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What is the GOP health reform plan?

Besides "stall and obstruct"?


robzuc97: Well I glad you know the definition of facetious.. Now let me teach the definition of analytical thinking. Analytical thinking is what you didn't do when you read the GOP link you cited. What they have there is not a plan, its a list of ideas. What we need is this, what we want is this... A plan actually takes those ideas and turns them into something that can be accomplished, not abstract wants and desires.

Update 2:

Corbi - What you just said doesn't even make sense. You seem to think I hold the same anger and faux outrage about things that you do. You seem to believe that all of us left leaners are lazy good for nothings who just want a handout, as opposed to being the vast majority of successful small business owners and professionals that we are. We just have compassion for people not as fortunate as ourselves, and believe that our government can and should be a benevolent one.

Update 3:

Joe - Who said that there would be transparency in the creation of bills? That is such an inefficient way to do anything. However, the bill has been drafted, and it is now available for anyone to download and read. That IS transparency.

Update 4:

Joe - First off, you attack me and ask me to get my facts straight... I have offered no facts, nor have claimed to, so there is no information to correct. I ask a question, your job is to answer it.

I have read HR 3400 btw, and its not even close to being comprehensive, and most of its provisions are superficial band aids.

Update 5:

Corbi - Not quite as outraged as you may think. I call out hypocrisy in my questions, and my compassion extends to all people who are not as well off as me, regardless of party affiliation. What I can't stand though is when GOP makes false claims and uses religion to garner working man votes and has them voting against their own economic self interest. But either way I abhor lies from both sides, but do not hide which side I am rooting for.

Update 6:


Your first link is broken, and your next 2 are repeats. Apparently you can't read either, because someone else pointed me to thatone before, and I already addressed it. Those are ideas, empty rhetoric. They have yet to formulate an actual plan with those ideas.

And if you think George Bush was trying to push through reform for the good fo the country, you need to check again. His "reforms" would have hurt consumers and made insurance companies even richer.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow, guess what. I Googled "gop plan for health care reform" and look what I found. I got 3.7 million responses in .22 seconds and I didn't even go to Heritage or Cato.

    Stop pretending there is no GOP alternative. George Bush tried to get reforms through after the 2004 election, but obstructionist Democrats didn't want to hand any victories or positves Bush's way.

    They chose politics over the country.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are two ways of looking at it. But if you take their side as sincere, then you have to wonder why it was not brought in during the eight years that Bush the second was in power!

    I do not understand why so many Americans have fallen for lies about healthcare in the USA, abroad and also the planned reforms [1]. I mean, if the healthcare system in the USA is so good, why have no other nations taken it up? Could it be due to the following facts?

    FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [2].

    FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [3].

    Or if the US healthcare system is run so well, why not run the fire service like the healthcare system? [4]

    Maybe that is because in the USA, insurance companies push up costs, buy politicians and refuse to pay claims that people pay for [5]. (Look up Wendell Potter on YouTube to hear more if the link below is too long.)

    Obama wants to make insurance cheaper, stop insurance companies from refusing health coverage to those with pre-existing conditions, and make sure they pay out when they are meant to [6], a system similar to that which works in Taiwan [7]. He debated this before he was elected [8].

    Is it right that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, Cuba, Germany and so many other industrialised nations with universal healthcare?

    If you think my arguments are wrong, e-mail me with proof. But if you can not, let Obama try to help America. If he fails, vote him out in 2012.

  • 1 decade ago

    If no Republicans vote for it, then you won't have any one to blame but yourselves when it fails. I bet that just pisses you off.

    BROOOOOK, I don't know where I could have possibly got the idea that you are outraged by the GOP. Oh yes, I have read your other questions. Thank you for your compassion for all of us less fortunate as you. But I guess you only have compassion for those that are less fortunate and vote democrat.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why can't you look yourself and then ask a better question or were you being facetious? I'm sure there are numerous flaws in their plan but I bet it doesn't cost anywhere near a TRILLION and cut Medicare to accomplish.... I put both the GOP link and the link to the definition of "facetious" to help you out; wouldn't want to leave you behind, intellectually speaking!

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  • 7 years ago

    Did anyone notice the best answer ers links go nowhere? Nice choice of best answer. Or is it just the only answer you thought u agreed with without reading it? Liars

  • Joe
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Try again after you get the facts straight. Try reading H.R. 3400.

    Source(s): Besides, where is the transparency that Obama promised on the creation of this bill? Even the pelosi bill was written behind closed doors.
  • 1 decade ago

    1. Tort Reform

    2. Portability (purchase over state lines)

    There are many others, but the Dems won't listen.

    Source(s): So much for Obama's bi-partisan administration huh?
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Their health plan is to let people die for being poor. They believe "self to blame for being born poor and raised going to bad schools in bad neighborhoods. Self to blame for not picking better parents. Self to blame for not being smart enough or strong enough to get out of that mess when you turned 18. Its all your fault and you want health care? Hahahah!!"

    Source(s): Neocons
  • whimsy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    They will help sick and uninsured folks declare bankruptcy and be willing to buy up the afflicted's property at 1/2 the value...

  • 1 decade ago



    ha hah

    from the GOP NUT JOB BACUSS

    ha ha hhahahahahah

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