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Isn't passing bills and signing them without reading them first malpractice?

And if it is, why would that not be an impeachable offense for every person in Congress that is guilty of it?


Correct that. Not malpractice. MALFEASANCE.

12 Answers

  • Ken
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's a lot more serous then simply writing a blank check as its not just your money your giving up blindly, its your life and liberty!

    It's called insanity, or the height of self-destructive ill-responsibility.

    Our only remaining line of defense is our state and local leaders to implement the old American tradition of nullification.(calming the law is unconstitutional(beyond the scope of the federal government or in violation of the federal constitution’s enumerated prohibitions ) and thus nullifying with in their jurisdiction).

    Make no mistake this is a dangerous path, but we have no choice anymore, congress has made sure of that. This is our last remaining options short of secession and constitutional convention.

  • 1 decade ago

    It should be malfeasance. I can't even imagine them signing something into law that they haven't read. How stupid are they? We could pick some people out of the phone book at random to do a better job for the American people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have you been standing in the corner watching our Congressmen and Congresswomen again? Congress rarely knows what bills actually have writeen into them and nearly all bills are signed into law without the people of America knowing what is actually written into them. The government does not want Americans to know what is contained in the bills they pass into law. In this way, control over the people of America can be maintained and there will not be a revolt to oust our corrupt government.

  • 1 decade ago

    Readers or legislators? Nobody in business or government with responsibilities can be effective by reading all day.

    That's why God created staff. Staff reads material, sectionalizes it, summarizes it, aggregates the summaries and then briefs it to the upper levels. Questionable areas of the briefings are then 'drilled' with additional investigation/action pursued accordingly.

    Sections of the material raising special questions and/or issues are then sorted out for individual scrutiny/action.

    Lot different than doing homework isn't it? Legislators, business leaders, have to be and are expected to be effective which means being able to function in an 'information' age. Delegation is a success skill. The amount of information a business/government leader must deal with on a daily basis would/does swamp most people. Those are the ones that don't make it.

    Choice of intelligent leadership is necessary in this age and becomes moreso everyday the world turns.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    TOTALLY AGREE! These jerks should be tossed out!

    "Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins hadn't read a resolution that contained the phrase "great white hope" when she supported the measure last month, her press secretary said Monday.

    The resolution urged President Barack Obama to posthumously pardon black boxing champion Jack Johnson, who fought in the early 1900s.

    Jenkins, R-Kan., supported a resolution containing the phrase when the House approved it unanimously on a voice vote. The resolution was sponsored by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and co-sponsored by Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., in the Senate. The House version was co-sponsored by Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., D-Ill.

    "No, she did not read the specific resolution," Mary Geiger, Jenkins' press secretary, said Monday morning..."

    Source(s): "Jenkins didn't read resolution: Congresswoman supported but didn't read text that included 'great white hope'"
  • Rada S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    ....Well Clinton passed a bill so that Congress were not liable for Illegal or Unconstitutional proposed Laws....I guess to protect the dumb @ss Dems in Congress...but we sure have to pay their salaries...don't we even if they don't show up for 2, and Obama & McCain were paid while they were campaigning....(we need to not pay them if they do not do their JOBS) a new concept...for Dems I am sure.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered.

    Let's see what Congress throws at us.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You're leaving out the most important Democrat tool: passing bills before WRITING them.

    Source(s): This is not my first Democrat Congress.
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it sure is and should be the reason they are at the very least unseated come midterms

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm for impeaching almost all of congress for this.

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