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Why are so many women on here trying to get pregnant before getting married?

I see question after question on here from women who are trying to conceive with their boyfriend. I should apologize to a few because I chimed in telling them to get married first then have babies when it's really none of my business.

I'm just curious why nobody wants to get married before having a baby? Raising children is really really hard. Am I missing something? I'm not THAT old!

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lots of reasons really...

    me and my boyfriend of around 7 years are trying for our first. He is my soul mate, and I think that us deciding to have a baby together is far more of a commitment to each other than standing in front of some old guy at a church saying 'I do' then watching all our friends get drunk at the reception and complain about the canapes.

    Not to mention the fact that my father is retired and I WONT ever expect him to cough up money for a wedding. So I'd have to foot the bill...again, once the baby is (conceived first - baby dust, baby dust) born, that money can go to much better use.

    Add to that the fact that both of our parents got divorced when we were young, and to be honest, I can't really respect an institution that is results in a 50% divorce rate...would you use contraception that's 50% effective? Why not?

    Lastly, neither of us believes in the Christian version of god, so I don't feel it's right to be hypocritical and stand there in front of a priest and listen to things from a bible that I don't believe...yes...yes, I could get them to say something else, but marriage is really a religious thing, and it just doesn't hold water with me.

    Perhaps for some people, the idea of marriage means something more...but nothing in this world is going to make me love my partner more than I do already and there is no greater gift we can give each other than a little one who melds us together into a family.

    Source(s): c'mon folks, bring on the thumbs down for honesty!
  • 1 decade ago

    Being married doesn't mean anything. I'm divorced and we had two kids together. Just because your married doesn't mean your going to be together forever. Today there are even people that don't have boyfriends, husbands or partners that decide to have children. It's something you do when you feel you are ready for. It's like saying people who are alone aren't allowed to or if you don't have a ring on your finger you don't deserve to. It's every ones right to pick when they want to conceive. If I don't have a baby by the time I'm 35 and I'm alone I will find away to have another. Just my opinion

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Marriage means more then a paper. All these girls here belittling marriage, no wonder they grow up or get conceived in infidelity world.

    When two ppl marry with all their friend and family witnessing the marriage, it makes the marriage stronger and difficult to break-up, because now everybody knows that you are married. whereas if he is just you boyfriend, it's just you and him and there is no commitment and he could leave it any time he feels since he isn't married to you.

    Plus there are a lot of benefits and rights that come with being married. tax benefits, government and social benefits and rights over 1000 rights that single ppl don't have.

    Also it will have a negative effect on the kid, if he is told that he was born while his parents weren't married to each other, that makes him illegitimate child or a bastard. which makes him prone to have un healthy sexual relationship and other delinquencies.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Im going to hold back my anger in basic terms for some moments. They do through fact they love one yet another regardless of what your opinion is only through fact they have not asked the question does no longer mean they gained't. additionally you're putting too lots importance on marriage, pretty for the reason that a million in 3 marriages bring about divorce. My mothers and fathers weren't married whilst i grew to become into born, they did no longer get married till some years in the past. they do no longer seem to be collectively anymore. My sister has a newborn, she isn't married. Her existence is powerful and her boyfriend is unlikely everywhere. So please refrain from calling those human beings the two stupid, or no longer mature adequate for the reason which you're only hassle-free incorrect. confident there are case the place those women unquestionably everyone isn't mature adequate some circumstances yet please do no longer generalize the full inhabitants that for the time of itself is stupid.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I've been with my boyfriend for 10 years now (i'm 25) and at this point i'm ready to have at least one baby and i dont feel that a piece of paper is going to solidify anything more than it already is between us. Marriage is a tradition and many people just aren't going by tradition anymore.

  • 1 decade ago

    She's asking a question, just like you all have done on here. Don't take it personally. I don't think she meant it as being judgemental. Some people feel like the smartest decision is to have kids when you are married. She wasn't trying to push her ideas off on anyone, she was just asking a simple question. I didn't read one judmental sentance in her question.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bc im not married [getting married in may] And WE want a child. plain and simple.

    Who cares if your not married.. that paper doesnt mean ****.. thats all it is. Just bc people want a baby doesnt mean that just bc your married its going to change anything you guys can still split up. No matter what happens.

    If people want to start a family.. your shouldnt be the one to judge.

  • 1 decade ago

    me and my fiance(getting married june 19th preggo or not!) are trying to conceive, for many reason we are we feel like were ready for it and also bc his farther only has little over a year to live and we really want his dad to b able to see his first grand baby before he passes.


    It annoys me. Some women are impulsive, have no self respect, and think that having a baby will keep the guy around, when in reality, in most cases it does the opposite.

    Source(s): I'm 20 and feel that way! Married 3 years.
  • 5 years ago

    Im not married you dont meed to be married to have kids n i will never marry its personal choice and no one has the right to tell people what they have to do i live by my own accord and dont take bs or relgious bs

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