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Lv 5
itsme asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

why is it always obedience classes?

Im just curious again no need to attack me i do agree that some dogs and people should go to obedience training. But it is not always needed. I see a lot as soon as someone gets a pup right away everyone is like obedience training get a trainer..what if you are very capable of training your dog yourself? I never took my APBT to training classes. I was going to and had the plans to, but after she got old enough to go, i found it was not needed because she is so smart and learns very quickly. I taught her myself by common knowledge and reading up online, videos, talking to people ect. My dog knows over 15 commands and tons of words. She even understands the kind of toys she has and obeys to get them. Like when i say get kongball and she looks around and gets it or get rope and she runs away and finds it. I taught her to not pull on her leash, jumping up, dancing down sit stay lay down go away shake paw roll over fetch her toy names, go to your house which means get in the cage. And people still will tell me i need a trainer. Why? what can a trainer do that i haven't? And she is already socialized. I live in a small town only 7 streets no stop lights 1 gas station that's it. Everyone knows her and come by to pet and some even bring their dogs by while they are walking to see her, so she doesn't need more socialization.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think anyone has ever said it is always needed.

    But for some of the questions asked on here then it is obvious that a lot of people should.

    Don't judge everybody by your own standards here, cause you have obviously done a wonderful job and it doesn't matter if you use different words or slightly different exercises - fact is you have trained your dog.

    Most, as Robin said, need classes for the people to be trained how to train their dogs.

    When I get a new pup I do three classes a week, a ringcraft, a low-key obedience and a good quality one. I don't need any, but it is good socialisation for a rottie - it focuses an hour a time on this one dog instead of sharing my time at home with the others. It is good to pick up other peoples ideas and it's good bonding time.

    Well done to you and I would be the first to say that you don't need anything else by the sound of it. Your dog has got far more training than most get.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are right you don't NEED trainer if you are capable of doing it your self. It also depends on the dog and the breed itself. Some breeds are more strong willed and need to have a firm hand on them. Not everyone can do that (most people).

    I think puppy class is beneficial for everyone. Its not so much the actual training in the puppy class but the socialization your dog is getting with other puppies.

    As far as adult training if you know how to train your dog the RIGHT way then you don't need to pay someone to do it. One good thing about it is that your dog will learn in a safe environment while learning how to listen to you around other dogs and distractions. That's not training you can really do at home. Its social skills and making sure your dog can listen not just at home, but also outside of the house where there is other distractions.

    So I would say training classes are good for many reasons, but not EVERYONE has to take there dogs there. Not EVERYONE needs to have a trainer. Hope this helps!

    Source(s): Owner of bully breeds
  • 1 decade ago

    Years ago, families spent time training their dogs to sit, stay, come, down-- many of the commands and lots of "tricks", often with their own choice of wording. The result was, good family pets that interacted well with people and other animals. That's the goal. If it takes obedience classes to get there, then go for it. Sounds like your dog is doing just fine with what you are providing.

    If a dog is not in a show ring, it doesn't have to be trained like a circus seal to be a well trained dog.

    My question would be if people where you live are telling you that you should get a trainer. If that were the case, then I'd ask them why because maybe I'd be missing something that was concerning others around me who see me and my dog and how we interact, and how the dog is around others.

    If you are asking questions about training online and indicating that there are problematic areas for you, then it makes sense people would advise your getting involved with a trainer.

    It sounds like you live in an ideal situation and you and your dog are pretty satisfied with how you live.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You are the smart one. The thing is it's not the dog that is being trained at these classes it's the people and they don't even know it so when they get another dog they go back to class. Not real smart. I love my dogs for companionship not showman ship. As long as they do what I want I don't care about them learning tricks. They are my children and I raise them as such. All my dogs are sweet and gentle but if you hurt them or me they will hurt you. And when one person here has a problem everyone says go to classes which is not always needed. I do wish more people would just be helpful as they can or don't answer the question.

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  • Terra
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because some people aren't as capable as you. I my self have an APBT named Wrath who I adopted from the animal shelter and do to that I went to classes, I wasn't 100 percent sure if he might be aggressive to anyone or to any animal and lucky for me he wasn't ((I got him when he was 2 he is now 4)) and then I in rolled him in therapy dog classes along with obedience and he passed with FLYING colors, I can't say FOR SURE that it was the obedience and I can't say for sure that I couldn't have trained him the same way, I work with Pits and am apprentice to a trainer, but I wanted to MAKE SURE that my dog would be a loving companion not the next horror story on the news. He is now a registered therapy dog and visits children in the hospitals with out any stress AT ALL, he loves children ;), he can easily walk off leash, he knows tons of tricks from turning on/off lights to getting his toys by name and counting and he knows basic obedience. Anyway I'm not saying classes are needed for everyone but people should be able to admit when they're over their heads in problems.

  • 1 decade ago

    Im an experienced dog owner - I am competing at agility

    even I find classes helpful...with every trainer I pick up something new.

    It also can keep you motivated to train every day since you need to show off your new skills at class.

    Some of the issues brought up here are simple training issues - if people dont know that - they need to see a trainer

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like you did a great job with your dog :)

    Obedience classes are really not needed in some cases, but i think that people sign up for them, especially if they are a first time dog owner, because they aren't really sure where to start with their dog. Sometimes it helps to have the expertise and guidance of some one who works with and trains dogs for a living. Obedience classes can be a great way to get started with a puppy but as you proved they arent neccesary and many dogs do very well without them :)

    Source(s): we put my dog through some classes when he was young.
  • 1 decade ago

    The plus side of classes are the pup getting socialization.

    I have always trained by dogs myself and it has worked well for me.

    However... shhhh... when I got a pup with my boyfriend I started attending classes because he's not very good with training, he's an awful pushover with dogs and always has been. This way I can be sure he's being consistent. ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I think people should do classes for the socializing. But also you would be surprised at the number of people who actually don't know anything about training a dog. If someone already knows how to train their dog.......GREAT.

  • 1 decade ago

    they are lame!

    i went to one with my cousin because she got her puppy and everything that they did in that class i could do all on my own.

    Why would i pay money for someone to tell me how to train my

    dog when i can do it on my own for free.

    my husband and i were able to train our german shepherd.

    he is so smart! sit, stay, lay, up, come and more and more.

    i agree with you. i don't think they are needed. maybe for those who

    have never owned a dog or are completely clueless as to how to train

    a dog but i asked a question a while ago and people were suggesting

    to bring my puppy to a dog trainer when all i mentioned was that

    i had a puppy..had nothing to do with my question.

    ya, honestly i'm saving my hundred or so dollars and training my dog..people come and see our dog all the time anyway and we have another dog so obviously it is friendly.

    agree with you 100%!

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