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Lv 44,218 points

Tsar Brainless Harry Reid

Favorite Answers5%
  • Do you think all of us, except for maybe 535, could agree on this new tax?

    Since the mismanagement of the economy, and the country itself, is the result of Congressional failure, why can't we tax their salaries at 100% until the debt is paid off?

    All in favor say "aye".

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • For all you young pups that are below 23 years of age and in college?

    How do you feel about all those student loans and debt you have accumulated, and your hero who has given you "change", but no hope, how do you feel now that your group has just barely under 20% of unemployment and all the potential employers are going out of business because apparently no one in the current regime has ever taken an economics course?

    Do you think it might be a good idea to replace the current Congress with one that has a better sense of limiting waste-full spending? Or are you content with one of those temporary ditch digging road jobs when you graduate?

    Or, do you think you can pay off your debt with "hope"?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Liberals, can you please explain?

    Biden, Pelosi, and Reid were all in congress the whole time Bush was in office. Obama for the last two years Bush was in office. Congress writes the legislation, meaning Biden, Pelosi, Reid and Obama wrote the legislation that Bush signed that caused the worst economy since the Great Depression. So if they were the ones that authored the legislation, how could the current regime have "inherited" anything? And how could it be only Bush's fault?

    I'm looking forward to some well thought out answers.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Democrats refused a COLA for seniors. Doesn't this prove they are out to get Grandma?

    For the first time in 30 years, the Democrats have refused to give seniors a cost of living increase, while at the same time making sure that members of Congress got one.

    Doesn't this mean if they can't kill Grandma through health care reform, they will simply starve her to death? Anything to get rid of the prior obligations Democrats made in the past to get elected. Like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. Now that seniors, after paying in their entire working lives and now finally ready to receive their financial reward, the Democrats pull out the rug. Right?

    Thank you greedy bama.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Owe Bama said"We live in the greatest nation on Earth. Please help me change it!" What do you want to change?

    Most who voted for this guy have "buyers remorse". So for you hardliners can you list another country whose government you would like to take over our country? Somebodys model nation that is in existance now or was as some period of history.

    I agreed with the first half of his declaration. It's the last part I have a problem with, along with everything he has "attempted" (since he hasn't actually done anything positive) to do since usurping the office.

    Please name your favorite government.

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • The latest numbers being thrown out now for the uninsured is 46 million. Did one million illegals go home?

    It was 47 million at the beginning. At one point went all the way to 52 million. Then Joe Wilson made his famous charge "You lie!" and the next morning we lost another 12 million. Is this like "global warming". They can't predict the weather two days out, but we know what it's going to be in ten years? Never mind the Earth has been cooling since 1998.

    Can the libs ever put out anything based in truth?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How would a someone interpret this?

    I just received this tarot deck in the mail, and I don't know anything about how it works. But I was thinking about this health care bill and just absentmindedly flipped a card over. It was the "death" card.

    So does this mean the bill is going to die without ever going anywhere, or does it mean that if it passes the public is doing to die for lack of real health care?

    I know some of you really believe in this stuff. So thanks.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Isn't passing bills and signing them without reading them first malpractice?

    And if it is, why would that not be an impeachable offense for every person in Congress that is guilty of it?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If you rely on the VA for health care, you wait, and you have rationing. Why wouldn't you?

    In this "new" scheme hatched today?

    The VA offers no "new" medicines for veterans. Not even name brands. If it's not available in a generic, you're out of luck.

    Medicare also has rationing and delays because fewer and fewer doctors are willing to play the government game. Doctors are also moving overseas where they have more freedom in how they practice. Where is your new government doctor going to come from?

    Will the majority of "new" doctors be ones that graduated at the top of their class? Or the ones that just got by? Will they be "undocumented" like the president?

    RU sure you want to do this?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If government run health care is such a great idea, why is it?

    That Medicare and Medicaid is not only broke, but contributing to a drain on the federal budget?

    Why isn't it, if not profitable, at least break even?

    Does this not indicate what yet another government program without prior thought is likely to do?

    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Has the Nobel Peace Price committee now confirmed that it is a worthless award?

    With giving it to the likes of Carter, Gore, Arafat, Castro and now Obama who really fits right into the middle that group? The first president that is openly dictatorial in America. The first undocumented worker president in America?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • For those who didn't fall asleep during world history class. When was the last time a war or conflict?

    was ever won by committee?

    Why did our forefathers give the president war powers and name him "Commander in Chief" if he can't make a decision?

    Have you ever seen a statute in a park or public grounds built to commemorate a committee?

    What was the last war or conflict the United States has won after World War II?

    Just a few things to think about while Obama allows our young to die in a foreign land with no support from Washington. (As usual.)

    And if you are wondering, I was in Viet Nam for that game.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Unemployment has now hit (officially) 9.8%. Is this the "Hope" you were promised?

    Or maybe it was the "Change" you have left in your pocket? Or was it the "Yes we can [wreck the nation]! that was chanted.

    Looks like the Owe Bama family is putting on weight, so I guess it's OK.

    Last time things were this bad Jimmy Kaaaater was running things. Maybe Owe Bama thinks this will make more people DEPENDENT on him and his Democrat cronies. "They will have to give me another term now, or I'll cut off their government check"! Is that what they are thinking?

    Meanwhile, ignore our military for a failed folly to try and get Chicago the olympics. What leadership (NOT!).

    Can we finally vote everybody out and begin fresh? The real problem is a corrupt Washington. We are their employer. As such we need to fire them all.

    Make it so.

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Happy New Year? Are you kidding?

    Pelosi has been speaker of the house for about 24 months. She has, with the help of the rest of Congress, managed to spend more money than the previous 25 years.

    Oct 1 marks the beginning of fiscal 2010. Can we afford another year of this fiscal irresponsibility? We are already up to $38,000 of debt for every man, woman, and child in the country.

    How much does your household owe?

    Thanks Owe Bama.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • The recession is over? Or is the Fed Chair just saying that as payback for keeping his job?

    According to the report, jobs are the last thing to recover.

    Our economy is consumer driven. First will be the sales, then jobs will follow.

    So, if no one is working, who's going to do the consuming? Just Congress?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Other than changing the name from "Government Option" to "Government sponsored Co-Op", what's the difference?

    Do Democrats actually believe we are all THAT Stupid that they can change the name and we won't know any better?

    OK, OK, I know, it could fool the politicians so they will have to call it a "crisis" again and move before public lion roars again.

    But really, are the other side of the isles politicians that dumb?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have the GPS coordinates for the White House?

    I think Owe Bama is lost again, Air Force One has lost it's navigation system, or the Bush transition team never showed Owe Bama where his new office is located.

    It would be interesting to see what would happen if he actually showed up for work once in a while. A little on the job training maybe since he has no background for this job anyway. (As reflected in his tanking popularity).

    So who can give him a set of directions home?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who said "I believe in free enterprise! As long as I can regulate it."?

    Here's a clue, he said it about 10 minutes ago.

    He also made such inane comments as the people can only succeed if they work "through" government.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Owe Bama says that he doesn't want to pass a health care bill that doesn't work?

    That whatever passes "I will own it.".

    So doesn't he also "OWEN" a stimulus bill where he promised that if passed unemployment wouldn't exceed 8.5%?

    And had his stimulus bill had worked, wouldn't all those who have lost their jobs after passing 8.5% still HAVE THEIR HEALTH CARE????

    Or is pointing this out just an inconvenient truth?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Tomorrow, will the politicians finally get a clue?

    When the District of Corruption is totally inundated with pizzed off Americans demanding that the government be returned to us?

    When all across the U.S. millions more will gather to voice their displeasure with Congress?

    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago