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People keep claiming Obama is Muslim but wouldn't it be more correct to say he's Jewish?

It comes from the mother's side apparently and his mother was Jewish if I recall correctly. His father was Muslim but he wasn't raised Muslim which is the important thing in being Muslim.


I remember reading it in one of the many magazines that had specials on Obama and his life, I think it was TIME.

And I know she wasn't a religious Jew, I'm just poking fun at people who claim that Obama is Muslim b/c his father was and there was a question I read here recently where someone said that a child is Muslim through the father and Jewish through the mother and I was thinking to myself that though I don't know a lot about Jewish belief, I do know that a person actually has to be taught and brought up as a Muslim to be a Muslim.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i dont think he was raised jewish either, which is important for being jewish

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Come on people...really...does it really matter if Obama is Muslim or Jewish or Buddhist or whatever?

    He's doing a decent job in presidency and he has enough problems to handle-he doesn't need the media telling everybody that he's a bloody terrorist just because they found out he has a Muslim background.

    People shouldn't be judged by their religion. Christians aren't that great of people. Muslims aren't the worst. So big deal if he's Muslim or Jewish or not. It shouldn't matter and our government and country have more significant things to worry about.

  • 1 decade ago

    All I'm saying, is that if Bush had spent 20 years attending a church that screamed black people were evil, then no one would like him. Obama a Christian? Hardly, none of his choices match up with Christ's teachings.

  • 1 decade ago

    I doubt his mother was Jewish. Even if it's true---one who practices a religion that is not Judaism is no longer considered "Jewish". It's a religious thing...and it is an exclusive relgion. It is not biological. And I think practicing Rev Wright's particular "religion" of hate is more than enough to wipe Obama clean of any shred of Jewishness...if it existed (this is honestly the first I've heard of his mother being Jewish).


    Dude, her last name is "Dunham" and she was born in Kansass in the 40s. Even if there was such a thing as 'ethnically Jewish", I seriously doubt she had a drop of "Jewish blood" in her.


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  • More importantly, his father was a non-practising Muslim, who's reported to have ultimately deserted his faith.

    I couldn't care much about his religious identity, but if he says he's a Christian and backs it up with actions, that's enough for me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wonder why people call him Muslim when it is known that he worshipped in a Christian Church, and that he drinks beer (and invited a cop and a wronged civilian to the White House to have a beer with him). Muslims don't drink beer. what if he is a Muslim? Freedom of religion means ANY religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh GAWD!!! Not again for the one millenth of time Obama is not a muslim, Obama is not Jewish , Obama is not the anti Christ and Obama is raising his girls to be Christians. So he is a Christian give it up already.

  • 1 decade ago

    From TIME:

    "My mother, whose parents were nonpracticing Baptists and Methodists, was one of the most spiritual souls I ever knew,",8599,172...

  • Apparently you never heard of "Taqiyya"?

    "Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each other, unless the purpose of lying is to "smooth over differences."

    There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, taqiyya and kitman. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause Islam, in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Who cares what his parents were or how he was raised? Anyone can believe in whichever deity or deities that they want. If he says he is Christian, then he is. Religion is not in your DNA, thank God.

  • 1 decade ago

    not sure where you would recall this from. his mother Ann Dunham was not Jewish and neither was her family

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