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Lv 6

Without sounding completely socialist, if everyone in the world,?

no matter what vocation or position, whether janitor or world leader earned the exact same amount of money, and it took care of all ones basic needs, would that increase the overall quality of life as we know it? Would it be a good thing?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    that is a purely socialist idea, just so you know...

    i don't think our society could cope w/ such a huge change like that right away. If we weren't programmed to want to make as much money as possible (capitalism) I think it would make things much more harmonious.

    Unfortunately, it would be incredibly hard to reprogram everyone in the world to think this way.

  • 1 decade ago

    COMMUNIST!!! haha im kidding i will seriously answer this question from my own opinion. I think that if everyone in the world earned the same amount of money, the quality of life would increase and listen to me before you call me ignorant. I am a firm believer that money does not lead to happiness, but it seems that many others in the world do not agree with me on that. People are so busy, focusing on earning money to buy that new car, or that new flatscreen TV, that they forget to appreciate the more basic things in life such as love, and friendship. If everyone earned the same amount of money i think that people would start to realize that money does not lead to happiness, and the world would get back on track and, i believe, that everyone would be happy.

    Source(s): just my god-honest opinion
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What you said is pretty much the basic idea of "pure communism":

    "Stateless communism, also known as pure communism, is the ideal, post-socialist stage of society which Karl Marx predicted would inevitably follow the historical stages of capitalism and socialism. Stateless communism is closely related and connected to world communism." If everyone were equal there would be no need for governement.

    the idea of Communism was created to hopefully end discrimination and aim for a utopian society by eliminating classes. Though no pure communism or capitalism exists in any country yet. If it were to be achieved, there could be be benefits of less crime, gang violence and robbery. It wouldnt by any means eliminate all the problems of society cut in its ideal form, it could certainly decrease them. As humans we will never be 100% without problems simply because we are not perfect. No matter if we all got paid the same, looked the same, walked the same etc. we'd still find something to fight about...

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Eventually, no one would have any incentive. Self-improvement, economic improvement, social improvement would grind to a halt, because after all, the pay is the same for everyone. So, No; it would not be a good thing.

    Our standard of living and the quality of our lives would go downhill real fast.So would education. (What's the point of learning anything?)

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you give everyone in this world the same amount of money, and you come back in one year.

    You will find millionaires,

    And you will find people living pay check to paycheck.

    And you will find homeless people living in the streets.

    That's human nature for you.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    wanting to have a one faith word has no longer something to do with socialism. the unhappy factor is, the democratic and republican events have become, respectively, the socialist and fascist events. usa is being compelled to come to a decision on the lesser of two evils....

  • Alan G
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No, you are not a socialist. You are a communist. Good Luck with that. Pay nothing for extra effort and expect foks to make the extra effort.

  • 1 decade ago

    no because after 5 seconds people will try to find ways to be better than other people...and eventually it will be the same as before

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