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Between dissing the Chicago olympics loss and Prez Obama's prize, can Repubs disgrace our country any further?

For example, the olympics would have brought lots of money and jobs to the U.S. Even if they weren't until 2016, the planning, design, and building would have started NOW. That would have meant JOBS NOW.

Next, this award can be viewed as a healing from the disatrous world reputation we had under the Bush administration. So, isn't our President receiving this award a good thing for America?

Discuss. Intelligently.


zaza, the olympic planning committee had an awesome plan for temporary olympic structures along the lake- so you wouldn't have needed to worry about a prison...

Update 2:

Ben, if you do your research you will see that the Norwegians, not the Swedes, awarded the prize to Prez Obama.

27 Answers

  • Draco
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your claim of the Olympics money and jobs, simply fail to stand up to comparison of other Olympics. The MAJORITY of Olympics LOSE money and the "jobs" are not only temporary, but too often go to corrupt local unions. Obama PROMISED the White House would support 100% of the effort......that would translate into BILLIONS of TAX MONEY that would NEVER be seen again.

    Healing? For a "speech" with nothing more than pie in the sky rhetoric ? What about the "other" nominees or haven't you found a reliable news source to check THEM out. A woman in Afghanistan working to "better" the lives of other women, facing certain DEATH everyday. Or the Chinese dissident struggling to bring some freedoms to his country, facing life imprisonment.

    And WHAT did Obama face ? Eyestrain from the teleprompter !

    IS THIS how Libs place values ? I guess so since I have never heard ONE Lib say how much they appreciated that communist, racist Van Jones being forced to resign by Fox News ALONE !

    Your welcome.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The Olympics aren't here because A) flight regulations after 9/11 have made it a PITA to get here, B) the murder of an honor roll high school student for no reason surely played a part, C) and finally, South America hasn't ever had one, so I'm sure that played the most into the equation. Now, in terms of the Peace Prize? Come on. He was nominated for it after being president for less than 2 weeks. It's a little ridiculous, and frankly, while I could care less about what the world thinks of him (I hope they like him of course), I think it puts a little more pressure on him to perform. I'm telling you, this guy is going to get thrown under the bus by the media and Congress one of these days.

  • 1 decade ago

    Discuss intelligently? Try asking intelligently first, especially when you start with an insult.

    Anyway, I view this award as a prize where all you need to qualify is a left wing agenda and a little notoriety. You almost qualify!

    It's obvious that you do not agree, or even like "Repubs" (how contemptuous). Even so, this "Repub" thinks that our President is like the bald guy at the office walking around with a Toupee, thinking that no one notices it. Since he has not been awarded this prize for achievement, it must be because they expectations of him. Because "he ain't no Mother Teresa" (recipient of the Peace Prize in 1979 for actually doing something other than give speeches)

  • 1 decade ago

    Unless don't live in Chicago, then you wouldn't know what was truly planed..

    Mayor Daily of Chicago had it in the works to raise taxes for building the parks and stadiums needed not to mention some homes needed to be relocated..

    Last year Mayor Daily fired many city workers saying that there was not enough money in the budget, and used less salt and plowing for the city streets..this summer months alone Mayor Daily spent just about a million dollars to advertise and trips and meetings to try to get the bid for chicago..

    in the mean time from his actions alone from last christmas many city workers are still with out jobs..

    kinda odd he can find money for this but not to keep employees..

    that is what most republicans are ticked off about at least in chicago..

    now with that said...

    What is the reason why Obama beat out so many others for the Prize?

    about 3 years ago, a man in his 80's finally won it, he was nominated like 9 times..a college teacher, and inventor, and degrees only few can dream about...

    People had dedicated there lives to achieve what they can..

    But I for one really do not understand how Obama can beat out so many others when they are truly more qualified...

    now don't get me wrong this isn't about bashing Obama..I am serious I would love to know why he got it instead of some one who had invented some kind of vaccine, or a new machine to help the sick..

    Please don't say because, he is the first black president that isn't enough..and as far as peace,,he is sending in more troops and it doesn't look like he is ending the war any time soon..

    as a republican I just want a honest answer with out the bashing..I sure didn't bash Obama..

    Source(s): Why is questioning about Obama getting the Peace Prize how does that translate into hating America? Over and Over for 8 years I have heard many democrats questioning President Bush time and time again..
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  • Hosting the Olympics usually results in a net loss for the country hosting it. There would be a few landowners in Chicago who would have made money, but the country would have lost money.

    As for the Nobel, it's hard to imagine what Obama did in his first two weeks in office to deserve the nomination. I have to wonder what the Nobel Committee had in mind. It seems more about influencing politics than a genuine award for any real achievement.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Olympics are very expensive to set up. On the other hand they increase tourism dramatically, which means when they are going on there will be lots of temp jobs to accommodate all those tourists.

    There would also be jobs created now, as someone answered, its not " lawn chairs and a basketball hoop", there would be ample work for skilled workers and unskilled as well. I got a kick out of the answer that said something about how it would cost us billions we don't have and how of course libs wouldn't understand... See apparently they didn't understand the idea of INVESTING. You spend money now in hopes the return will be greater. It is not a new concept.

  • 1 decade ago

    loosing the olympics saved the taxpayers billions of dollars and cost friends of obama millions because now taxpayers will not be buying up the slums of chicago. obama is a prize just that those of us with some intelligence are going to have to suffer through for another 3 years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Girlie, 0bama failed at bringing home the Olympics. Actually, 0bama has failed so far, at every thing he has tried to change since becoming president. If the Nobel prize gives him a warm and fuzzy feeling, it isn't shared with the rest of the country.

    The Nobel thing gives weeks of fodder to those who oppose 0bama. Before it is said and done, the peace prize won't be worth the paper it is drawn on, because Sweden has compromised itself by awarding the prize for 0 accomplishment.

    Wouldn't it be so much more credible if Sweden awarded this ambiguous peace prize for something more tangible ? Most of its other Nobels are presented to those who have actually accomplished their goals. What has 0bama done, other than belly up to nations that share his socialist goals, such as Sweden !

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Olympics actually put cities further in debt. In fact, London is already billions over budget. And the world has ALWAYS hated America, especially since the days after WWII!

  • 1 decade ago

    Look in the last 20years our infrastucture is falling apart..fellow americans dieing crossing bridges on their way from work, while not one dollar was allocated from the federal govnt during the Bush years for imporvements to dangerous conditions..first thing is first with them..Obama must be wrong and we must prove that the americans that voted for him are wrong..thats their agenda

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