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Why are 30 Republican Senators in favor of rape?

Al Franken introduced a bill in the Senate that would forbid the US Government from engaging in business with companies that forbid employees from suing the company should they be raped, as was the case of a 19 year old woman working for Halliburton subsidary KBR in Iraq after she was gang-raped by her co-workers.


And here are the Senators too by the way... even conservatives have to admit this is disgusting to vote against this bill.


Alexander (R-TN) Barrasso (R-WY) Bond (R-MO) Brownback (R-KS) Bunning (R-KY) Burr (R-NC) Chambliss (R-GA) Coburn (R-OK) Cochran (R-MS) Corker (R-TN) Cornyn (R-TX) Crapo (R-ID) DeMint (R-SC) Ensign (R-NV) Enzi (R-WY) Graham (R-SC) Gregg (R-NH) Inhofe (R-OK) Isakson (R-GA) Johanns (R-NE) Kyl (R-AZ) McCain (R-AZ) McConnell (R-KY) Risch (R-ID) Roberts (R-KS) Sessions (R-AL) Shelby (R-AL) Thune (R-SD) Vitter (R-LA) Wicker (R-MS)

(nice to see the guy who ran for President on there too, huh?)


Youre comments about Wal-Mart were about Big Business if I believe, and my pointin calling you an idiot was that you had no sense of the marketplace, and to use Wal-Mart as an example was foolish.

Besides, why would any company have a no sue in case of rape clause?

Especially since the company in this particular incident was doing business in Iraq, and was outside any US government jurisdiction, and should provide a modicum of safety for their employees, at least from other individuals.

I'm sorry, but the business has a responsibility to its employees.

Sexual Harassment is a suable offense, but not rape?!?!?!?! WHAT?!?

Update 2:

Dark Knight - its a handful of prominent people who HAPPEN to be liberals who support Roman Polanski... but I haven't heard a single Democrat politician speak up in favor of him. It is not party policy to support Roman Polanski. Sorry, but you fail. Horrible analogy.

Update 3:

Frank - once again your absolute ignorance of how a company works is astounding. You say, so the company should micromanage the employees? Who's to say that there wasn't a blind eye turned?

When you sue a company, it goes to trial (unless they settle out of court to avoid the bad publicity of their employees gang-raping another employee) and then the justice system goes to work, with the decision in the hands of fellow citizens.

So she should have the right to sue, it doesn't mean that company loses.

How you can possibly defend this is simply digusting though. Go tell your view on this to your wife, girlfriend, mother, aunt, daughter, neice, etc. and see what kind of reaction you get.

Update 4:

Wichitao - actually a company can prevent an employee from suing, if that employee signed a contract stating that they wouldn't sue them. Its fairly regular in many cases, but you don;t see a rape clause usually.

Look, any company can do whatever they want, the bill wasn't preventing companies from including that clause in if they like, the bill simply said that the US government is going to do business with you if you have one of those.

Update 5:


Do you believe that sexual harassment is viable grounds for legal action?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Companies can not "forbid employees from suing the company" for anything. Sounds like a stupid law and who would vote for a stupid law?

    >Company clauses that prevent worker lawsuits are null and void in cases of criminal actions. Companies can not prevent workers from suing in cases of sexual harassment and rape is far worse than that.

    If KBR was actually culpible in that case, then it should be sued and there is nothing that it can do to prevent it.

    With issues of health care and Afghanistan, do we really need this political legislation?

    BTW. Al Franken must have liked the KBR employees at Ali al Saleem, Kuwait. He would not leave the air conditioned A-Pod building to visit troops in the customs clearing compound while he (and they) were awaiting transport from that location. I was there when that asshole would not visit troops while there was no camera on him.

    Source(s): MM1 USN/USNR OIF III
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    So, you are basically saying that you are intentionally making this sound worse just for fun, right? I am guessing that you feel that investigating and pursuing a group that was FILMED not only encouraging child prostitution and tax evasion, but providing the knowledge on how to accomplish these items, a small item? Did you actually read the text of the legislation proposed? Here it is for those who care enough to read: Sec. 8104. (a) None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be used for any existing or new Federal contract if the contractor or a subcontractor at any tier requires that an employee or independent contractor, as a condition of employment, sign a contract that mandates that the employee or independent contractor performing work under the contract or subcontract resolve through arbitration any claim under title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or any tort related to or arising out of sexual assault or harassment, including assault and battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, false imprisonment, or negligent hiring, supervision, or retention. Official text straight from the Library Of Congress. First, there is no evidence that the contractor "allowed" the offense, merely that they required arbitration for any claims. Granted, this does create a negative environment in that it could lead to people believing they can get away with anything. I'll grant that one. The legislation, however, is aimed directly at a corporation. It effectively removes Halliburton (not that I support them) from ever doing government work again. Should the company correct these items and improve their business practices, they are still cited specifically as not eligible. Also, this does not cover all crimes, but specific items. This legislation (or some derivative or it) should have been written to specifically BAN contract language requiring arbitration only. This just states that the government will not do business with these companies, not going to so far as to actually CORRECT the cause of the problem. Maybe that is why the senators voted against it? Perhaps it should have been done in a better way to prevent the situation from occuring at all instead of just worrying about if they are getting federal funds? Seem like that would be a much more noteworthy amendment, eh? The Warlock

  • 1 decade ago

    Because it was a flawed amendment. Specifically, here's the text of the amendment:

    "Sec. 8104. (a) None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be used for any existing or new Federal contract if the contractor or a subcontractor at any tier requires that an employee or independent contractor, as a condition of employment, sign a contract that mandates that the employee or independent contractor performing work under the contract or subcontract resolve through arbitration any claim under title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or any tort related to or arising out of sexual assault or harassment, including assault and battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, false imprisonment, or negligent hiring, supervision, or retention."

    It's the "or negligent hiring, supervision, or retention" part that is the problem. Why are those things exempted now from arbitration? This means any employee with a beef about the way they were hired, their boss, or why they were fired, can now make a federal case of it.

    If Franken would have just had the amendment stick to criminal acts, those 30 Senators wouldn't have opposed it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Shocking isn't it! I don't know how anyone could vote against a bill like this. No one who works for a government contractor should have to give their constitutional rights of due process of the law. The girl was not only gang raped, she was held prisoner without food and water for an extended period of time in a shipping unit. Republicans will protect Halliburton at any cost because their states make a lot of money off them.

    Source(s): .
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is just another party line vote from a government that is broken. The house and the senate need a cleaning before we will have a government that works as intended. The days of the old boys club is coming to end.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The same reason why you just spin stuff around. I had a discussion with you before about Wal*Mart how you called me an idiot because I said Wal*Mart sells groceries, electronics, and everything else. You're a truth spinner.

    I hope that puts a smile on your face.

    You calling it foolish for me to compare Wal*Mart saying how it sells everything in comparison to all the small companies is foolish? Dude you're uneducated and you just talk and talk. You never back it with anything, just type and type.

    Back to the Topic.



    Wow you're so stupid it's not even funny. So the company can micromanage and is responsible for the employees actions on all levels? How the hell can a company that big manage every single person. What they going to do, hire a police force in their infrastructure to keep order. This rape case is the employees fault. The management didn't tell the employee to rape the other employee. You like most dumbass liberals don't understand individual responsibility. Suing a company for millions is not Justice. Justice is throwing the rapist in jail.

    Edit#2, Again you're generic with the answer, you said she has the right to sue. The right to get what from the company other then their money? Like I said Justice will put the rapist in jail. Justice isn't giving millions in a criminal case. You are generic with your statements, you just type, what exactly is going to happen when she sues a company? You're generic.

    You're spinning it like usual. I SAID I WANT THE RAPIST IN JAIL. NOT A COMPANY LAW SUIT. Attacking the company doesn't serve justice. The company isn't responsible for individuals actions. The girl should be prosecuting the ones that raped her. You think I condone rape? You can't read, you're a truth spinner and ignorant. I said she should ATTACK THE RAPISTS, not the COMPANY. Read you god damn moron.

  • Power
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They are republicans. They have not changed it is just because of technology we are more informed about what they do. People who have grown up around republicans are not at all surprised about the way they are. They are not democrats. Dems are very different They care about people & want the best for others while republicans think they anyone who cares for others does it to get something for themselves. Republicans don't know what love is. Love is helping others feel safe & secure & to a republican sending people off to war is the way they calm their fears & feel secure. They think money is the way to feel safe while it might buy you a bed but it doesn't buy sleep. Dems are accused of not being religious but they just don't talk about private things cause they respect others. The dems I know are very spiritual, happy, healthy people while republicans are miserable, stuck people.They think things about libs that are not true. I am sitting her watching Oprah & she is doing a show on making people happy. Do they seriously think she is lazy, on welfare & not disiplined or successful? or any democrat for that matter.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes and how about we be able to sue the investors of these companies too? Or anybody that buys products from these companies...I think they should be liable too. Forget the people that actually did the raping...they're just victims of the system. It's mind boggling how ignorant you people are.

  • 1 decade ago

    Considering liberals support Roman Polanski who raped a 14 yr old child, it's pretty hypocritical when they try and smear Republicans.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this guy reminds me of obama talks a lot but twists the facts around and only tells half the truth

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