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Why would anyone wish for our President to fail?

Some well-known blowhards in the world of talk radio and Faux News have actually used the words, "I want Obama to fail." These are the same "patriots" who gave GW Bush a pass on everything he did, in the name of patriotism and the American way. How does one explain this contradictory, hypocritical viewpoint?

I am neither Republican nor Democrat. As Obama said himself, political party is not important, only our Americanness.


If our President fails, the country fails. Is that point not inherent in my question?

9 Answers

  • Doc
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How is it hypocritical to believe one is headed in the right direction and the other is not? If you thought someone was leading you astray and that someone refused to listen to you, would you continue to blindly support that someone anyway?

    *the following morning*

    A tough lesson I learned while serving in the Navy: I was the only enlisted man aboard "my" ship that like the C.O., Navigator and Chief Engineering Officer, could be "Relieved For Cause." I always worried that if I walked off "my" ship it would sink. Vacations were hard to come by and I worked on average 18-20 houors a day, six days a week. On the seventh, I'd usually put in about 10-12 and call it a day. I walked off "my" ship in 1996 and it still floats to this very day.

    Moral of the story? Presidents will come and Presidents will go, the question is, how much damage will they do while in office? The country still stands, regardless.

    Bush 43 stated that if you are not with us (Bush = America), you are against us. And the people who were not with him WHINED! Is that not what you are saying now? So, if you are not for Obama and his policies, then you are against America. I am very much FOR America and dead set against Obama.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh, they're hypocritical, are they?! They say these things because it needs to be said. If obama succeeds, the country will be "socialist"(aka soft communism). If obama fails, the country will remain the wonderful capitalist, free place it is today. They didn't give bush a pass, they complained about all the damn stupid things he did, too. But at least he didn't try to turn us into a socialism. He wasn't a good president, compared to alot of others. But compared to obama's regime, Bush's was nothing. The government is hypocritical, not the talk show hosts. The talk show hosts are supposed to tell their opinion. . The government is supposed to protect the constitution, yet the current one wants to do away with most of it. The government are the hypocrites. They say we have the freedom of speech, but say ***.ger just one time, and it's a hate crime. They say we have the right to self defense, but if you shoot someone who's trying to kill you, you're tried for murder, or manslaughter, or whatever they're calling it today. But the talk show hosts are the hypocrites?!

    I'm with you on the whole party thing. Whichever makes the most sense, and keeps the country the freest, that's all that matters to me. Always republican, at least they don't try to take away all our freedoms.

  • 4 years ago

    i did not vote for him. nonetheless McCain wasn't a lot of a decision the two. i want the country to be triumphant. keep in mind, he's a civil servant, not a messiah. however the greater I observe from DC, the greater suitable concerns I even have for this us of a. the two political events are spending way too a lot. government does 3 issues ok. Tax,spend and safeguard. i'm grateful for the protection. the different 2 products could be decreased to as small a burden as achievable. as an occasion i'm going to reference social risk-free practices and street taxes. Had they been used as they might desire to have been,we does not be dealing with a SS meltdown in 2041.And a "crumbling" infrastructure does not be an argument. yet while pols get funds, they spend it. it particularly is in basic terms their nature. even with what the money replaced into gained for,it particularly is spent on something that fits their fancy. A recipe for failure! And for the get right of entry to concerning to "evil republicans." stable to work out your thinking (Do you get sarcasm?).

  • 1 decade ago

    Because the things that he is trying to succed with are things that the country obviously does not want. I am not republican or democrat either but for once i agree with those "blowhards"

    This man is trying to nationalize our industries [already did the banks and part of the auto industry] Hes using strong arm tactics to try and bully the private sector [the very means that has made this country a world leader] and trying to shove any number of stupid things down our throats that this country obviously does not want [considering people are protesting like never before both lib and conservative]


    Bush got a pass on nothing. you obviously do not watch any of these blowhards because they smeared bush non stop for being a progressive...non stop....

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  • J S
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You can actually say Rush Limbaugh... but you should also say everything else he said. Rush stated that if Obama persued certain policies, then he hoped he failed. He didn't mean he wanted Obama himself to be a failure, but that he felt his policies were harmful to this country and unless he changed course, he wanted those policies and agendas not to make it through congress. I tend to agree. I would like Obama to be the man he pretended to be during the campaign, I would like to see him preside from the middle not the far left. If he chooses to continue to persue far left- socialist policies then yes, I hope everything he attempts to enact fails. But I would much rather see him be a successful president for the good of the whole country. That is also what Rush said, you should listen to what is said instead of just listening to sound bytes from the Obama loving media.

  • Roy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If socialism, bloated government, accelerating public debt and expanding interference in our lives are the likely outcomes of the agenda, then I hope anyone who is trying to advance it fails.

    I disagree with your additional comment -- if the current regime is unsuccessful in their attempts at socialism, bloated government, runaway budget deficits, and interference in our lives, then our country is much better off.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's kind of obvious why. But you are wrong about one thing. These people did not give GW a pass. They complained about him as wel..

  • 1 decade ago

    Its very stupid people need to stop discriminating because other look different. They don't realize that if he fail than they will be hurt about it in the long run. If he cant fix the problems that america is in then the country will continue to go downhill.

  • 1 decade ago

    fail USA

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