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What kind of "witchcraft" do Wiccans practice?

To make a long, story short I got in an argument with someone over Wicca. I'm not a Wiccan but they said a lot of wrong things about Wicca. My question is what kind of "witchcraft" do Wiccans practice?


I know their basic beliefs, but what kind of "witchcraft" do they practice

Update 2:

I know their basic beliefs, but what kind of "witchcraft" do they practice?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some Wiccans, including myself, don't practice witchcraft at all. We work with energy that we commonly describe as magic, but we don't do things like "spells."

    Some Wiccans still insist that Wicca is a form of witchcraft, but that is because they are radically redefining the word "witchcraft," and they are doing so based on long-debunked academic error. The idea that Wicca is "witchcraft" stems from the idea that there was a secret pagan religion in Medieval Europe that was practiced by the people who were burned as witches. However, there's no evidence of such a religion, much less that it was being persecuted by the church and practiced by supposed witches.

  • 1 decade ago

    When someone is a Wiccan it doesn't mean they practice any witchcraft at all. Wiccan is a religion which basically worships nature. A wiccan can practice witchcraft if they wish, but it isn't part of the religion and if a Wiccan were to practice witchcraft they would still have to abide by the Wiccan Reed. "Eight words and the Wiccan Reed fullfill, and it harm none do as you will." It's all about peace so the idea that Wiccans practice evil is a lie. Witchcraft isn't even part of the religion, but several Wiccans choose to practice magic. If someone practices magic in the name of evil and calls themselves a Wiccan than they aren't a true Wiccan, but a hypocrite.

    I hope I helped :)

    There are a lot of misconceptions about Wicca.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Depends on the Wiccan, actually. Wicca is a religion, and does not necessarily involve the use of magic.

    Magic came to be categorized broadly between twin poles of black and white, but not in the way you're now thinking. Don't make the assumption that white magic would refer to blessings, healing, and beneficial effects, while black magic refers to harmful intent. This current view is ignorant of both magic and its history. Magic with intent to harm is black magic in the sense that it works, not in the sense that there is an intent to harm. White magic refers to something altogether different than what most Neopagans think of today; it is not about blessings, or beneficial intentions.

    White magic originally referred to "theurgia." Which was in essence the high magic of the ceremonial practitioners which sought to align the mage's will to a higher power, will, god, or self. Black magic referred to "goetia" (not necessarily the contents in the renaissance grimoire of that name). Which was basically both the low magic of witchcraft, popular sympathetic magic, spell casting, certain divinations, and also the high magical arts of evocation, necromancy, long ritual enchantments - thus, anything that a person did which sought to effect change in the environment and circumstances of the practitioner. The former was thought of as spiritual and the latter as worldly. And these two distinctions came originally from classical times and were carried through the renaissance straight away to modernity with a lot of bad religious propaganda thrown in for distraction.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not sure what you mean by "what kind of witchcraft" so I will send you to a helpful site

    Not all Wiccans practice magic and there is a difference between Wicca and Traditional Witchcraft.

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  • SEAX
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'll try to explain this the easiest way I know how. We don't know who or what our Creator is. We realize that everything in life is male and female, and everything has an opposite. We worship a female and male Deity, not a single male Deity that most christians refer to as God. Wicca has different denominations, which in short, means that as witches, we have different practices. We Don't believe in a Heaven or Hell, therefore, we don't believe in a devil that christians call satan. Most of us believe in what we call: LAW OF ATTRACTION. That means what ever you put out, you'll get back. Some witches believe in the Three Fold Law. What ever you put out, will come back at you, times three. Most of us choose to perform our rituals under the stars, skyclad "nude" or robed, and some prefer indoors. Some cast spells, some don't. Some of us celebrate, perform rituals, some of us don't. Wicca is a set of beliefs, period. We don't consider ourselves as religious, but it is still considered a religion. I can't speak for other wiccans, but I believe in reincarnation, I believe that we live this life as a learning experience, once this life is over, we come back to learn more through another life. Everything is about learning and experiencing, here and on the other side/astral.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wicca is a nature based faith that believes that everything has a spirit and should be revered. Nothing that they do should be done for personal gain (monetary) or the harm of another and while they do cast spells, it is not like you see on Harry Potter. The duality, or yin and yang, of everything is also something that is strongly believed as is the power of three and the karmic law of what you do comes back to you threefold.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Esbats every full moon. Sabbats every cross quarter and quarter throughout the year. (ritual magic) Drawing down the moon (Invocation). There are many magical acts in Wicca.

    Magic: the art of causing changes in consciousness at will. (Dion Fortune, early 20th Century occultist)

    Source(s): "Old myths, old gods , old heroes have never died. They are only sleeping at the bottom of our mind, waiting for our call." ~S. Kunitz
  • 1 decade ago

    they do any kind of witchcraft they know, they are not really forbid to caste negative magic. they believe in choices that is whatever you do, it will come back in three folded. if they want to do bad then do it, but it will come back to them worst. what kind of witchcraft? well it's not really consider craft but more like a ritual, evoking. Evoking is when you cast circle, you call a deity, or nature (elements), or spirit to come into your circle to preform it. Do not get confuse with invoking, to invoke is when you call deity to come into you for certain amount of time.

  • Aravah
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    answer: Wicca is a religion. Not all Wiccans are witches and not all witches are Wiccans.

    Some common pagan beliefs (not all pagan religions believe these): reincarnation * karma * harming none * multiple deities (male and female) * a reverence for life and nature * celebrating the cycle of life and the year with holidays and full moons *

    Things pagans don’t believe in: the devil * hell * a savior * a deity that condemns someone for eternity for not believing in him

  • 1 decade ago

    Most of the Wiccans i know are actually nicer to me than fundie Christians.

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