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What do Atheists (or others) do with their bodies when they die?

This a near-repeat of Sarah's question, not far below, since although she's asking atheists she's blocked me.

I'm having any useful organs donated and re-used, and my brain has been offered a short but interesting post in research at Oxford university once I've finished with it. (Seriously: it is unusually wired and they want to examine it. It's already been scanned at Cambridge University.)

The rest of me will be cremated and I, as ashes, will take a final trip on my local steam railway, this time in the loco firebox, going to wind and clinker.

How about you?


I'm amazed at the proportion of prospective donors... Good on you all.

For those who expressed an interest the brain bank project is at

And, while they are requesting brains with a range of conditions including Alzheimer’s, I have Asperger's syndrome so I'm in on the autism project. (Or will be!)

24 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am an organ donor and hope my organs can go to those who need them. Otherwise I would like to be cremated and have my ashes be used in some sort of work of art.

    That or be made into pencils.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Here's a past of how I answered that one:

    I intend to be put on a funeral pyre by my family and burned. I am not an organ donor. I know I should be, but it creeps me out. I don't know why. It just does. Here is how I imagine the entire process of my death will go. I die. I go to the coroner. He does or doesn't do an autopsy, depending on state law and circumstance. At this point a funeral parlor would normally claim my body. Instead, someone with a pickup will claim my body. I will be tossed unceremoniously in the back. At some point I will be wrapped in sheets which well be bound. I will arrive at someones farm property where there will be various snacks and boozes. I will be tossed on a giant pile of wood and my friends will light it. Partying commences.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If my organs are still any good by the time I die, I hope they recycle them/ am an organ donor... I really wish I could have the rest composted and used to grow some great tomatoes , but I suspect that is not allowed... and meat doesn't really compost well, so I guess someone will have to burn or bury the rest... I don't really care, as I will be DEAD/no longer a being, just a (pleasant I hope) memory for those who knew me....

  • Maria
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    My body will be examined when I die because I have an unusual space between my skull and frontal lobes. I also had a shoulder reconstruction surgery that will be examined so that doctors will know how successful it is over time. Once these exams are done, I have a funeral spot in a Catholic cemetary where I have already purchased a stone so that my fellow Catholics can pray for me while I am in purgatory.

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  • Amaira
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I am only 20 so I don't really have that all planned out yet. I am more worried about living then what is gonna happen when I die since when I'm dead I won't give a sh*t anymore. I do know this, I will not be buried in a coffin. I refuse to make my loved ones pay a ridiculous sum of money on a box.

  • .
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    What ever will be left of me after donating organs gets cremated and tossed into Atlantic

    I like the idea with your brain :)

  • 1 decade ago

    It depends on how wealthy I am when I die. If I'm fabulously wealthy, I shall have pre-arranged for entombment after having any useful organs harvested. Otherwise, I shall be cremated after having any useful organs harvested, and the ashes shall be interred in a cemetery, most likely.

  • Selene
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Donating all usable organs then being cremated and dumped over the bay of my hometown

    Source(s): Pagan
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've donated whatever parts they might want and my ashes are to be unceremoniously dumped over the fence of the Triumph Motorcycle factory in Hinckley, England.

  • I plan to have my organs donated, and the rest of my body cooked up and served as the main course at a memorial dinner in my honor.

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