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  • is the vet telling me the right thing?

    my 54 lbd APBT has had the runs for four days. It started out of no where and was so bad a few days ago it was just dripping out of her. no mucous no blood no worms. we called the vet and they said pepto and chicken and rice. she did not poop at all yesterday and then today the runs again. not so squirty but deff the runs. it is all day long in the house and everything. which is not like her. otherwise she is playful, hungry acting normal drinking water and all. vet says dont bother to bring her in it could last a few weeks. does this sound right to you guys out there? i am overly concerned for her i think it is making me more upset then the dog but i dont know what to do. it dosnt seem normal for me. what do you think?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Ok, I have never heard of these dogs, have you?

    My mother was reading the classifieds yesterday and she came across an add selling mini pit bulls. said Pure bred Pit Bulls, no more than 20lbs fully grown!! I tried to look it up online, but found like pinscher/pit bull mixes they were calling minis, but come on now. I cant imagine that someone would try to teacup a pit bull, so to speak. So I do not know ANYTHING about breeding or how it works, so do you think they are pure bred, or mixes that people are saying are pure like the razors edge Pits? I am curious, but i think it is a horrible idea. I dont understand how being smaller than a purebred APBT would be benificial to the breed. And the add my mother read was asking $2500 a pup for females and $2000 for males. So dog section, your opinions please?

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is this not one of the cutest things you've ever seen?

    I found this story this morning while I was reading the news and is just a great story. Sometimes I think we need more feel good stories on YA dog section and less people bashing. So here ya go people, start your day off with a smile:)

    and look at the third pic at the bottom with the dog chewing on the piglet, awww...this makes me miss my old pet pig. Wonder if she would have played with my ABPT, lol.

    LEGIT: So how many of you have dogs that have unusual friends? For instance my 44lb APBT is best friends with a 10lb JRT and a 6lb poodle mix as well as a lop eared bunny of my neighbors. I thought she might eat the rabbit but she just plays with it and gives it kisses. One of these days I should take a picture of that.

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How Do I Make This Happen and do you think it is fair?

    My APBT and I visit my mothers house like once a month. My mom has 2 dogs as well, but hers are poodle mixes both under 15pounds. My dog is 44 pounds, but I have treated her like a lap dog her whole life(she is 14 months). I dont mind, I think she is a medium sized dog, whereas my mother swears she is a giant. Well anyway, my mom now decides she doesnt want my dog on her couch anymore. She has always been allowed on furniture at both mine and my mothers house. Now my mom decides for NO reason that she just dont want her there. Its because my dog is excited to see my mom and sits there and stares or puts her head on my moms shoulder. Well my mother says its not right because she is too big to do this. Now she said when we go back, my dog isnt allowed on the couch. She was yelling at her to get down (which she would) but then jumps right back up because she sees my moms 2 dogs on the couch. I dont think it is fair to my dog. I also dont see how I can keep mine off when she has always been allowed up. Plus she sees the other dogs there. And she IS allowed and ALWAYS will be allowed to sleep on my couch at home. I could never give up my snuggle couch tv time with my dog. I just dont see how it will work. Any suggestions please?

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dogz101 can you answer this question?

    I seen you answer a different question. I went to your profile but you dont allow any emails. I was curious. What kind of dog is in your avatar? and how old is he or she? just wondering. Your dog looks exactly like my dog. The white stripe and all. Well just wanted to ask and tell you your dog is a beauty. Do you have bigger pics of it? Id love to see.

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • What Do You Think of This? Are you as upset as I am?

    I am bored a lot at work, so I read the dailymail newspaper from the uk and when I went on the website today I came across this article

    So, does anyone else feel the same way I do about this? I think it is insulting to the dogs, horrible way to be an artist and just disgusting the way they are portrayed. Dogs are dogs, not art. I used to have poodles, and I can tell you that If I tried to do anything like that to them, they would have had a fit on me!! Dont those dogs look like they are unhappy? Or am I the only one that thinks this is a form of animal abuse? It may not be as bad as beating or fighting dogs, but come on now.

    17 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • APBT owners: Does this sound right to you?

    My dog is 13 months. she is 44lbs. actually she was 47 lbs a few weeks ago but now she is at 44lbs. she hardly eats. she is a good weight the vet said, not under or over weight. I guess I am curious. I read a question about food and how much dogs eat. How come mine dont eat that much? She gets breakfast, soon to change to dinner because of a change in work schedual for me. she gets half a can of wet mixed with 1/3 cup of kibble. Wellness Super5mix. Then she is allowed to have up to 3 more cups a day, which i leave out for her all day. she never eats when i am not home( i guess because she knows she cant go outside) She will eat like another 1/2 cup at night when i get home. and thats it. The vet said she should eat like 4 cups a day. I dont get it. She is lucky if she eats more than a cup. With her old food, the GoodLife recipie(i know its crap thats why we changed) she used to eat like 5 cups a day. I know with a better food, they eat less, but that much less? I didnt worry about it too much because she is a healthy weight, but what do you think? HOw much do your APBT's eat?

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • POLL: which one do you say?

    My b/f and I have an ongoing fight for 3 years about which is correct to say. So what do you think, Firefly or Lightning Bug?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Could you or would you do this?

    I was reading a ? on YA here it is;_ylt=ArlGr...

    and it made me laugh. I always thought of things like that when i was younger. lol so how about it dog section...Could you date/marry a person with the same name as your dog? Have any of you dated or are married now to a person with the same name?

    I dont think i could it kinda freaks me out a bit lol

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do you think this is as funny as i do? RE:Michael Vick?

    I just got this email from a daily blogger that i love. Its on Michael Vick

    I know not the best section but come on we are dog people right?

    heres the link

    I think its hysterical...Mexico lol

    herpes and dog fighting wow what a catch!!

    so how many people think that MV should be put in a ring and fight to the death like he had his poor dogs do? oh an i think MV should lose of

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What kind of toys are good for APBT or hard chewers?

    I have an 11 month old APBT that is a hard chewer but i still want her to have toys, besides extreme kongs, what others are out there that are good?

    My last question was reported to YA and for no good reason...keep staring to see whats going on..Trolls have plans look here;_ylt=Am8uB...

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What Do You Think about this dog site?

    Please go to this website and vote for my baby. We are Lil Sammie Da Bull and Mommy. She is the first one listed on the page.

    an let me know what you think about the site..Do you think the baskets are too expensive for whats inside them?

    now legit question: What is your dogs name and where did they come from?

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Does anyone out there have a Doggie Dooley?

    I have a problem not agreeing with my neighbors and my b/f where to dispose of my dogs poop. My neighbors are complaining that i put my dog poop in a trash can designated dog poop only because they say they can see the can when they look out the window...I feel like throwing dog poop all i gotta stop lol. Anyway. Ive been researching the doggie dooley and wondered about anyones experiance with it. Does it work, did you have installation problems, anything go wrong? Any info at all would be appreciated. Oh an where did you buy it? I dont wanna spend $60 on something that might not work good.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What are your best homemade doggie treat recipes?

    I am having a first birthday party for my APBT Lil Sammie Da Bull soon and i was wondering what are some good dog treat recipes that i can make as party favors? I would like to make anything for her from doggie cake to cookies so come on YA people gimmie your best!!

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Did anyone see this disgusting report?

    Look at story here

    This is disgusting. Who here feels this guy shoulda got a lot longer than 3 months in jail..and a firefighter at that..omg It makes me sick.

    17 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • why is it always obedience classes?

    Im just curious again no need to attack me i do agree that some dogs and people should go to obedience training. But it is not always needed. I see a lot as soon as someone gets a pup right away everyone is like obedience training get a trainer..what if you are very capable of training your dog yourself? I never took my APBT to training classes. I was going to and had the plans to, but after she got old enough to go, i found it was not needed because she is so smart and learns very quickly. I taught her myself by common knowledge and reading up online, videos, talking to people ect. My dog knows over 15 commands and tons of words. She even understands the kind of toys she has and obeys to get them. Like when i say get kongball and she looks around and gets it or get rope and she runs away and finds it. I taught her to not pull on her leash, jumping up, dancing down sit stay lay down go away shake paw roll over fetch her toy names, go to your house which means get in the cage. And people still will tell me i need a trainer. Why? what can a trainer do that i haven't? And she is already socialized. I live in a small town only 7 streets no stop lights 1 gas station that's it. Everyone knows her and come by to pet and some even bring their dogs by while they are walking to see her, so she doesn't need more socialization.

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What ever happened to the "Good Ol Days"?

    The "good ol days when a dog picked a person and not the other way around. I know a lot of people are going to say things like papers, akc and genetics stuff like that. I grew up with dogs and have had them all my 27 years. I was raised that there are too many dogs being killed in shelters and you should not buy from a petstore, puppymill or even a breeder unless it is a show dog. I remember each time we rescued a dog like it was yesterday. I remember walking down the aisles of cages that hopefulls were in at the shelter. And most importantly I remember the feeling in the pit of my stomach, the choked up felling in the back of my throat, the tears welling in my eyes when i first lay eyes on the dog that picked me. It is just more rewarding to know that you have a bond with your lil one that is stronger than anything because you saved him. To me buying a dog is like one of the 7 deadly And also a lot of people on here are against mutts, most of my dogs have been mutts except 3 and they all lived happy healthy LONG lives just fine without papers, genetic testing, temperment training and what have you. in fact my oldest passed on last year,a 23 y/o Mutt or to others you would call him a cocker spanial X Poodle I just wanted to know if anyone else here feels the same way i do.

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What kind of food should i use?

    I have a 11 month old pitbull terrier. She is perfect weight at 36 lbs and healthy. she has a bit of a flake problem. I have been feeding different kinds of puppy food switching like the vet told me to. Right now she is on Purina Puppychow. Its not good for her i dont think. She does eat wet not concerned about that. I needto know what kind of dry dog food to switch her to for her adult food. I dont want it to be extremely expensive, i would like it to help her flakey problem they say that the foods nutrients cause that. Right now i add omega 3 and 6 oils to her food but i dont want to have to do this forever if i dont have to i think a better food would do the trick but i am confused. When i ask professionals like vet or petstore they always reccomend what they specifically sell. I want to know the truth!!

    18 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I just had my dog spayed.... is this normal?

    My dog is a 10 month old pit terrier and she got spayed on March 31st. She is now trying to jump around and stuff so i put her in a crate to restrict movement. 2 days after surgery she started to pee blood and i went to the vet who said it was normal and gave me an antibiotic and a pain med to put her on. She has been taken the antibiotic for 4 days now and still having trouble holding urine. She used to be able to hold it for like 10 hours now she wants to go out every hour. She pees normal but after stream comes out then she pushes and passes a few drops of blood. Its not comfortable for her. And there was some discharge from the wound. Vet said ok i am not so sure. what do you think?

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • can i get an insurance agent's license if i have a criminal background?

    i have 3 misdameanor charges from 2001 for retail theft(under $30 and property recoverd) and possession of a controlled substance nad possesion of marijuanna (both personal use) will this stop me from getting my license? i know they do a background check and it will show but does that mean i cant get a license?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago