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What will Orly Taitz do now?

Another case seeking Obama's private papers has been thrown out of court. What will Birther queen OrlyTaitz do now? She's only lost a handful of cases, been fined $20,000 for her misconduct and is facing disbarment in California. What are the odds of her pushing forward with yet another case?

Where's her #1 fan Blacksunshine?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Perhaps the best that can be hoped for from Ms. Taitz is that her fan base will tire of the simple fact that she keeps losing in one court after another. Given the way that she abused the legal system in Georgia, I think she has pretty much exhausted the willingness of most federal courts and judges to tolerate her antics.

    How did she abuse the federal court in Georgia? In Georgia, Judge Clay Land dismissed her case, in a carefully reasoned opinion that showed a very sound understanding and application of the law. Without seeking her client's permission, Ms. Tatiz filed a motion for reconsideration. This was an appalling breach of legal ethics. An attorney is an agent for her client. She does not have an unlimited license to go tilting at windmills in the client's name. In the motion for reconsideration, Orly Taitz also made many scathing accusations about Judge Clay Land being corrupt. Threatened with a contempt citation, she railed at the judge in a brief that stands as one of the more shockingly disrespectful documents that any attorney has ever filed with any federal court. The resulting $20,000 fine for contempt was entirely appropriate, but in her Notice of Appeal, Ms. Taitz continued to announce that the court was corrupt beyond belief.

    In Calfiornia, she launched an unprecedented attack on Judge David Carter, accusing himm of inviting a fox into the hen house when he hired a clerk who had worked with a law firm which has previously done legal work for Barack Obama. Ms. Taitz went so far as to ask her supporters to try to pressure the judge over this point, something that could easily have been regarded as an attempt to subvert the court, potentially a serious criminal matter.

    Now,Judge Carter has dismissed her case, noting that what she has asked is that a federal trial court shut down the government of the United States for an indefinite period of time while a new election is held, something that has absolutely no basis in constitutional law -- yet Ms. Taitz keeps announcing that she and she alone understands the Constitution.

    As Judge Carter noted in an opinion marked for its moderation, a court-ordered decapitation of the government of the United States could have disastrous consequences. Based on a reading of the law that has been rejected by courts and scholars throughout the country, Ms. Taitz contends that this is what the Constitution demands.

    But for those who wish to side with Ms. Taitz, this poses a very serious question that she has shown no willingness to consider, let along address: is a reading of the Constitution which would make it a vehicle for destroying the United States really the most sound readng of the Constitution?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Orly Taitz, the “birther” lawyer who won a type of valid flow management status with this week’s appearence on “The Colbert checklist,” is bragging that Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-Mich.), and 7 different participants of Congress have widespread her pal requests on facebook. different new digital pals: radio host Michael Savage and history initiating coverage analyst James Jay Carafano. Wow it is a few credibilty! lol

  • 1 decade ago

    She's looking for new clients and friendlier courts now. One of the only points that has sunk into her head is that Plaintiffs need to show actual damage rather than generalized damaged. She's now asking for people in closed car dealerships to contact her. She's also looking for more dirt on Obama. I predict that she'll be around the fringe for a while, even if her followers aren't.

  • It is clear that she will never stop. Reality apparently has no relationship with Ms. Taitz. She is convinced that all of the judges who rule against her are part of the conspiracy. Quite frankly, I find her insanity entertaining. I just wish she wasn't wasting the courts' time and the people's money to amuse us.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Write your congressman today

    If your congressman is a republican tell them to push for Loser Pays on lawsuits (lets copy England when they do something right) explain the republican that if we pass this then healthcare cost could drop as much as 10%,

    If your congressman is a democrat, then talk about Orly Taitz who continues to harass Obama as one of the leading birther wack jobs like Big Bird and make her and other like her pay by passing "loser pays legislation"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Orly Taitz understands the constitution? That's news to me. I thought she was milking this for a living.

    Source(s): I was born.
  • 1 decade ago

    She will soon have her own show on FOX so called news. It will be called ORAL ORLY, and she will take questions on how to file frivolous law suits.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe she can try to prove that sasquatch is real!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First, keep trying until she finds a judge who understands the Constitution.

    Second, appeal the thrown out case(s) until she finds a appeals court which understands the Constitution.

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