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Batman asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

Cliffhanging problem.?

Lets pretend you and a friend are rock climbing up a really steep cliff. All of a sudden your friend starts to fall. You reach out and manage to grab him by the wrist.

So now you are both dangling there with only your one armed grip keeping both of you from falling to your death. You realize that if you had both of your arms free you could pull yourself up to safety, but your friend is too heavy to pull up with just your one arm.

Luckily a rescue crew was watching you and sees you in distress. They are on their way to save both of you, but it will take 15 minutes for them to get there, and even then there's a chance they won't be able to save both of you.

On top of that you aren't sure if the Rock you are holding onto will support both of your weights for that long, and your shoulder has been pulled out of it's socket causing you a ton of pain. The longer you hold on the more tired you become, making the likely hood of pulling yourself up worse.

What should(not is) what should your legal rights be in this situation?

Are you allowed to let go of your climbing buddy or is that Murder?

If you let go, but your buddy is still holding on to your wrist can you shake him off?

Is this scenario a good analogy for Abortion? why or why not?


Stupid question. I didn't ask what a true friend would do. I ask what he is legally obligated to do.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    So my "friend" is too weak to pull themselves up and help themselves? If they're that weak (or injured), they'll let go on their own, or if they're that "heavy" my fingers will not be able to hold us both or arm will rip from my body.

    Legally, if our arms sweat, and they will under this kind of stress, and they lose their grip, I am not liable.

    Yes, I'm "allowed" to let go, my values would permit it, yours may not.

    Again, I wouldn't have to shake him off, sweat, remember. But, self-preservation usually overrides any morals you were taught.

    It's not a good analogy to me. A fetus is technically a parasite, and a friend is someone (i.e., someone that has a certificate of birth) that you know. But abortion is not my issue, being a male; it would be if I was capable of giving birth. In that case, it's my body, my life, my choice and my business, and no one has the right to tell me what to do with it

    You can make any analogy you want to create work for you, but an apple is an apple and an orange is an orange.

    If this is a "legal" question rather than a moral question, it belongs on the Politics & Government > Law & Ethics board.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hope you didn't give away your main point too easily.

    You have the legal right to let go, since he/she is endangering your life, or causing you pain. Also, he the one responsible for the accident.

    No it is not murder.

    It depends how strong you are, or how much it hurts.

    This is not a "good" analogy because:

    1. The fetus is not a fully formed human.

    2. The fetus is not a friend.

    3. The fetus doesn't have the rights of a fully formed human

    4. The woman is the responsible party in the case of abortion as opposed to the faller in your story.

    5. There may be some analogy in that though abortion is a fundamental right under the constitution, it is also under strict scrutiny. I don't see how your "suffering saviour" could be considered as legally "under scrutiny" in U.S. courts of today.

    It is clever to say that both are "alive" at the some point before the one is not saved, and the second is aborted, but that's the extent of the analogy for me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    legally you should be allowed to let go and try to save your self.... that's personal freedom... legally he is allowed to cling to you... same freedom. You are not allowed to shake him off, that's intent to dislodge him not save yourself.

    terrible analogy for abortion, the number and types of cases where the mothers life is at risk are damn few and far between... most abortions are considered and done out of convenience... like if you are your buddy are walking along a cliff and you discover you have a blister on your heel... do you pop it or let it grow until it is a large problem

  • 1 decade ago

    Its a good analogy for an exercise in futility.

    Anyway some people deem abortion to be at least undesireable if not outright Murder.

    And its not going away ; anology or no anology.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Stupid question, any true friend would thow their friend to the top of saftey before themselves.

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