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Lv 5
itsme asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Is this not one of the cutest things you've ever seen?

I found this story this morning while I was reading the news and is just a great story. Sometimes I think we need more feel good stories on YA dog section and less people bashing. So here ya go people, start your day off with a smile:)

and look at the third pic at the bottom with the dog chewing on the piglet, awww...this makes me miss my old pet pig. Wonder if she would have played with my ABPT, lol.

LEGIT: So how many of you have dogs that have unusual friends? For instance my 44lb APBT is best friends with a 10lb JRT and a 6lb poodle mix as well as a lop eared bunny of my neighbors. I thought she might eat the rabbit but she just plays with it and gives it kisses. One of these days I should take a picture of that.


mcally: I miss my pig soo much. I had a Vietnamese pot belly pig named Miss Piggy. I got her as a lil piglet, her bed used to be a laundry basket. She was just like a dog, so loyal and easy to train, did tricks. A lot of people dont realize that Pigs are very intelligent animals, thats why I do not eat pork. I remember she used to lay against the heater in my bedroom and I would joke it smelled like

Update 2:

VIKK: I think they are cute yes, but I dont agree with them. I feel that it should be the way nature intended the pig, not teacup pigs. I feel the same way about those pigs as I do about teacup dogs. They were not meant to be. Even though yes they are adorable. I just think that people are taking it too far with selective breeding of animals and messing with genetics. Teacup pigs, mini cows that look like dog sized, it just isnt natural, plus you have to think what kind of health problems are these animals going to get now that they are not even half the size nature intended them to be.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Those pictures brought a smile to my face this morning!

    My avatar greyhound was friends with a little cat who used to come running when he saw him. The cat would jump up on with his front feet, and stand on him while they nuzzled each other, then they'd trot off together while I checked on the cat's owner's horses.

    And back in the day when I had my pet shop, I'd take my afghans into the shop for the day for socializing. I took one of my young males in one day and he and a rabbit I had for sale made friends - touching noses and sniffing each other. Very cute, but this dog had obviously no hunting instinct left! His ancestors would have been disgusted!!

  • mcally
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I actually have 2 pigs, a pot bellied pig and I just rescued a Russian Boar piglet. My pot belly kinda thinks she's a dog. When we let her out of her lot, she follows you around and wags her tail. She will even roll on her back for a belly rub. My dogs really like to play with her. She can and has bit them to put them in their place when they get to rough, they learned quickly not to get too rough lol. The other piglet isn't big enough to play yet.

    ADD: I grew up on a farm where the pigs were um food lol. I loved to just watch them and always wanted to keep one for a pet but couldn't. Now I have 2 that never have to worry about being bacon.

    <---- a picture of my pot belly when she was a piglet

  • Becky
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Cute story....let's hope they don't give out pigs ears as treats. LOL



    Many years ago my dad saw a mother duck (wild mallard) on the side of the road with about 13 ducklings. One was lame and couldn't keep up... sure to become a meal for a bobcat, fox, or alligator.

    Dad brought him home, splinted the leg, and the whole family took on the task of raising him. Including,our black lab, a hunting champion.

    Imagine her dismay when she wasn't allowed to scoop the little duck up in her mouth like she'd been trained for so many years. Instead, the duck adopted her as his mom, following everywhere, munching through her hair to preen her, snuggling up to sleep, etc.

    She never really became enamoured with him, but was unbelievably tolerant, and when she'd had enough, she'd politely get up to leave. It was so funny to see the duck chasing her around the yard.

    The duck healed well, grew into a beautiful drake, and we released him in the same area where he was found...very much to our dog's relief. LOL.

  • Alex R
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Haha it's so cute =)) Loved it =)) You made me smile, thanks for a wonderful start off to my day =)) I feel all warm & fuzzy inside =))

    Legit: Siberian Huskies have high prey drives, right? Mine does too. But he is still friends with my budgie lol he actually gives her kisses lol lol lol xD I'm still amazed at how he doesn't kill her! And he is friends with my sister's Chihuahua and the Chi puts him in his place regularly xD He is also sorta scared of my fish xD He puts his paw in the water, the fish come up and nudge his paw and he runs like crazy, I'm scared someday he'll knock off the aquarium while doing that (and no he loves water so it isn't the water he's scared of, he doesn't run until the fish nudge him!) Weird but true =))

    Source(s): my 1 year old husky boy =))
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Its a west highland terrier. Also known as a Westie, its the dog that the face of Cesar dog food. The ones in colorful little packages. They are utterly adorable dogs and i want one soo badly. It is a funny video.

  • 1 decade ago

    When I was a kid we had two kittens we raised by hand, because their mother died. One of them fell in love with my Collie. She preferred his company to ours. :o)

    She would curl up between his legs to sleep, and when I took him for a walk, she would go with us.

    At the time I lived where it snowed. When we went for walks in the snow she would usually only make it about half way before her feet got so cold she would cry, and I would have to pick her up and carry her the rest of the way home. :o)

    Source(s): lots o dogs
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    AWW I want a pig! They're such characters & so smart.

    Legit: Toby loves everything & everyone, enough said LOL.

  • 1 decade ago

    Aww thats so cute, thats why puppies are amazing they let anyone join their pack .... bless em

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is sooo cute!

    I think this is even sweeter though...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not even close....maudlin,silly anthropomorphizing is juvenile & blind to reality.

    "Charlotte's Web" is fiction.

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