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Was this just a coincidence? Or a fulfillment of prophecy?

In about 536BC Daniel prophesied this:

Dan 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof [shall be] with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

This prophecy came to pass between 33AD and 74AD Jesus the Messiah was Crucified in the spring of 33AD which fulfilled the 69th week of Daniel’s prophecy. The 70th and final week has yet to be fulfilled. The city of Jerusalem and the temple was destroyed in 70AD just as foretold by Daniel and Jesus.

Matt 24:1 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to [him] for to shew him the buildings of the temple. Matt 24:2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

The Jews revolted against the Roman rule in about 66-67AD they routed the Roman garrison. Emperor Nero sent a Roman army to crush the revolt under the leadership of General Titus. He laid siege to Jerusalem and the temple was taken and destroyed. The temple mount was the last stronghold for the Jews. During the fighting the temple was set on fire and fell to the Romans. The walls inside of the Temple were adorn with gold in the fire the gold melted and flowed in the cracks of the stones the Roman army left not one stone on another to get the gold thus fulfilling the prophecy of Jesus

“There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.”

Recent archeology dig in Jerusalem have uncovered the very stones that where toppled down to the street below. But the prophecy of Daniel does state that “the people of the prince” would destroy the temple. Was General Titus a prince? Well not at the beginning of the siege but he was at the end of it! From 1/15/69 to 12/22/69 is know as the year of the 4 emperors as seen below:

#1 Galba 6/8/68-1/15/69 assonated

#2 Otho 1/15/69-4/16/69 Suicide

#3 Vitellius 1/2/69 -12/22/69 Resignation and Murder/assignation (there was a civil war Vitellius agreed to resign and allow Vespasian to take the throne historians disagree whether he resigned and was murdered or if he died from natural causes)

#4 Vespasian 69AD-79AD

Vespasian was the father of General Titus so when the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed he was “the prince of the people”! After his father’s death he became emperor himself and ruled from 79AD to 81AD. After the fall of Jerusalem the Jews fell back to Mazda which fell in 74AD putting an end to the revolt.

Does it take more faith to believe that is is just a coincidence then to believe that there is a God? So what are the chances of going through four emperors in one year to fulfill a 600 year old prophecy? This is something they didn't teach you in school! Why not?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Bible has been constantly challenged and called a story and then an archeology dig finds Records of King David, Solomons Stables, etc. etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    A prophecy MUST contain a specific date and time otherwise it is just a vague statement.

    The stories about Jesus were written 70-120 years after his death. Very few people were alive from that time span to when the stories were written to dispute those stories.

    Edit: I read more details in your question and I realized that you are ignorant. The book you speak of was written post the temple being destroyed.

  • 1 decade ago

    The thing in Daniel was obviously known by the writers of the New Testament. Hardly a prophecy. As for the verse in Matthew, it's so vague of course you can see it that way. A lot of things in the bible are hazy and vague and can be interpreted in so many ways.

    It takes a lot of faith to think there was a talking snake in the bible. It takes a lot of faith to believe things like a global flood and Jonah living inside of a fish.

  • Alexis
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The prediction of future events involving nondeterministic matter/energy systems is a violation of the Law of Causality.

    Show me a prediction about a future event that has yet to occur, one that could not have been a result of coincidence, and you'll have a convert.

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  • jen
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    MAXIMUM BIBLE TIMELINE [ Daniel's Prophecy to first and second coming of Christ ]:

    1056 - 600 - 1656 BCE 2410, Noah and flood Gen.7:6.

    1656 - 427 - 2083 BCE 1983, Abraham's Covenant Gen.12:4,7;

    2083 - 430 - 2513 BCE 1553, Moses at Exodus Exo.7:7; 12:37,40,41.

    2513 - 040 - 2553 BCE 1513, Moses dies, Deut.1:3; 34:7.

    2553 - 301 - 2854 BCE 1212, Joshua to Judges 10:3; Jair 11:26.

    2854 - 109 - 2963 BCE 1103, Eli and Samuel Acts 13:20,21[450-410].

    2963 - 020 - 2893 BCE 1083, 410 plus 20, Samuel dies, 1Sam.25:1.

    2893 - 006 - 2989 BCE 1077, Plus 6 years after Samuel, Saul dies.

    2989 - 040 - 3029 BCE 1037, Plus 40 years, David dies, 1Ki.2;10,11.

    3029 - 004 - 3033 BCE 1033, Plus 4, 1Ki.6:1, Solomon begans temple.

    3033 - 036 - 3069 BCE 0997, 1Ki.11:42, Solomon dies.

    3069 - 391 - 3460 BCE 0606, 2Chr.36:20-23. Jeremiah 25:12, Ezekiel.

    Daniel's prophecy BCE 0606, Judah kings end at Babylon with Daniel.

    Year~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3460 BCE 0606 - 2300, 2500, 2520, 2580, 2615, 2670 years.

    Daniel's prophecy year 3460 + 5760, 5960, 5980, 6040, 6075, 6130 year.

    Daniel's Prophecy less 0606 = 1694, 1894, 1914, 1974, 2009, 2064 CE.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Rev.20:1-6, 1000 year reign [7130 years].

    Dan.9:24-27[07x 70 = 490 or 49 years + 434 years + 7 years ].

    1)07x 07 = 49 ], 2)07x 62 = 434 ], 3) 3 1/2 + 3 1/2 is 7 = 490.


    3460 - 070 - 3530 BCE 0536, Isa.44:28. Ezra 1:1-3; Cyrus.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 2Chr.36:20-23; Jer.25:12.

    3530 - 003 - 3533 BCE 0533, Daniel 10:1, Darius, Cyrus.

    3533 - 012 - 3545 BCE 0521, Cyrus

    3545 - 035 - 3580 BCE 0486, Darius

    3580 - 011 - 3591 BCE 0475, Mordecia, Ahasuerus and Esther.

    3591 - 020 - 3611 BCE 0455, Artaxerus,

    ~~~~~ 081 years ~~~~~~~~~[ $55 BCE, year 3611 ].

    3611 - 012 - 3623 BCE 0443, Nehemiah

    3623 - 037 - 3660 BCE 0406, Haggai, Zechariah.

    ~~~~~049~~~~~~~~~~[0406, years, 434 + 28 CE ].

    3660 - 70 - 3730 BCE 0336, Alexander the Great, Greece.

    3730 - 172 - 3902 BCE 0162, Maccabees

    3902 - 162 - 4064 BCE 0002, Jesus was born. Herod.

    4064 - 002 - 4066 000 0000, Jesus age 2, Matt.2:11,13,16.

    ~~~~~~~~~~4066 ~~~~~~~~, Luke 16:16,17, Old Testament.

    God alone knows day and hour from 2009 CE, year 6075 to Rev.20:1-6.

    Onto 1611 CE -1694, 1894, 1914, 1974, 2009, 2064, Rev.20:1-6.

    4066 - 028 - 4094 CE -0028, Jesus age 30, Luke 3:21-23, baptized.

    ~~~~~ 434 years Jesus 028 CE, age 30 is baptized by John ].

    4094 - 003 - 4097 CE-, 031, Jesus age 33 with apostles.

    4097 - 1/2 - 4098 CE-, 033, Jesus age 33 1/ 2 ascended.

    ~~~~~ 1/2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~, Apostles.

    4098 - 003 - 4101 CE-, 035. Gentiles get the word of truth.

    ~~~~~ 007 years ~~~~~~~~3) 3 1/2 plus 3 1/2 = 7 years ].

    4101 - 063 - 4164 CE-, 098, New Testament done.

    4164 -1513 - 5677 CE-,1611, KJV Published 398 years ago at 2009 CE.

    5677 - 083 - 5760 CE-,1694, Dan.8:12-14, 2300 years.

    5760 - 200 - 5960 CE-,1894, Dan.12:1-7, 7:25, 2500 years.

    5960 - 020 - 5980 CE-,1914, Dan.12:1-10; Dan.4:32 [ Rev.9:1-5 [5x 30 ].

    5980 - 060 - 6040 CE-,1974, Dan.12:1-11 [2x 1290 = ] 2580 years.

    6040 - 035 - 6075 CE-,2009, 2615 years ago, Judah king ended.

    6040 - 055 - 6130 CE-,2064. God alone knows day and hour to Rev.20:1-6,

    6130 -1000 - 7130 New 3064. New, Rev.21:1-5.

    Age of universe not given in the bible.

    Source(s): Bible.
  • 1 decade ago

    its fulfillment of prophecy

    the 70th week has not been fulfilled yet and it was not titus.

    the prince to come is the one who claims he is God and sets him self in the sanctuary as God. that was not titus

    that will be the antichrist to come.

  • 1 decade ago

    You do realize that the jewish rabbis themselves admit to "embellishments" of your text, and of course it was written "after the fact" No such thing as a prophecy.

    Source(s): degree in philosophy and religion
  • Corey
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Monarchies were the status quo. Everyone was a "people of the prince".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Anytime someone says: "This will happen" and it does, it is a prophesy.

  • Karl P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    FULFILLMENT!!! Period!! <')))><

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