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Do you think the economy is in recovery, or are we still going south?

Please tell me if you think the economy is primarily on a upswing and growth will agin start happening on a consistent basis,


Is this a minor bump up, before the real trouble happens.

If you would (not required) are you left or right leaning.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think we are still going south. The tax cuts are going away, congress is still trying to kill us with their health care spending, cap and trade, and now they are talking about yet another stimulous bill but they are calling this one a "jobs bill". So we are pretty much ******.

  • 1 decade ago

    If Dubai (the richest nation on the planet...and no, it's not the US) has to default on it's loans to other countries...THAT"S BAD! Analysts say that the jobless rate is more like 20% rather than the 10% they sell you on CNN....THAT'S BAD. Obama has just declared he's sending 30-40,000 troops to Afghanistan on the taxpayers nickel...THAT"S BAD. Bernanke has yet to account for 70 some trillion dollars in payouts to other world banks and has been hired again to keep doing the swell job he's done so far....THAT"S BAD. If the Copenhagen treaty gets signed, legislation will be implemented that will create a new carbon-based economy that will divert funds (in the form of Carbon taxes) from the Wealthy West to the World Bank (run by the global elite) and will in effect usher in the New World Order....THAT"S BAD.

    Check out Fall of the Republic, Endgame and the Obama Deception to become awakened to the reality that things are about to get a lot worse.

    Wake up people, your life, liberty and freedoms are being hijacked right now.

  • Daniel
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Dow over 10k

    Other tech markets up major

    Unemployment holding steady and decreasing

    During Bushs last month we lost 785000 jobs, last month it was 11000.

    I think we have turned the corner and with the new things put in place by the jobs summit we will see a turnaround but Bush messed things up so bad it will take 2 full more years to see recovery that we will feel REALLY good about.

    I study economics alot and trade the markets daily.

    Mind above chatter.

  • Oscar
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think the boat is sinking into the mud on the bottom of the lake while Obama tries to convince everyone that if they just keep rowing they will make it to shore. While he and his buds hog the life jackets.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well use business owners are trying to succeed but obama's newly planned punishments are making it very difficult to hire new people of even keep the employees we have, so I would say the economy is stagnant, those of use who help build the economy and job market are fighting our best fight but obama's plan of attack is a good one and the dem controlled Congress isn't helping either

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think it will recover soon. Anything at this point can send things sharply down. Gas prices, the passing of the socialist health care bill.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe we are still going south. Our economy is so bad because we have next to no industry. If our industry comes back from foreign countries we could possibly get back on our feet, but until that happens the economy is going to continue plummeting.

  • 1 decade ago

    those who continue to predict the end of the world, despite the fact their experience in the field of global economics is limited to ranting on Yahoo Q/A, are the same people who insisted, in 07 while bush was in office, that we weren't in a recession.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    we are in a series of "aftershocks" that will continue. We were losing a million jobs a month during bushs last 5 months. When those people quit spending it creates further unemployment like we are seeing now. And it starts a cycle.

    We are stuck in neutral and will be for a while.

    I doubt any real trouble will happen cause the govt can keep borrowing and bailing people out.

    I'm liberal

  • 1 decade ago

    The latter, though the media moguls want to convince us it's the former.

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