe he does. it could also be his hangout where his friends would see you. so try asking him to go someplace else.

  • 1 decade ago

    Stay positive!! It's a yes!! :p

    He's probably just shy and doesn't know what to say...

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