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Lv 6
Em asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Would You Vote for Ron Paul?

I don't agree with Paul on all the important issues, but I must say, his honesty and willingness to oppose his own party as well as Democrats is refreshing to say the least. I would seriously consider voting for him for that alone.

Of course, his independence assures that he will never run on the Republican ticket.

This link provides links to pieces Paul has written on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The links go back to 2006, and you can find them on the right side of the web page.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, and I did in the primaries.

    Everytime someone mentions that they don't agree with him on 'important issues', I have to ask what don't you agree on? What are these 'important issues', and where does your view differ?

    Most of the time, the response I get is that he is weak on foreign policy. Or that he is a isolationist; both of which are a misnomer and are false.

    But the 'important issues' at hand are the ones I feel Paul is strong on. Such as the economy. He has been consistently right on the economy. And healthcare... he's a physician himself and has a good understanding of the system...more than Obama or Bush can say. And he is also a military veteran, so he understands the need for war along with the lack thereof. ....much of all this understanding comes from his knowledge of and honor for the constitution.

    But bottom line, yes, he has my vote. As does anyone who will stand behind the constitution. It's so sad that people like him are a minority in Washington.... if only our founders were alive to judge this govt today....

    @F5 Tornado: It's funny that people like you are quick to point out that he got 'single-digit-support' in the elections, yet you fail to recognize that he earned that much of the vote when he wasn't even in the race for presidency.

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I would vote for him.

    I think he was hoping someone else would come out of the woodwork, and still is, but I'm hoping he is now positioning himself to support/run himself, if that doesn't happen. Several articles lately seem to think that is what is happening, and his Campaign for Liberty has 19,000 precinct captains and over 200,000 active members, even without him running.

    But then he thinks the time between elections is as least as important as elections.


    any who are really interested in him should do the research for themselves. He has a 21 year, absolutely consistent record. Just that fact alone makes him worthy of a look, rather than assuming ad hominum attacks (such as those above) hold any merit.

  • 1 decade ago

    I may very well vote Libertarian next time although I have some disagreements. Our country can never move forward with just a two party system. Something has to shake up the good ole boys.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I voted for him in the '08 Republican primary. I don't believe he'll do it again.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope! he is just a Republikan move to take away votes from the Democrats. Kuccini is the DemoKrat move to still votes from Rep. Everything is well planned, they have a script and YOU have nothing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Paul is a total wing-nut that advocates for economic overhaul that includes arcance practices like the gold standards and is an isolationsit that doesn't want to look past the borders. No way no how.

  • 1 decade ago

    NO-- It's like throwing your vote to this socialist named Obama!

    Ron Paul is nothing but a spoiler getting election percentages in the single digits.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No hes too old, too boring and a total nitwit

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Hell, no! I've heard him speak; the man's a twit!

  • Teekno
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I might, if he got a little less bat-crazy.

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