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metallic moment
MaineCare eligibility at 63 years of age and on social security.?
Does the State of Maine count your social security income when determining eligibility for MaineCare? If not, what are the income requirements? Do they take your assets into consideration like home, vehicles, IRA or savings into consideration?
2 AnswersGovernment8 years agoIndoor OTA antenna for HDTV?
I have not had good luck with getting a good OTA antenna for my 3 HDTVs. Tried the RCA rabbit ears and also the new fangled flat, flexible type to no avail. TWC now has an app so all their programming (if you subscribe) can be had with a Roku app which is nice since I have a Roku player which I connect with an HDMI cable to Roku player, no problem there but my local channels are absent from this app so I am still searching for the OTA antenna to bring in local channels. I guess my final question is are all "flat flexible antennas made equal?" Are there some out there in the market place that are definitely better in bringing in the local channels?" Ya kinda hate to spend hundreds of dollars on trying to the the right antenna. Actually, I have an old analog TV (big screen Hitachi from the 90s) that brings in the locals with RCA rabbit ears and an RCA digital convertor box so I know they are out there. Youtube and Amazon are full of comments, some say perfect and another will say nothing on certain types of indoor antenna. Any experts out there that care to divulge their secrets would be appreciated.
3 AnswersTVs8 years agoWhen visiting the UK, what is the best way to see most of the castles, cathedrals, theaters, museums, etc?
I was thinking getting a hotel in London and then taking the train or tour bus to these places during the day and then coming back to London in the evening. I am assuming many hotels in London, have their own tour buses also. Any information would be appreciated.
5 AnswersOther - United Kingdom8 years agoDoes the 2012 presidential election seem like deja vu?
Nothing much has changed in 4 years other than the stock market has eeked its way up a bit, but we still have a less than stellar creation of jobs, high unemployment, wage decline across the board, very weak housing market, healthcare has not improved nor has education and now gas is $4.00/gallon again. All of the above along with very high anti-American sentiment in countries we give billions of dollars to in aid. Are we going to avoid the fiscal cliff? Are we headed for some very bad times? What is your take on 2013 and beyond in terms of the stability of our nation? Where are we headed?
3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years agoWhat happened to Yahoo pulse?
It has been down for over a week now. It seems they would have fixed their problems by now. Maybe they are trying to shut up the free speech.
2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products10 years agoGetting Hulu from my PC to HD TV?
Anyone know how to connect my PC to my HDTV so I can watch Hulu on a big screen?
3 AnswersHome Theater1 decade agoChili police force should forget about the looters and go where they are needed most.?
Why do the police worry about looters in grocery stores when there are people dying and badly injured that need their help more? The food in the stores will just go bad anyway so why place so much attention on a few loaves of bread, milk, and produce that remain on the grocery store shelves? The food will just rot and attract vermin if not cleared out. They should be glad that people are taking it and using it up before it goes bad. Makes no sense.
5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoCash out of 401K plan?
Is is true if you are 55 and older and you leave, quit or are terminated at the employment of your 401K plan, you are not subject to the 10% penalty tax? Many people are not aware that this is in fact law. Any one else care to comment on this?
1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade agoDo you think Germany giving its citizens $5K on old vehicle to buy new one is a good stimulus?
The German government has enacted this new program to encourage the sales of new, more fuel efficient, lower emission new vehicles. Sounds like a good plan to me. Why doesn't the US adopt a program such as this. Our car industry is at an all time low because people just cannot afford to buy a new one in this tough economy so they keep sticking money into their old vehicles.
2 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade agoAre riding lawn mowers failing the green test?
Just purchased a riding lawn mower. Have wanted one of those babies for quite some time and I scrimped and saved for 2 years in order to purchase it. I have a medium sized yard and the walk behind was getting real old.
Now my neighbors are complaining that it is too loud and they want to ban it from the neighborhood. They sent a petition around and even our good friends signed it. They all have electric mowers and said that mine is an abdomination. They've accused me of not being "green." Since when are lawn mowers not green?
5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoWhat's a better vehicle, Subaru baja, nissan versa, or toyota yaris?
Kind of like the baja but the used ones with 80K still go for around 14K, the price of a new Versa or Yaris. What do to, new or used? Any suggestions?
5 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade agoAre there other radio shows like Coast-to-Coast AM out there?
I used to really like this show when Art Bell hosted it and Ian Punnet is great too but it has taken a real fast trip south in my opinion with George Noory hosting it most of the time.
A little bit of UFO crap goes a long way and 9 times out of 10 that is what is on that show now. It has turned into truck stop UFO funnies or lochness or saskwatch. WHO CARES???? It is so far from the serious show it used to be on all kinds of interesting topics. God knows there are tons of interesting topics and interesting people out there and do you think George Noory could find any of them, Nooooo! He has made a mockery out valuable air time and is insulting the intelligence of many would-be listeners. He's worse than Rush Limbaugh.
The show is so dumbed down with him on it, that I swear most of the people who call in are retarded. It's really a shame that the radio network chose him. It's very obvious he has no real interest in anything that is remotely real or a hot topic.
Polls & Surveys1 decade agoHillary's healthcare Mandate is Pandora's box?
Isn't this all shooting ourselves in the foot if we vote for her? She a millionaire many times over and doesn't understand that common man and woman just cannot afford any more mandates much less healthcare insurance.
Many people get healthcare at a reduced cost through their employer and you can't tell me that many employers will no doubt eliminate that benefit if mandated universal healthcare is enforced through the federal government. It would mean more profit for them and one thing that can eliminate from their payrolls.
There really isn't a lot of talk about her mandate in the healthcare arena but any time it has been discussed during the debates, you can just see her ready to explode that Obama is against this mandate for all Americans. She really started throwing her punches at Obama after those debates and really drove a huge wedge between the two of them.
She does not have the common American's interest at heart at all. She'd like to shackle and hold us hostage.
10 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhat is the point to having kids these days? Are people having children for the wrong reasons?
Maybe I am missing something here but with the divorce rate, the high cost of education, lack of good jobs, terrible high school and elementary educational system, lack of good health care, housing not an option for most, more kids on anti-depressants and a general gloomy outlook for the future, why even bother having them? Maybe people think it's their duty, an obligation or maybe it's just a selfish ego thing, i.e. who will take care of me in my old age? It just seems wrong and selfish to have kids if you cannot give them a good life and a good future.
14 AnswersParenting1 decade agoDo digital mpg gauges on the new 2008 vehicles give accurate fuel economy and usage?
The new Suzuki X4 2008 really seems to deliver a lot of bang for the buck. Literally every option available to new vehicles comes standard on these vehicles. You name it and it has it including the above mpg gauge which I had never seen before. Albeit it is not a real comfy 6 or 8 cyclinder SUV and it's not a Subaru Baja but at the price they're asking is it an answer to a lot of people's prayers in a new vehicle? In the past, I guess it had lots of issues with this and that and fell out of favor with a lot of buyers. I just wish it was a little peppier and a tad less noise from the engine. Nothing is perfect these days but this little vehicle is getting ready for the races. Maybe next year, they'll get everything right.
2 AnswersOther - Car Makes1 decade agoCan one side step the car dealers in their area to buy a new car?
Would like to buy a new vehicle without the hassel of dealing with competing sales people and dealerships that want to deliver sting as well as burn.
Buying a new vehicle should be an enjoyable experience. They should throw out the red carpet and really try to please. Instead, they try to soak you for every dime they can get. Here you are buying a brand new vehicle with dealer warranty and they want you to buy all that other maintenance crap which you don't want which will raise your payments up and beyond and a myriad of other crap you don't want. They totally ruin the fun and joy and insult your intelligence to rub salt into the wound. They are the greediest most ungrateful bunch of people and are only thinking about how to serve themselves and not the customer. Where can one get online and find the car they want and purchase without all the hassels of dealing with the dysfunctional situation at the dealerships in their area? Enough already. Sick to death with dealerships!
6 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade agoHow do I get Jane Fonda's email address?
I am a big fan of hers and would like to email her.
3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoWhen you can't make up your mind?
Just cannot make my mind up whether to sell my home and move on or stay. How do you know when the time is right? If you have doubts, should you stay and wait?
2 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoWhat is so attractive or funny about a guy that has almost nothing on his mind but food?
If that guy was a growing teenager or someone who had grown up in third world Africa in a place where food was in short supply, I could understand the mind set. You might have guessed, I am referring to Kevin James from King of Queens. He looks like he is going to explode any minute he is so big and he can't ever seem to get enough food to eat. He's got a major eating disorder and his audience seems to think it is funny and cute. He's killing himself and America is laughing and saying "isn't he a great guy, loves to eat." It doesn't say much for the American populace who for entertainment enjoy watching people eat until they explode and die.
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago