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Anonymous asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

why do people think the rest of the society should accept obese people?they don't respect boundaries?

honestly i don't mean to be rude and i don't care about their love for food.i'm also not referring to the chubby people ,but to those who probably have a bmi of 40 or more .

every single time this week i had a fat person sitting next to me on the train , yesterday this guy got in the train when it was almost leaving and because he had to run he seemed like he was going to have a hearth attack ,he was puffing and sweating like a bloody dog and then he literally occupied half of my seat and after 20 minutes of puffing decided to eat a chocolate he had in his pocket!!!! I tough really??? how unfair is that i have to be uncomfortable because he cannot control himself?

also my last holiday i was sat next to another really obese woman,this when i also had to cary my baby with me,she even had the indecency to ask me if she could remove the harm rest because it was pushing her ribs????? more her fat really! so i told her no that maybe she should have booked 2 seats. the stewardess saw how uncomfortable i was a asked me if i wanted more room ,thank god the flight wasn't full.

every week something like this happens specially on the train.

honestly i don't think people need to be a size 0 i'm myself trying to loose baby weight and trying to get back to my normal size 10 ,but some people don't seem to realise what they do to the rest of us.


ollie i don't care about peoples habits ,unless they make my life unconfortable and some obese people do!

Update 2:

you know why it really upsets me? if you broke a leg and need extra space on a plane you have to pay extra seat.if obese people need extra room they should PAY AN EXTRA SEAT TOO.

they have a choice to get treated if its an ilness or diet like everybody else!

it is bad enough that the NHS is packed with problems due to obesity ,so no i do not want to deal with it on a daily basis

Update 3:

STONERAN my children would never be borbidly obese ,they know whow to eat properly and have great eathing habits .if they did get chubby at some point i would make sure they would diet

Update 4:

i have nothing agains the people who are obese themselfe, they can be lovelly people ,i just think that they should have to pay the extra space they take. honestly if you take extra luggage you pay for it so why should they ocupy 2 seats and only pay for one?

Update 5:

anne s, i'm not debating thin versus fat.i'm just saying if they need more room they should pay for it and have it.

i bet your friend only uses one seat on the train,or plane

Update 6:

M : i'm not that skiny i'm a size 12 trying for a size 10 (after having a baby) ,i think being a size 10 is healthy i would not eat myself silly and loose energy and selfrespect.

maybe if fat people where made to set next to other super obese in the daily public transport they could understand my point of view?

Update 7:

MONKEY : no i'm i', more 30 than 20 and no i need a very strick diet of 1000 calouries or less a day for my weight to shift and because i know it is hard specially when you have fulltime work and children,i know everyone can also do it.

Update 8:

and by the way when in my question do i say i treated someone in a rude way? never!!! i'm never rude to people unless they are rude to me.

and yes i my spleing is bad, but that is coz i'm on yahoo on a new mobile and it is really hard to write long sentences.

but don't worry i 'm not ofended at all i know i gave those mistakes.

i know how to write don't worry i also know french,spanish,mandarin,italian and portuguese ,so i'm really happy you know how to write english well.LOL

Update 9:

flik ,yes i would feel that way if it was a really big and fit person and yes i agree when you can smel someone hat really is trouble

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well i am a size zero (that's a 8 UK), and i can see what you re saying. It really sucks when you have to sit next to a obese person on a long train or plane ride. I think they should be forced to buy two seats because its honestly not fair to the person sitting next to them.

    Last time i rode the amtrack train, there was only two open seats - One next to me and one next to the guy across from me. An obese guy needed to sit down & he asked me "Do you mind if i sit next to you?" And i said "Yes i do mind". I was not trying to be mean or rude, but i paid for my seat. Why should i have to be squeezed up against the window because the person next to me is overweight? Thats not fair. I do see what you are saying. Some of these people answering obviously have never had to be seated next to a person who took up both seats. It aint cool, dude.

    Edit: If you and your neighbor have to share a drive way, if your neighbors car is bigger than yours, is it fair that you have to scrape the side of your car against the garage everytime you park it because your car is smaller? The poster is not being rude he or she is being a realist. There is a thing called a personal bubble. Its a certain line of personal space that you dont cross, especially with strangers. I dont want anyone in my personal bubble whether they are fat or skinny, & i would be offended either way. When its a fat person you dont have a choice and some people are not comfortable with that.

    Are we wrong for wantng the basic human right of personal space? You can get into trouble with the police for unwanted physical contact, how is this situation any different especially on long haul rides, and flights? Even on short flights and rides its still a violation of someone rights to their personal bubble. Thumbs me down all you want. As long as you stay out of my face and space were cool.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I do. People see a fat dog or cat and joke about it, sas it's funny or cute. Really, it's sad. Just like with people, obese animals are very unhealthy and I think in many (not all) cases it's a sign of a lazy or poorly educated owner. All dogs need exercise and a healthy diet. Many "cheap" foods are full of filler giving dogs empty calories. These help them pack on the pounds. Most dogs should have a regular feeding schedule and all should have quality food. It may be more expensive but the dog will be healthier plus have less poop, less gas, be a healthier weight, etc. It's worth it.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is very easy to criticise others, isn't it?

    I would lay odds that you are approximately 20 years old & finding the baby weight is just dropping away. Maybe in 10 years or so the weight will not drop away so quickly, or even at all. I hope then you realise how intolerant of fat people you are.

    Would you be happy if someone picked up on something you do that annoys them. For instance, there is not a sentence in your question that has everything spelt correctly. Learning to read & write is free & is freely available to all from a very young age. Instead of criticising others for things they maybe can't help, you should concentrate on bettering yourself.

    I am not trying to be harsh & I am sorry if you take this the wrong way but imagine how people feel when you treat them with little or no respect in front of others, on a train or plane.

    My mother always told me to treat others as I would want to be treated myself.

    Source(s): my opinion only - feel free to ignore it.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Would you feel the same way about an extremely muscled person? I bet Arnie takes up a fair bit of space on a plane seat.

    I used to use public transport quite a bit and was more offended by people who did not wash properly, people who ate with their mouths open, people who sniffed and snorted, idiot kids who yelled throughout the entire journey and played loud music and stupid men who can't feel properly many unless they are spreading their legs as wide as they possibly can when sitting.

    I was all prepared to be outraged by your question but actually you are not worth the energy.

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  • Isn't odd, I thought it was we in the USA that was so hopelessly obese, not the UK.

    What other communities of Human Beings do you consider yourself superior to? For example, why should a person with your impeccable standards, have to endure looking at ugly or unkempt people?

    I can think of one or two obese Yanks that would pound you into the pavement after looking you in the eye and saying "Whatta you lookin' at, motherfyker?" Oh, I'm too fat? Let's see what you can do about it, bytch."

    It's one of the reasons Chicago didn't get the Olympics.

    I have little patience with the obese myself. The Fast Food culture really should be indicted. BUT, some people only have a half hour to eat, or worse still, only have a buck or two in their pockets.

    However, did you know that there is a school of thought that proposes obesity to be a calculated mechanism in the Human species, designed to combat famine? In other words, the fatties whom you loathed and campaigned against, AFTER the famine, now newly slim, will bury your rotting sack of bones, completely unaware of how historically the fat people of the world made you so ill and angry. Who says irony is dead?

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you 100%. If you pay for a seat you should get a whole seat. They have little enough room as it is , especially in a plane.

  • 1 decade ago

    I completely agree with you. Age is no excuse for obesity either. I am nearly 57 years old but I am still fit and slender. Fortunately for me I am a 6 ft male, so when one of these fat gits plonks 'emselves down next to me they get a good sharp jab in the ribs from one of me bony skinny elbows. If they don't like it tough. I don't want their revolting blubber impinging on my life. If it's a guy and he wants to get aggressive, bring it on. I'm more than happy to hasten his first heart attack. I am tired of lazy whinging fatties. What about rights for slender people ?

  • Ollie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Thankfully i am a size 10 to 12 but i am a smoker so get pounded that way.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You seem to attract obese people sitting next to you...

    Solution; Eat yourself silly too and you'll have a seat all to yourself.

  • stacey
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    what about thin people do they respect boundaries ?

    i have an anorexia friend who weighs less than 5 stone , this is a mental health problem , the same compassion should be shown for people who are massively overweight

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I pretend to be insane, so nobody at all wants to sit next to me.

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