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Why ask a question, if you can't handle an honest answer?

Why do people ask a question concerning homosexuality, and then have the answer deleted because they don't like it? I have had many questions considered hate questions, and I have answered them with the word of God. When I answer a question about homosexuality, I always use God's word ad my response. If you can't handle the answer, why ask the question. Why are homosexuals so sensitive about their lifestyle, if it is normal? Please answer this without getting it deleted: I'm not hating on homosexuals, but homosexuality is not normal to God or nature, and I am sorry many are bound by it. God wants everyone to live and enjoy life, and He has said in His word how we can. Jesus is the only way to enjoy life, and live it to the full ( John 10:10 ).


Since Jesus is the Word of God, everything in the bible was spoken by Him. Romans 1:26-32 was inspired by the Holy Spirit, and written by Paul. God does not change, if He was against homosexuality under the law, and then mentioned it again in Romans, means He is serious about it. Everybody will have to make their own choice, whether right or wrong.

Update 2:

For everyone that thinks I am hating on homosexuals, I am not. Jesus himself loves the homosexual, but He hates the sin of homosexuality, which keeps people in bondage to an alternate lifestyle, which goes against God's ordained marriage. God wants everyone to enjoy life, and the spirit of homosexuality ( which is a spirit of perversion is from Satan, and blinds people to the truth of God's word. God's word is true, and let every man who disagrees be a ****.

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    PPl will say Gods words speak of hate, of racism, and saying women are not as important even.


    The Bible speaks many truths, but so few will study to understand them.

    And, when God says something is wrong , it is. Its never to hate anyone, but to hate the sin they are doing. We are to love everyone, be it a person that is homosexual, or in adultry, or lying, whatever.. To love them unconditionally as God does, yet speak the truths of God in love to warn them, so they wont be lost. HE doesnt want anyone lost, Nor do His ppl.

    God speaks warnings, and we are to do the same.

    They assume its hate, but it is not.

    When a person refuses to obey the creater GOD, YHWH< they will be headed for a life of misery, becuase disobedience leads to curse.

    Obedience leads to blessing.

    IF you see a child running towards a car in heavy traffic, do you holler to warn them? OF couese you do, if you have a drop of love for others in you. Its not to scare them, or hate them, but to warn them because you care.

    But, ppl that dont know God or His word, always will say such things that we preach hate and racism, becuase they dont understand and most are afraid to, because if they did believe, they would have to give up their own precious sin.

    WE must love God more than anything else and obey Him, and be glad to, knowing His ways are perfect.

    But, I dont let others bother me and upset me anymore. we know the truths that when we know and understand, we are set free.

    Not free to sin, but to be free from sin, as overcomers, just like Yashua, Jesus was.

    Yet, they will hate us, mock us and delete us.

    But we arent shocked. Look at all they did to Yashua, who came to save us all.

    To spit on Him, mock Him, torture Him and desire to take His life cuz they hated what He said.

    PPL rebellious against the word of God will always be rebellious to those of us who speak it

    God told us it would be this way.

    YEt we love and forgive them all.

    Without Jesus, we have nothing.

    But with Him, we have everything.

    Oh that all would hear that call from Him and answer with a huge , resounding YES.

    More will come.

    Keep speaking and praying.

    Full Gospel Shirley

    Source(s): YHWH< God, The Holy Bible, Rauch HaKodesh, The Holy Spirit Remember: Yeshua, Jesus Is Lord and He Is Coming Soon.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because you quoting the Bible isn't proof of anything. You can say whatever you want, believe whatever you want. Doesn't make you more right than anyone else. But if you are being self-righteous about your beliefs and deliberating trying to force them on others, then yeah your hateful comments will continue to get flagged.

    More important question, if you have such a problem with homosexuality, why do you feel the need to bother with their questions?

    There is too much judgment and hate that concerns so many on here that spew everything that the bible states. Yet they really know next to nothing about what it means to be a good, compassionate and loving person.

    The bible has been translated how many times over the years? So you can't take the the words literally.

    Doesn't the bible say something about stoning adulterers to death? Well that's wrong in god's eyes I'm sure, but many are very accepting of that in our society. It has become a cultural norm. I don't see Christians parading the streets preaching to divorced couples about they are an abomination.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    its not just homosexuals and or atheists that do such things i answer the Questions posed by christians as well with Gods Word and they cant handle the Truth either......

    So i have come to find those who want REAL Truth will accept Real Truth and those who do Not want the Truth will always reject matter their title, belief and or gender and or perversion they maybe !!!

    Many are Blind even self claimed expect the blind to be blind but not the ones who claim the light they so quickly refuse !!!

    Source(s): Plain simple Facts of Truth Gods Word Real Bible
  • 1 decade ago

    I think you should know that the injunctions against homosexuality in the Letters of Paul (they are nowhere to be found in the synoptic Gospels which purport to be records of the actual ministry of Christ) are based on an outrageous misunderstanding of Leviticus 18:22. When it says that for a man to lie with a man as with a woman is an abomination, all it means is that dudes shouldn't fib to other dudes about sports accomplishments or income, they way they would tell fibs if they were trying to impress a chick.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Honest answer" would imply you think you are the only one capable of telling the truth. It's your belief, you are not authority and the laws and physics of life. If this judgmental controlling God exists who wants to punish the very children he created in all forms and variety of DNA then let him do it. If you have a viewpoint then free speech allows you exactly that but it is only a viewpoint, not a fact. Yes sometimes people are over sensitive and delete questions, happens to me sometimes, silly really because they are questions, not statements of truth, I don't know if I'm right and just ask to provoke debate and opinions. If people are immature enough to delete, report and sling mud without attempting to answer a question then they shouldn't really be here. Variety is what makes the world go round but also causes wars. By the way you need to check your bible, by all accounts Jesus was liberal and open minded.

  • 1 decade ago

    The problem arises whenever anyone's core beliefs are attacked. Homosexuals desperately want to validate their lifestyle as loving, wholesome, and normal. They want to be accepted and not persecuted. To this end, many are willing to force their beliefs onto others just as strongly as those who oppose homosexuality. Neither will ever convince the other to accept their beliefs. The result is a schism which prevents peace and love which was Jesus's message. My feeling is that Christians should let God be the judge and quit trying to take on His responsibility.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have had the same happen to me, and I most always back what I answer with scripture, I think that they ask in hopes that if they get enough answers that believe as they do then it all makes it righteous,

    The last question I answered that was deleted , "can I believe in God and still be wiccan", all I answered was yes you can believe anything you want, even satan believes and went on to answer that but scripture says you can not enter the Kingdom of God, and gave scripture to back up all.

    Good luck getting RS to reverse anything, I think it is automated, I must have offended her

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Oh Ernie, Ernie, I just questioned THIS myself. It says in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin. It also tells you to cut off your hands if you sin. Gouge out your eyes if you sin. Stone adulterers to death. So you chose to dwell on only one sin that offends YOU. If you're following every word in the Bible, you must have no arms or eyes, right??? Cause YOU are NOT sinless, yet you judge others because you feel your sins are less than theirs. Guess what, they're not. Who on this earth is worthy enough to tell anyone they are a worse sinner than they are? You may not be a homosexual Ernie, but, you are a sinner. Make sure your own soul is sweet smelling for the Lord before you judge and tell others they're sinful. And they are trying to live and enjoy life if the extreme, self righteous bigots would just let them.

  • A L
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Do you answer as Jesus does or are your answers hateful in nature. I don't have a clue but if your answers are getting deleted than you need to think about the manner in which you answer. Are you being respectful and compassionate in your answers because heterosexual sin is as bad in God's eyes as homosexual sin.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, the truth is that homosexuality IS natural, seeing as there are thousands of species where homosexuals exist (species that God created, might I add). And the reason people don't like your religious answers is because they don't believe in what you do. You would need to be like-minded Christian to fully accept your responses, and not everyone is Christian. There are even differences within Christianity. If anyone believes differently than you do, then (in their eyes) your "answer" becomes a religion-based opinion rather than concrete fact.

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