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Does anyone else here think religion is ridiculous?

I know that you live your life that way, and I fully accept that, but I think it's interesting that you believe in God and the Afterlife and such. To me it seems like worshipping unicorns. The bible is like a big fairy tale book to me and anyone who follows it word for word can't think for themselves. I agree with treating people with respect, but what about all of the magic crap? Does anyone agree with me?


Alright, I worded this question incorrectly. I do not disrespect any religious person. They are entitled to their own opinion, as am I. I was just wondering how many people agreed with my point of view. I disagree with some aspects of religion. I simply wanted to see how many people agreed. Like a poll. ;)

43 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Absolutely and totally agree. I have taught university level religion courses for 14 years....and I know it all just badly written Bronze Age mythology.

    The bible is a fairy tale based on other fairy tales, and if you go to, you can download a book called Bible Myths and Their Parallels to Other Religions. It was written 150 years ago, and was used at Harvard Seminary. It proves that most bible stories were "copied and pasted" and aren't even original, let alone real, and the priests know this too.

    Source(s): degree in philosophy and religion
  • 1 decade ago

    The bible isnt like a big fairy tale book. And whether you believe in religion or not, its a fact that Jesus was a person and died on the cross. You may not believe that he rose from the dead, like i do, but he was still real. And that makes it not a big fairy tale. How could it be anyway? Its all true, and who would sit there and right that whole thing?

  • 1 decade ago

    The truth is the Bible is the most verifiable book of any ancient writings. It's not magic nor is it fairy tales.

    If you're intellectually honest and brave enough to investigate those claims for yourself then find and read books by Norman Geisler and Les Strobbel.

    Take care

  • 1 decade ago

    I 1000% agree.

    Taking those stories literally, needing someone to save you from living in Realityy is ludicrous. Look at what the ideas of the backward minds who refuse science have done to my life, to yours, to the world's governments!

    Anyone can believe what he or she chooses; but religion says you don't belong in thisworld--so I ask believers in a different otherworld to go away and join a monastery, I say, "do what you must if you believe in religion--but stop ruining my world, my life and my science with antithisworldly nonsense by staying around and malfunctioning. And attacking me because I want to live a happy and worthwhile life as a realist".

    Thanks for asking.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Why are there so many religions?

    A recent tabulation concluded that there are 10 main religions and some 10,000 sects. Of these, some 6,000 exist in Africa, 1,200 in the United States, and hundreds in other lands.

    Many factors have contributed to the development of new religious groups. Some have said that the various religions all represent different ways of presenting religious truth. But a comparison of their teachings and practices with the Bible indicates, rather, that the diversity of religions is because people have become followers of men instead of listening to God. It is noteworthy that, to a large extent, teachings they hold in common, but that differ from the Bible, originated in ancient Babylon. (See pages 50, 51, under the heading “Babylon the Great.”)

    Who is the instigator of such religious confusion? The Bible identifies Satan the Devil as “the god of this system of things.” (2 Cor. 4:4) It warns us that “the things which the nations sacrifice they sacrifice to demons, and not to God.” (1 Cor. 10:20) How vitally important, then, to make sure that we really are worshiping the true God, the Creator of heaven and earth, and that our worship is pleasing to him!

  • 1 decade ago

    i pretty much agree..... ! i do NOT believe the bible at all ! i have always believed in god but most of all jesus. recently i have started to strongly question the existence of god though. we are taught that god is an all loving all forgiving all powerful being yet in my opinion love and power would NEVER let a small child be raped and murdered and tossed in the garbage as if she had no worth. or would let a daycare full of toddlers burn to death while their mothers stood outside and helplessly watched ! these things should not be and that is why i have started to seriously question all i have been taught. i guess now my feelings are that i chose to believe in jesus because i need to believe that somebody loves me without question but i still don't understand or will accept the nonsense that evil is necessary so that there can be good that's bullshit ! so to answer your not go to church and i have millions of unanswered questions but i still believe in something...just not quite sure what it is.

  • Azu
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Sometimes, there are things that we can't define with a Science textbook. So, some people choose to follow a religion as a definition for them. Others go and seek microscopes and charts.

    I, personally, do follow a religion. I believe that not all things can be explained with charts, graphs, and reasons. And sometimes, what we believe in defines us :3

  • 1 decade ago

    To me it's good for some people..they need to label things....can't explain it label it as "God", or if they are tempted...blame the devil..easier than taking responsibility. Ridiculous? Maybe...but I think its more sad than ridiculous.

    The whole rapture thing cracks me up. Someone posted a link in response to another question that listed ways that people were supposed to be able to tell Jesus would return soon....most of these things apply to the last couple hundred years or so. LOL

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah. And what's funny is the Bible actually compares God to a unicorn in Numbers 24:8.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If i have a religion and my religion is to walk three miles a day for my health,what is ridiculous about that? If i have a religion that says be kind in word to others and if i can't be kind say nothing at all,what is ridiculous about that?

    If i believe Christ is the teacher of the attributes of spiritual love ,what is ridiculous about that. Religion is your practice in life,if you are Christian,Jew or Hindu or Muslim or whatever your practice & belief is,so what is it that is ridiculous about that?<>

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