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would you ever consider learning about a different faith?

sometimes in this section, the tones become a little nasty. if people are truly interested in another religion, why not attend that church, synagogue, whatever?.People will be more than happy to teach you. But if you don't care enough to learn for yourself, why speak so rudely to others, as if your point of view is the only correct one.I mean this for people of every religion that can't be nice.There are always other opinions, but there is no need to mock others, is there?


Thanks for all your good answers.That's what I meant- to learn about another religion if you don't know, but it doesn't mean practice that faith. But Caveman- gotta tell ya- kind of a lot of ranting there huh? Nobody was asking you to leave your church.You sure got overly sensitive, which kind of proved my point!

25 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is always a good idea to learn about other faiths. I personally have no desire whatsoever to convert away from mine, but I have found that as I learn about other faiths I am able to relate to others better.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have. People have always said a lot of false things about my faith, and I always thought it was only because they'd never taken the time to learn what I actually believe or what people of my faith are often like. It's safe to assume that's the way it is for people of many religions.

    I've studied with the Catholics, and the Jews, and even a little with the Jehovah's Witnesses. I never intended to leave my own faith--I love it far too much--but learning about others has helped me be a little more compassionate and less judgmental.

    It's never a bad thing to understand others. You make a good point. I hope some will listen.

  • 3 in 1
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Learning a different faith and practicing it are two different things. Some people think if they learn a different faith they are going against their own religion. I personally love learning about different religions. I am a Christian and I have done some research on a lot of other religions, such as Islam, Catholicism, Mormonism, Masonry, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Paganism, Atheism& New Age )which technically the last two aren't really considered religions).

    Expanding your understanding of others beliefs help to gain knowledge instead of ignorance. If you are well grounded in your faith, and you study another, that doesn't mean you are going to be persuaded to convert, but there is always a chance when you learn something about a different religion you want to convert on your own.

    Source(s): Me
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually, I have learned about other churches, and not all Mormons rant; might I just add that we are counseled in D+C 88 to read all good books and further taught by our authorities that all religions contain a fraction of the truth,(no matter how small that fraction may be).

    I have not found another church to which I would belong, but I have garnered a little knowledge of others religions because I have worked with and attended school with those of different beliefs.

    Source(s): LDS In this life and the next
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  • 1 decade ago

    I love learning about different religions.I find it fascinating the commonalities I find around the world. I'm taking a class right now, but it gives REALLY brief overviews because there's so much to cover. I'd like to get some books about other religions- written by people in said religions. I'd like to visit other churches as well, although books are a little less limiting due to the travel visiting requires.

    Source(s): I'm LDS (Mormon), by the way.
  • 1 decade ago

    I have gone to other churches and learned other faiths...I just like mine best!

    I do agree that people are pretty nasty on here a lot though.

    God Bless or whatever religion or non religion you are I hope you are blessed by what you believe!

  • 1 decade ago

    Catholic schools in grade 11 have a mandatory world religions class.

    I like learning about different religions.

    Source(s): athiest, that goes to a catholic school.
  • 1 decade ago

    I took a religions course to get a basic understanding of different religions. I only get rude when others get rude with me first.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've learned very many to insure mine is all I think it is and point out to others the errors in those religions.\

    But then I have not only faith but personal experiences. But only faith is the foundation.

  • 1 decade ago


    I have been thinking of quitting the Mormon Church. Yes, if I can, I am going to get even with that church. As soon as I can find another Church that teaches about the Gathering of the House of Israel; the return of the Ten Tribes and their mission; the return of the Jews to Palestine and why, and how they are going to build the temple; the building of temples and what to do with them; the mission of Elias, the prophet, as predicted by Malachi; the method for the salvation of the people that died at the time of Noah in the flood; the origin of the American Indian; the complete explanation of why Jesus of Nazareth had to have a mortal mother but not a mortal father; the explanation of the three degrees of glory (three heavens) as mentioned by Paul; the complete explanation of why Elias and Moses did not die but had to be translated (since they both lived before the resurrection was introduced by Christ); the restoration of the gospel by modern revelation as promised by Peter and Paul and Jesus himself; the belief in eternal marriage and the family, and the Knowledge and the place to seal for eternity; that teaches abstinence from all harmful drugs and foods; and that sells the best fire insurance policy on earth, for the last days, for only a 10th of my income.

    Yes sir, as soon as I can find another church that teaches all that, or even half as much, I will say good-bye to this Mormon Church. The church that I am looking for must also be able to motivate 50,000+ youth, and adults, for the first, second or third time, to leave their homes for two years at their own expense and go to far-away places to teach and preach without salary. It must be able to call, on a frosty day, some 5 or 6 thousand professors, students, lawyers, doctors, judges, policemen, businessmen, housewives and children to go and pick apples at 6 A.M.

    Yes, it must also teach and show why salvation is assured for children who die before eight years of age. Can you help me find a church that teaches all that and more than hundreds of other doctrines and principles, which I have no room to mention here, and which brings solace and comfort to the soul; peace, hope, and salvation to mankind, and above all, that answers the key questions that all the great philosophers have asked; questions and answers that explain the meaning of life, the purpose of death, suffering and pain; the absolute need for a Redeemer and the marvelous plan conceived and executed by Jesus Christ the Savior?

    Yes, as soon as I find another church that teaches that, and also that has the organization and the powers to make that teaching effective, I am going to quit the Mormon Church. For I should not tolerate that "they" should change a few words in the Book of Mormon-even if those changes simply improve the grammar and the syntax of the verses- for, after all, don't you think the Divine Church should employ angels as bookmakers, and clerks, to do all the chores on earth? Don't you think that the Divine Church should also have prophets that don't get sick and don't get old and die, and certainly, that don't make a goof here and there. No, sir! A Divine Church should be so divine that only perfect people should belong to it, and only perfect people should run it. As a matter of fact, the Church should be so perfect that it should not even be here on earth! So, I repeat, if any one of the kind readers of this imperfect letter knows about another church that teaches and does as much for mankind as the Mormon Church, please let me know. And please do it soon, because my turn to go to the cannery is coming up. And also, someone the other day had the gall of suggesting that my wife and I get ready to go on a mission, and when you come back, they said, you can volunteer as a temple worker. Boy, these Mormons don't leave you alone for a minute. And what do I get for all that, I asked? "Well," they said, "for one, you can look forward to a funeral service at no charge!"... Do you think you can help me to find another church?

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