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Anyone find it ironic?

and get little bit angry when people all around you are pregnant or have babies when you are TTC and many of those act like their child is a nuisance.

I would dearly love another child, I have a two and a half year old who I adore and would be delighted to be a big brother but it doesn't seem to want to happen, my greatest regret is that I didnt start soon trying for a sibling for him, then I see all these people with three or four children, yelling at them and acting like the children are nuisances. Does anyone else in a similar situation get angry at that?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    YES YES YES!!! We have been TTC for almost 3 years and my own MIL has FIVE children, the oldest three (DH, his brother now 18, his sister, now 12) she ABANDONED with their abusive "dad" (who may only be the bio father to one of those, but that's another story). She has two children that she actually has to "deal with" and "take care of", 3 (almost 4) and a 4 month old. The 12 year old girl lives with her dad because the mom "can't handle" her (has lived with her dad since she was 5, when the mom abandoned them) and hardly EVER sees her. She use to send her 3 year old (before she was even pregnant with her last) to daycare ALL DAY every day she could while she sit on her butt at home doing nothing, then on the weekends he went to drop in daycare so she could "get stuff done". When the baby was still a newborn (less then 4 months ago) and we were over visiting when she and her (youngest 2) babies father was living with her mom, she complained how she couldn't WAIT for Mon so she could send both of them back to daycare and goes on about how she isn't the "mothering type". SHE FINALLY (after her last) had her tubes tied after saying she was going to for four years and making one excuse after the other, she does get food stamps and WIC and abuses the system. Her boyfriend is worthless, he'll work for a few months, then quit any job he has.

    ARGH, we only see them once a month IF that, the grandmother is worse, she enables all this (she has given her money, paid all her bills, bought her cars, houses etc for the last almost 40 years). ANYWAYS to answer your question yes lol.

  • 1 decade ago

    My situation is a little different. We've been TTC for nearly 5 years. This last cycle we tried IUI for the first time. We were super excited & felt in our hearts that it had worked. We found out yesterday through a blood test that I am not pregnant. :-( This morning I found out that a friend at work is 14 weeks pregnant. I'm happy for her, but crushed at the same time. I didn't even know she wanted kids. In all the conversations I've had with her, she always made comments about liking the freedom of not having children & that she liked to play with other people's kids, etc. I held it together while talking to her this morning, but went into my office and burst into tears.

    The thing that makes me angry is when women pop out 3, 4, 5 kids while on government assistance, or high on drugs, or whatever & don't want them. They end up neglected or abused. We have a nice home, loving family, steady income, but can't seem to get pregnant. It seems so unfair that we have what a child needs, but no luck. And those women don't give a d@mn & can get pregnant if they even think about having sex.

  • TJ
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes, it's sad to see how some people treat their children. I've always thought it ironic that for certain privileges in life like driving a car for example, you have to take tests and pass them to be able to get your license, but anyone capable of having sex can have kids. Not fair, but it's the way it is. I'm not saying those parents who are acting that way don't love their children (sometimes kids can get on your nerves) but it makes it hard on people who so desperately want one and think to themselves that they would never treat their child like that. The best thing to do is try and ignore it.

    Relax and best wishes for a BFP soon! ***baby dust***

  • 1 decade ago

    yes i do find it ironic i am also surrounded by people like this and people who get pregnant and then have the child taken away because they are so poorly cared for..and then theres the girls that jus seem to get pregnant whenever they open their legs and then dont want it and abort it..this gets me soo mad. It seems that those who desperately want a child cant seem to get pregnant and then the little slappers excuse my language can get pregnant anytime they want!!

    Source(s): personal life experience
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