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  • Confused about genetic testing (14 weeks pregnant)?

    I'm currently a little over 14 weeks pregnant and at my last doctor's visit 2 weeks ago, my doctor informed me of all the different type of tests available ranging from down syndrome to other various genetic issues. She let me know that my blood work came back great, and also neither me or my partner have had any family history of genetic issues. I'm 26 and he is 27, this is our first child. Those of you who were or are in the same boat as me, which test(s) did you have done? my doctor is great but she just sort of laid it all out and i'm really confused about which tests are really necessary.....

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • how many of you new you were preg w/out test?

    specifically, how many of you ladies knew you were pregnant without testing on your FIRST pregnancy (and ended up positive)?

    what made you think you were pregnant?

    8 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Started late, now my period is light...?

    I should have started my period around May 3rd and it didn't come until This morning (May 9). I had unprotected sex around my fertile phase and i'm hoping to be pregnant but i've had 2 negative HPT results. Now my period is lighter than normal. My period has been a 29 day cycle for the last 5 months and now all of a sudden its different. I'm so confused bc i really thought i was pregnant.Should i test again or should i assume i'm not pregnant because i'm bleeding?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy test help please?

    Alright I should have started my period on may 3rd/4th and nothing yet. I did have unprotected sex around my fertile phase. No signs of my period coming. Clear discharge. I'm always pretty regular given a day or two. I was starting to think i was and it was really weird bc my mom called me out of the blue asking if i was pregnant, stating mother's intuition. We never mention this topic together so it really freaked me out. I got a 3 pack of 1st response early results, took one test this evening at 6:00 and it was negative. I know i should wait til the morning but i'm so anxious. I'll retest tomorrow morning. I don't really have any symptoms of pregnancy but if it helps understand my body, my periods usually come with ease, i dont suffer much at all during my periods. i'm 25 years old and been with my boyfriend for 10 years so we'd be happy with OR without baby. I'm excited but extremely i guess what i'm asking is: how many times did you test before getting a positive result and when did you test and how many days late were you? thank you ladies...

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What would you do with $3,000?

    If you had $3,000 and no bills to pay, what would you buy or do with the money?

    21 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Xbox 360 Arcade or...?

    For christmas i'm getting myself another xbox 360 so that i can play online with my boyfriend at the same time...we already have a halo edition 360 but want to play COD4 at the same time. Sooo my question is, since the xbox i'm about to get will just be a "secondary" system and won't really be used to download extras (gamer pix or demos, etc) should i just get the Arcade version? This system will be only for online use. The arcade version is currently $199 and even though there is a system available for $249 i can't seem to find it anywhere so the next option price-wise is $299....didn't really want to spend THAT much.....and i can always purchase a hard drive for my Arcade which one should i settle with???

    4 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • Logic 8 or ProTools? Which One?

    Hey, I have just gotten my iMac (3.06 ghz, 4GB, 750GB) and i'm currently using garageband. I am looking to get a more advanced program such as ProTools or even Logic 8. Can someone tell me which one i should choose? The price doesn't matter, i'd like to get whichever one is more user friendly. I have experience in the past with programs such as fruity loops and reason so i'm not 100% brand new to music software but i'd need a little help getting used to the program. Can someone give me a bit of advice about which one i should get?

    Thanks, best answer will be awarded if anyone even responds...!

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Wheel Bearing on 1999 Chevy Blazer?

    Hello, I was told recently that i need to replace the wheel bearing on my front passenger side. Assuming i just need to replace the bearing and not the whole assembly, how much should that job cost? And assuming i need to replace the whole assembly with the bearing how much would that be?

    FYI It is a 4 door 2 wheel drive w/ 136,000 miles on it and i've had it for 35,000 miles and have only replaced brakes..

    Thanks, best answer gets 10 points

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Should I Spend Money or Save Money?

    Ok everyone, me and my husband have been saving for our iMac for about 5 months now. With everything going on do you think we should save this $3,000 or go ahead and buy it? It's been a huge goal for us and we finally have all the money and now we're having second thoughts. We rent an apartment so arent really affected by the whole housing issue. We dont have debt or credit card issues or stocks/bonds or anything like that. We pretty much work work work and dont have anything to show for it except the cold hard cash we've been saving.

    Should we spend the money or do you think things are going to get bad and we should save the money?

    Best answer gets 10 points. Thanks to everyone who helps me decide.

    13 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Speakers: Wired or WireLESS?

    Which one is going to give me the better quality? I'm trying to buy the right speakers and i'm looking at these

    I wanted wireless but am thinking the wired speakers are better quality for sound...

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • My fridge is alive...?

    I've lived in my apartment for 2 years now and over a year ago my fridge started knocking when the compressor turns on/off. The knock lasts about 2 seconds or so and is loud enough for guests to think someone is knocking at the door. My apartment maintenance came to check it out and told me it was "normal" and didn't fix it. My question is, is this dangerous? what is the worst that could happen? i leave my two dogs baby-gated in the kitchen all day while i'm work and i worry about it. Should i make a bigger deal and have the office fix it or get me a new fridge??? It cools fine and there are no other problems. fridge is probably 5 or 6 years old. has an ice maker but i dont use it.


    2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Fridge knocking, apartment manager won't fix?

    I've lived in my apartment for 2 years now and over a year ago my fridge started knocking when the compressor turns on/off. The knock lasts about 2 seconds or so and is loud enough for guests to think someone is knocking at the door. My apartment maintenance came to check it out and told me it was "normal" and didn't fix it. My question is, is this dangerous? what is the worst that could happen? i leave my two dogs baby-gated in the kitchen all day while i'm work and i worry about it. Should i make a bigger deal and have the office fix it or get me a new fridge??? It cools fine and there are no other problems. fridge is probably 5 or 6 years old. has an ice maker but i dont use it.


    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • WHO is MORE PoPuLaR?

    Britney Spears or President Bush?

    I am asking because of the recent stunt pulled by McCain who compares Britney & Paris & Obama, calling Obama as big of a celebrity as them. I personally think it's NUTS.

    First they complained that Obama wasn't experienced and hadn't gone overseas enough and now that he has, they are complaining that he has gotten too popular in the world. WTF? First let me say that i have gone into this as an independent and was unsure about Hillary & Obama, i wasn't even going to vote because i couldnt figure out who wasn't lying. But this whole thing with Mccain saying he wanted a respectable campaign has been thrown out the window by declaring Obama a celebrity to the caliber of Britney & Paris. Paris is famous for doing NOTHING but a porno (that wasn't even great) and Obama is famous for trying to make a real difference in the world so how are they comparable??

    For those who think i'm stuck to one candidate, i'm not, at this point Obama has my vote since he's been respectable. Grandpa - well he's looking pretty silly right about now.

    So who's more famous, Britney, Paris or President Bush? Don't you think President Bush is more famous since he's so much more controversial? Who's the REAL celebrity....

    10 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • My Hermit Crab would survive a nuclear blast?

    Ok so now that i have your attention...I've had several hermies over the past few years and they have all eventually died but i have this one little guy who is Still Kicking!! Most of you are thinking well isn't that a good thing? But i'm wondering, he's about 2 or 3 yrs old & been alone for about a year or two now since all the others die off. Why do the others die off but not him? he doesn't eat every single day and when he does he likes banana and other dried fruits. he isn't super active, he will change shells once in a while but not often. he climbs sometimes and has a 10 gallon tank filled with sand and stuff to climb on. i keep his tank as humid as possible and try to keep him warm. i dont want him to be alone but every other hermie dies eventually. what's so special about this little one? this sounds messed up but why won't he die???

    6 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Please help with my pup????

    Ok i have a 10 month old min-pin mix and yesterday morning i awoke to his stomach making fairly loud digestive sounding noises. I feed him around 7am every morning and then again around 7pm. I put his food down (homemade recipe consisting of ground turkey, mixed vegies, rice, etc) and he sort of pushed it around but didn't want to eat. so i put down some kibble and he took some bites but didn't eat it all. he's drinking water and eats treats and peanut butter so i think he's just being picky. So the sounds went away and i thought all was well but this morning the exact same noises came back. he didn't want to eat food besides treats/peanut butter again.

    he is completely active, beats up my pomeranian, runs around playing with his squeaky toy being obnoxious, poop is normal....What's up??

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Burger King or Mcdonald's??

    Which one do you prefer?

    46 AnswersFast Food1 decade ago
  • How do you like your itouch?

    I want to get a 16GB apple itouch soon. really looking forward to it. What do you have to say about yours? happy you bought one?

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • 99 chevy blazer, rebuilt engine, oil leaking...what could it be?

    I just had my 99 chevy blazer's engine rebuilt about 1 month ago. i need the tensioner replaced,doing that tomorrow so right now its noisy. when i got the truck back, everything was fine for a day or two but started to notice very small quarter size oil puddles under truck. took back and oil gasket was replaced. 2 weeks later and new gasket, still leaking and the amount is getting bigger (softball size puddle) so far i've lost about 1/2 quart of oil. i check oil when its hot and cold every day to monitor level. oil leaking at first under hood and dropping on the ground right in the middle now i noticed seems to be dripping from drivers side under hood. oil pressure seems to be ok, runs @ about 40 while driving and drops at idle sometimes before first line on guage. was told that oil will break down faster on a rebuilt engine and at first was clear and now is coffee colored, gone about 650 miles since gotten the truck back from mechanic after rebuilt. what could be causing oil leak?

    11 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • Eliminate Unwated Radio Signals When I Use My Amplifier?

    I pick up radio frequencies when i play my bass...does anyone know of a solution to stop this??

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago