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Lv 7
janet asked in News & EventsMedia & Journalism · 1 decade ago

Did Rush Limbaugh really ask his listeners not to give any money to Haiti?

That is what I heard on the radio, but I cannot imagine that he actually said that. I admit that I am a liberal, but even I am shocked if he actually said that.


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12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Don't be shocked by Rush, he has a talk show and likes to shock the people..


  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not sure if he really said that, but I wouldn't be surprised. Rush tells it like it is from his view.

    If this was indeed said from Rush, my guess is it's because we are already donating money to Haiti from taxes. Do we really know what our government does with our tax money that is deducted from our paychecks? I may not be financially able to give hundreds of dollars away to Haiti or any other country that was in a disaster. However, if my hard earned tax money is going to Haiti, then I would give an additional $5 or $10 as a one-time donation and that would be enough for my contribution.

    When Katrina hit in New Orleans, who were the other countries helping us? Ourselves.

    Oh the things that make you go, "Hmm."

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not a Rush fan, don't get me wrong, I listen for entertainment purposes only. What Rush, no doubt meant by his comment, is that Haiti's government has to be about the most corrupt government on the planet.

    If those people get their hands on relief funds, the people in need will not see a cent of it. It will go to the drug cartels who run the government and all the slum lords that hold the population hostage.

    So any relief that gets sent there will be held up by a militia run by the government. They will confiscate any food, water, medical supplies, tents, you name it. It's all sitting on the tarmack as we speak withing a few miles of the people who need it and they can't seem to get it to the people. More will die needlessly due to this fact alone.

  • vx
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Why not give material aid instead? I remember the fools who gave money to Live Aid for Africa - only for the money to be blown on fancy cars and weapons. The same may well happen in Haiti with the elite syphoning funds off to their own bank accounts...

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  • 1 decade ago

    Who Cares.. Pat Roberston said the Same Thing.. and further stated Haiti made a pact with the Devil ... A MAN OF GOD? not

    Rush Limbough is clearly a Nut . as Pat Robertson is

    Christians believe we are to

    Love all as I have Loved you ( with Agape)

    Love your neighbour as Yourself ( with Agape)

    and The Greatest of All is Love ( Agape)

    Jesus in Bible

    Of course you should all help your fellow man. ( as the Good Samaritan ) who are of All Faiths


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i think he may have some merit in his suggestion

    Money in such country is siphoned by aid distributors i.e Govt servants

    It is better to donate which can be used directly by affected persons

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Rush is a very angry man.Just observe his facial expressions when he speaks.

  • 1 decade ago

    It wouldn't surprise Me. If he doesn't get HIS "due" FIRST, -then Nobody ELSE should get any- either. That's Rush- for You... -"All for HIM, or None for All..." :(

  • 1 decade ago

    Rush is an idiot. He might say anything.

  • 1 decade ago

    Go back to watching your loser idols Olbermann and Madcow (maddow). I am not even a fan of Limbaugh or a conservative but you are brainwashed by MSNBC. They desperately need the ratings.

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