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ScorpRM asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Welfare, just for the lazy?

I keep hearing people talk about how Welfare is just to pacify the lazy, I hear people proclaim for those people just to get a job, or a better education or... Meanwhile we have a high jobless rate, not to mention a minimum wage that is not a living wage.

It seems to me that unless minimum wage were a living wage, jobs were available for everyone who wanted one and higher education were affordable to all those wanted it, we would need some sort of Welfare program to help people who fell in the cracks. That is unless we liked to watch people suffer. It seems much more complicated then "laziness". Am I missing something?


"Most people abuse it"? I think that is propaganda. People latch on to a couple of examples of abuse (which occurs whereever humans are involved) and ignore all the honest people who depend on it. I know several people who work hard but still need government to bridge the gap. I don't know if you've noticed, but these are hard times.

Update 2:

Sakata. First of all, I don't know if you've ever collected unemployment, but it does not pay enough to live off of. Second, many people have been unemployed now multiple years in this economy, and that is with high skills.

Update 3:

Wow Nik, thanks for regurgitating the party line. Lots of broad generalizations. You honestly think that is true of ALL people on welfare?

Update 4:

Nice argument Dawn. You say that you used it in a time of need but also argue against it? Were YOU lazy for those two months you needed Welfare? That is the ridiculous part of the arguments. Gross generalizations, and in this case, hippocritical.

Update 5:

Sakata, personally it was challenging to live off of it with California rents.

Update 6:

"all of them have computers descent cars nice tv but dont work sit on welfare and let the government take care of u get high all day long sit and collect "

Again, nice broad generalizations mister ?

Does anyone have any arguments that are not broad/outlandish generalizations. Maybe try a statistic or something.

Update 7:

Sorry, "mister ?" is Tommy.

Update 8:

Jeeper, Pepito answered your question for you. But I have to admit that to be an odd argument. There is clearly a basic amount required to pay basic bills and eat in this country. Of course that is different from state to state (in answer to the guy who commented about NM's $9 minimum wage)

Update 9:

Amen Travis.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is a complicated matter. The people who claim that it is "laziness" and nothing else are too simple minded.

    I do believe more education is needed. We had proficiency tests in order to graduate in Ohio. You can compare the scores of a middle class predominately white school and the results of a working class predominately African American school. The poorer school consistently performs worse than the middle class school does. This is a comparison of public schools which the state of Ohio says must be equal. The fact of the matter is that the Higher income students are getting a better education. With a better education they can get a better job.

    Also people take for granted how they got their jobs. ( I know not everyone gets their jobs like this but plenty of people do)

    I know a girl who got a job she was completely unqualified for because her dad knew the owner of the company. She got on the job training and can now, thankfully, do the job. This girl complains about people on welfare being lazy. She never thinks that not everyone has a daddy that can get them a job. She never stopped to think that there was probably someone who was qualified for her job who didn't get it because their father didn't know the owner. And maybe that person just happens to be on welfare. This is why low-income neighborhoods need ways to network with businesses.

    Businesses that provide networking and training opportunities to low income people should get tax cuts. Those companies that outsource jobs and cut jobs should pay more taxes. If companies send American jobs to China or Mexico, more Americans will have to go on welfare. Therefore, the company that helped make the problem should help pay for it.

    Adults who are receiving benefits need to get some kind of training. Do they have a high school diploma or GED? If not they need classes to help them get the diploma. Financial classes would be good because most people on welfare were born poor. If you didn't have money, you weren't taught what you should do with it. College should also be encouraged. A job coach would be helpful. They need someone in their corner. They need people to say you are worthwhile, I believe in you, You will succeed for yourself and your family. Does anyone stop and think about the self-esteem of most of these women on welfare? I knew this woman whose husband was beating her. Finally she got away from him. But when she left him, she had to go on welfare because he had forbade her from ever getting a job, which means she had no job skills. Her self-esteem was non existent.

    As for a living wage. I'm not sure what my opinion is on that. I wonder if we had one would the price of everything go up so much that the living wage would be no better than a minimum wage?

    Welfare is a complex problem and we need more than a simple minded answer. "Laziness" is the most simpleminded answer of all. I also think that for that welfare is something that gets thrown out there to divert attention from bigger issues. Not counting medicaid about 2% of what we spend on taxes goes to welfare. We ignore how much money is spent on war and on corporations which ship our jobs overseas. And that is what corporations and the government wants us to be fixated on. Most people on welfare are not abusing the system. But the people in charge wants us to think they are because then we are too busy hating the people that we should be helping that we are apathetic to injustices committed against them and ourselves. For instance the corporations get us to hate the poor and since conservatives hate them to we should be conservatives. But being a conservative is not in most peoples economic best interest.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since when is minimum wage not fair? These are not people who do jobs that others can't, you know. This is for the bottom rung of the ladder when it comes to experience and general work knowledge. If you want more money you need to pay attention in school. Also I'm disgusted by the use of the liberal term, living wage. First of all, minimum wage was NEVER meant to support a family of four. If you make minimum wage and you are married and have 2 kids you are dumber than a box of rocks.

    Why not make the minimum wage $20 an hour or $30? God, the state of education in this country is abysmal.

    Welfare should be short-lived, never a crutch.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, the prevailing minimum wage is not fair. It should be much higher, like $15 per hour. But welfare isn't something that fills in the cracks because technically you can't get welfare if you have a job that pays much at all. Welfare is basically only available if you have no work. My view is that there should be some help if you have no job, but the focus should be on getting you a job, not keeping you on welfare. Being on welfare for a long time, like over 1 year, is bad for people, because it makes them devalue themselves. It's not good for people to get money for doing nothing. It causes moral disintegration and yes, laziness as a way of life. People who get welfare should be required to do some type of work in exchange, such as picking up litter or cleaning up graffiti. This would help them maintain a sense of self -worth and help them value work. This would then be a bridge to a real job.

  • pepito
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I am in a Social Injustice class right now at my college actually, and the class has made some interesting point. Like you state, the minimum wage right now is roughly $4,000 under a "living wage" so people are still struggling to make ends meet. People cannot afford to pay a mortgage or for health care for their family, so I think its apparent that they can't pay for an education, without some serious help. Without an education, you are condemning yourself to a life where you are unable to move up in society. Its a vicious circle. Moreover, most of this poverty is in the cities, which have become increasingly poor since we starting outsourcing work. More people+less jobs=not a good situation.

    So you are right, it's not just laziness.

    Edit: Jeeper- Sociologists and other experts have called a living wage around $25,000 for a family of four. The poverty line for a family of four is now hovering around $21,000.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It has been said that a nation can rightly be judged by how it treats it's lowliest and most vulnerable members. If that is the case, the Right is seeking to render us a terrible judgment by future generations and other nations.

    Yes, some people abuse the system, and these abuses are magnified by those who stand against reform.

    It seems the Right hasn't been paying attention to the Book so many of them claim to follow.

    When Jesus saw a crowd before him-he fed them all.

    Didn't he know that some of them might have been criminals?

    Didn't he know that some of them might have been lazy?

    Of course he did.

    But he fed them all regardless. Better to feed a few criminals than to starve a single good person, don't you agree?

  • 5 years ago

    Nobody who has ever risked his or her lifestyles to serve this nation is lazy or nugatory! With the entire lazy scumbags on welfare, we infrequently have room to criticize a handful of veterans who could also be on it. At least the Veterans have a larger case considering the fact that they did supply whatever to our nation. So some distance as I'm involved, if any person will have to be eligible for welfare it will have to be our Veterans. Maybe subsequent time there is a conflict they are able to circular up the scumbags drawing welfare who don't seem to be Veterans and allow them to do whatever to earn their preserve. Besides, if you happen to had ever been via what the Veterans have, you might generally have a larger know-how. I have a number of veterans in my loved ones and accelerated loved ones and NONE of them have EVER got any type of public help. Although my Dad has a reliable incapacity because of falling from a coach even as chasing a few enemy infantrymen who had been stealing provides throughout the Korean War. My Dad additionally owns a effective small industry that staff a number of persons, adding me, and he can pay approximately $60,000.00 a yr in taxes that's ate up by means of the tax eaters of society; such a lot of whom are a host of idiots who're unswerving to liberals, and infrequently have even had a task. Of direction I do not imply to bash the ones homeless who're mentally challenged and don't have the capability to paintings a task, however they account for a small percent of homeless persons on welfare. At least navy persons did have a task at one time and paid taxes. I infrequently feel any person that may undergo what they do and live on the hard bodily coaching to emerge as a soldier and committing for a number of years to serve our nation even as making low wages is lazy. Hell, if a Veteran does get on medications a minimum of they have got a extra legitimate cause than a few dope-head who can handiest revel in his possess enterprise whilst he is stoned. You recognize, our Vets pass international and combat ruthless, evil persons. They depart their households in the back of, and lots of of them by no means make it again house. Some of people who do make it again house have reliable, mental issues that may bog down their potential to get a task. But, no one right here presents to aid them out, or supply them a task. Then, the very persons whose freedom was once covered as their lives had been traditional do not even say way to our Vets, allow on my own respect the sacrifice they made. Whoever gave you your stats could be very ignorant and seems like a liberal nut-activity with a bias toward the navy, alternatively than a able individual with a reliable argument.

  • Liz
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There are some lazy people on welfare, no doubt about that. But you are 100% correct on all counts. The problem is, at least for now (again) is this mccarthyism going on. Everything that isn't "private" is socialist communist liberal whatever, and anybody who says otherwise is un-American. But not to worry, all the McCarthy's of today.. Palin, Limbaugh, Beck, all of them.. will do what McCarthy himself did. Be ruined, and die wasted, alone and essentially forgotten, only to be brought up when needed as an example of how not to behave if you intend to have public future.. Generation shift is a reality.. and the old are doing what the old always do... dying off, and in every place but Illinois, that means you can;t vote anymore.

  • 1 decade ago

    No most of the right wing propaganda is meant to make people look lazy or abusers of the system.If not for welfare many areas of America would look like third world countries.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes the federal government created inflation throught the practice of printing money with nothing to back it its why the minimum wage isnt livable also one of the reasons we dont have manufacturing in the country anymore federal government regulated and taxed them till they just packed up and shipped the operation to a country with no rules res or taxes its the government that is truly to blame for all these issues.

    and yes people are lazy really really lazy go to the hood bet you see a ps3 in most of the houses all of them have computers descent cars nice tv but dont work sit on welfare and let the government take care of u get high all day long sit and collect its bs they aint suffering they honestly live better then most middle class earners at this point.

    abuse is rampant they live with someone who is working ans still collect and dont say nothin or they will have 2 of them collecting in a house or trade food stamps for weed i used to go shoppin with them all the time 20 for 50 bucks in stamps this was like last year real recent keep joking the system is screwed up and pretend it isnt the recipients fault because they as much to blame as anyone else

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In some cases yes. But more often it is social security disability that is abused the most from my experience. I have seen families that celebrate when they can get a child labeled learning disabled so that they can acquire extra benefits. Often times this is generational. I have seen this over and over. It makes me want to exterminate these slugs.

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