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How do you store your children's puzzles?

We have a lot of puzzles, some with the big, chunky wooden handles... I have them on a shelf, but they always fall over, and the pieces fall out. Does anyone have any storage suggestions?

9 Answers

  • Sammie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Try putting them all in a box. Number the back of the puzzle and put pieces in a plastic baggie with a number on it too. Each puzzle and bag should have a number so that you can tell which pieces go to which puzzle. For example: you have 6 puzzles puzzle number one should be labeled one and the bag with those pieces in it should be labeled one as well, and the same for the rest of the puzzles. This way you can put them in a box and always know which pieces go to which puzzle.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ziploc sells Big Bags that would work for one or more puzzles. A friend of mine who is a home daycare provider uses these for the larger puzzles because then she can toss them anywhere rather than keeping them on a shelf. Personally, I keep mine on one of our bookshelves. The larger knobby ones just get put on top of the flatter ones. Doesn't look pretty but as long as I arrange them okay, they seem to stay in place. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For the board puzzles (the ones that fit specifically into little slots on the boards) I have storage boxes that stack on top of each other. Each box has little slots that you can slide the board puzzles onto. They all stay pretty safe in there.

    Like this: Only I didn't pay nearly that much for mine. lol

    For the puzzles that just have lots of pieces that you put together to create the picture, I keep those in zip lock baggies rather than trying to keep them in their original box.

  • 1 decade ago

    I put the puzzle in a plastic Target or Walmart bag and tie it up, then it is easier to keep all of the pieces together.

    Source(s): my 3 year old has a LOT of puzzles.
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  • 1 decade ago

    I put my daughter's puzzles in her toybox, but the pieces for them go it zip lock baggies in the kitchen drawers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here is a couple of ideas that might help you out..!

    Glue small magnets to their lids etc, to hold them together slightly,or even small pieces of velcro.

    Hope that helps a bit because I know how annoying toys can be.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Plastic pockets - like zip lock bags

  • 1 decade ago

    I keep them in a drawer in the closet and pull them out once a day to keep them special. And because my daughter chews on them and hides the pieces if I let her have access to them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    try a cabinet, and try packing them in tightly enough that they don't fall. I'm failing to see how this is such a big deal. i don't have that problem

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