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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Death is not the end! Those who believe in God will never die?

Little Children, I have been reading your comments regarding death. The Bible says that death is the enemy and was passed down by the sinful or Adamic nature of Adam and Eve... But the good news is Jesus conquered Death, he paid the ultimate sacrifice of his life, shedding his blood to redeem us from the penalty of sin, giving us the choice of salvation and Eternal Life...

Because we have been given free will it is for us to chose to follow Christ or our own selfish sinful will, one ending in Paradise the other in Hell. Their is a price to pay, the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ the Lord....

As for myself I experienced the Lord during my childhood.. I accepted Jesus as my Savior and since then have experienced spiritual warfare, a battle for the soul so to speak... The closer we get to God the more Satan tries to destroy our faith.. He knows our weakness, Satan is called a thief who comes to kill, steal and destroy not only our bodies but our faith.. One of his warfare tactics is Fear, fear of living, fear of dying...

Within the last 2 and one half years my worse fears have came true. My nephew died of cardiac arrest at 29 unexpectedly.. He had an appointment to see a Cardiologist the day after he died.. 10 months later I lost his mother, my baby sister due to an enlarged Thymus Gland they say. I don't believe her death was natural, I believe she was helped out of this world... She met a man who called himself a pastor and befriended her on a site similar to this one... She made the mistake of trusting him.. I am in no way degrading the Church... The church he attended asked for his resignation after they investigated the evidence.. However, I am still struggling with her death, I have many unanswered questions... Please don't place your trust in people until you get to know them. The Bible says you know a tree by the fruit it bears, don't take people at face value...

Just this last May I lost my Dad to Congestive Heart Failure and Alzheimer’s.. This was another battle I had to fight... I knew my Dad was a Christian as my nephew and sister but his last days on this earth were prolonged with misery... He was in a rest home and sedated to keep him from disturbing other patients with his cries and prayers to God.. The sedative help him to sleep through his meals and weakened his heart more..The end result was he starved to death. The medical profession implies starvation and dehydration is a natural way to go but it is painful... They will tell you that the appetite is the last function to leave... Alzheimer’s patients will eat if they are fed. Consider this when you trust your loved ones to a nursing facility.. Plates are brought in and carried out without assisting the helpless...

Death is painful to see and experience. I know that I could not have survived such losses had it not been for the Lord... Jesus said I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob long after they were dead... At the Transfiguration, Moses and Elijah stood beside the Lord... Knowing this I believe, Those who believe in the Lord never die. The word of God gives comfort in a time of death taking away the doubt and fear... The apostle Paul says it like this, paraphrasing... He would rather be absent from the body, (his flesh) and be present with the Lord...He believed the flesh dies, decays but the inner person, soul, spirit everything encompassing the person he was ascended to be with the Lord and he looked forward to the Resurecton of his flesh one day... He knew his body of clay was temporary and his reward was waiting as do all those who believe in the Word of God...

Jesus is the way the truth and life... No man can come to the father but by him.. He holds the keys to heaven and hell.. Believe him..! We have two paths to choose from, a path to follow his word which came to life in the flesh of his son, or the self centered will of Satan himself.

There is no fear in death when you know where you are going... However Death is to be feared when you are not saved..

This reality is not the end but the beginning... Do not wait, repent for we are not promised tomorrow, Tomorrow my never come... I know this all to well.. I had no chance to say goodbye.... Knowing this should make us fear God for he has the power to kill the body and cast the soul in hell. This is no laughing matter, It is serious...

Jesus won victory over Satan and broke the chains of bondage and death.. He loved us when we were yet sinners, before we were born he knew us when we were in our mothers womb... He knows how many hairs are on our head... He took our punishment on the cross... Why not trust his love today and believe his words... He is abundant life on earth and in Heaven..... Why not follow him, the Shepherd of the Sheep... His Children...

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    And your question is?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jesus is God and the Bible contains the truth.

    It would be difficult to explain everything in a short answer.

    I would suggest you visit the below website. You will get all the answers, for the below questions and many more.

    1) Did Jesus really exist?

    2) Is Jesus God?

    3)Why should I believe that the Bible is accurate, or the word of God?

    4) What is the Holy Trinity?

    5)What is so special about Jesus? Why cant I just view him as an ordinary man or a teacher or a prophet? Why should I see him as God?

  • Debra
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Death is the continuation of spiritual life with God. The death you are referring to is the demise of the physical body which must occur because the body mass is derived from perishable materials ( food ). The real you ( the spirit of God in you at conception) which defines you and makes you different from any other person on earth will never die. Moreover, you fail to realise that you have been in spiritual existence with God even before your physical manifestation on earth and this cycle of spiritual existence will continue at death when your spirit will go back to God. Therefore, physical existence on earth can be described as an era in your spiritual journey to eternity.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As long as you're are saying *ACCORDING TO BIBLE* .., your words don't make sense... Cos.. Bible is just a book which is written by some delusional,imaginary Humans.. There is no such a thing like God.. (Dogs even exist... you can see them everywhere.. but none of Gods)

    There's no supernatural things.. World is just Natural.. Open your eyes and.. see the World.. There is a lot of Gods out there and.. those Gods are disappearing from the world in high speed.. as Humans inquired more intelligence .. Lies don't work long...


    Source(s): Atheist
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  • Umie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    We all must die to this self,and you must die so you might live. Christ died so you might live. He said follow Him so you too must follow Him &die,and become born anew,born again after you die to this world and material desires & ego selfcenteredness.<>

    In ref: to some of your much writing. i tend to agree nursing or old age homes are often dreadful places,and when you think it is the last place your going to live, it is criminal how they sometimes treat people.

    You talk about fear too much.Put your trust in God and have faith and goodness is more likely to be present in your life.<>

  • Mia
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    People who believe the story believe they won't die or that death is not a permenent state. There is little evidence to support such claims though.

  • DS
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Believing in Santa wont bring presents to you house, Believing in a silly superstition wont save you

  • 1 decade ago

    Get real.We all die.And nobody is going anywhere after that.Except 6 feet under.

    Source(s): agnostic-atheist
  • 1 decade ago

    Wow... I have been so moved by that little rant - am I going to convert again tomorrow.


  • Amos C
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    now you've spent hours typing this drivel which i didn't read for nothing instead enjoy that time with loved ones or do something for your fellow men. let's face it THERE IS NO GOD AND AFTERLIFE!

  • 1 decade ago

    Death is the end! Once you die, you're dead! What you believe or don't believe won't matter!

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