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Extreme theists...if your religion insisted upon it?

If your religion absolutely forbade you to accept blood transfusions, and your child would die unless they had one, would you honour your religion, or your child?


To those who need reminding, I was speaking of a hypothetical case; I think the implications are clear that this question is not based on fact.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would rather save my child through the transfusion. If I were truly convicted about it later I would simply ask for forgiveness.

  • 1 decade ago

    Both. The religion just by honouring and my child accepting blood transfusions!

    This is how even extreme theists also behave at times of emergency.

    You know there only a few models, just within counts, among the millions who stood true to the dictates of their religions even at the point of death.

    I would simply say,"forgive me my Lord, I find no other way" and then go ahead as I wish.

  • Ray M
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My child.

    I can not fathom why God would say, this rule is more important than your child's life. I believe JWs are that way, but I don't understand the theology/logic behind that rule at all.

    My child was given to me by God. He expects me to be a good parent and to take care of him. To let my child die from something so silly is wrong. (in my opinion)

    shmulfer - I gave you a thumbs down because you answered for others. You said they would let the kid die. You have no idea. You are just making a negative judgement call based on your dislike of a group. Then, when people react to your poor argument, you assume that those who thumbs you down did it because they would let the kid die. SAD. Realize that a thumbs down may mean they think your phrasing or assumptions may be stupid.

  • 1 decade ago

    The child is honored because should be lose his life now, he would be restored to everlasting life in God's due time. Your'e aware that blood transfusions are NO guarantee that your child would live? That actually blood transfusions often impair healing? That many medical professionals refuse blood tranfusions on non-religious grounds... because they don't consider them safe? I just thought I'd share that.

    About the restriction not being in the bible? I'm afraid you might want to rethink that. I'll give you the 3 places you can read it. Right after the flood, in the Mosaic Law and later by the Governing Body of the early Christian congregation.m

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If God forbade blood transfusions for whatever reason, then I wouldn't get them one. I would however pray over my child until they were healed. Just like my parents did when my sister was in the womb with half a heart (Only right side, and the left is required to Live) and the Doctors told them to get an abortion.....and Instead they prayed until she was born with a whole heart. So I believe I shall obey my father in heaven, he's done more for me than any Blood Donor could, thank you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have put the emphasis on the correct thing, Religion. This is a rule of mankind put upon the Religion of the congregation. This is not Gods rule. When are you going to start listening to God, instead of some man made Religious rule. I would honor God, knowing that he gave Doctors and Surgeons the talent and ability to save my child's life.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's already been done in the Jehovah's Witness religion.

    They cannot accept transfusions even when life-threatening.

    My God does not insist on that. I believe what is written in the Bible and not by non-medical cult-starters.

  • Unfortunatly, yes. They would believe that the fact that the child needed such a thing was a message from (who ever they beleived in) god for that child to die.

  • Karl
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You lack much understanding and knowledge, child.

    Matthew 22:29 (New International Version)

    29Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God."

    God can do this and more for us, but has doctors for those without enough faith. The doctors are because he loves you and all, so all even those who know him not will not die before there time.

    take care.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i would put my faith in Christ above anything. fortunately, the Bible is not a religion and does not teach the restriction of blood transfusions.

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