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fodaddy19 asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 1 decade ago

Question about votes.?

Are there any countermeasures in place to keep someone from having several accounts and voting his/her answer as the best answer? And If you suspect someone of doing this, what would be the best course of action to take to make sure everything is on the up and up?

5 Answers

  • John T
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, and worse, it is perfectly legal to vote your own answer best,. once it goes to community vote,

    And before some %$$$%# chimes in with "politicians vote for themselves"; it's not the same at all.

    Almost everyone thinks they gave the "best" answer, if they gave it any thought at all, so it is next to impossible to be objective about "best answer"

    It is almost as bad as Yahoo informing members when a contact asks a question. If that isn't a set up for cheating....

    Now ask me what I REALLY

    Hope this helps.....JT

    PS---Seriously, it would be hard to prove. I understand multiple accounts are legal as long as you DON"T use them to cheat. But who is watching?

    Source(s): Experience
  • 1 decade ago

    If you know a person has dual accounts & are point gaming report them as abuse on a question / answer you report & in the additional details box put the URL to both , so It can be investigated.

    The problem is it is usually the " Feeder" account that will be removed meaning the asker of the question will be in violation not the person who is receiving the BA, which in turn makes their % go up if they received BA & the question they got it for is removed.

    Voting for your own answer is legal, & if the person who asked does not choose a BA well each person who answered has the same right to vote their own, so if everyone did it is indeed fair unless they have more than 1 account because it would take a neutral vote to break the tie.*

  • 1 decade ago

    Yahoo has no way of knowing if anyone is using other accounts to vote or ask questions in order for the main account to gain quick points. That's why so many can get away with point gaming.

    However, while some may not be using another account themselves, they could have loyal fans to vote for them. Apparently, this is still considered point gaming. It's a grey area.

    If you know of someone who point games, then you should report them and get them suspended. They do not deserve to be on the site if all they want is the points.

    Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    i wish their was a way to turn in people,but their isn't.on the senior site its worse .every question gets deleted except for the ones on the leader its pretty obvious who is doing most of it.their is one woman on their who tells jokes all the time and is never violated.i have asked 5 questions in the last month and all were deleted and reported as against community guide lines.when i tried to appeal,yahoo denied their is someone on that site who is very jealous and wants all the points.go in the senior section one time and you will see what i mean.its the worst site in yahoo.i know several have multiple accounts.just cant prove it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    you can and why not ? people are way too lazy to choose a BA and the community could not care less anyway.

    lots of people have multiple accounts and if they think their answer is really the best..why not ?

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