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If I choose to co-sleep, do I have to go to bed at the same time as my daughter?

My daughter is 12 months. Lately she's been having issues with teething, and wakes up around 1-2AM. A few times, rather than try to coax her back to sleep, I just sleep with her on the floor in her room. I have actually felt a stronger bond with her these days, and have looked in to the benefits of co-sleeping. I was too nervous to try this when she was younger, but now I feel it is a safe option for us. The only thing I worry about is my occasional insomnia. As is it now, she goes to sleep on her own. Any opinions on whether occasional co-sleeping would escalate (to being an every-time thing), and how quickly? Does anyone co-sleep, but not necessarily go to sleep at the same time as their child?


fyi - we don't watch TV

thanks for the advice, keep it coming!

Update 2:

my plan was to put a mattress on the floor in her room and sleep there, falling out of bed wouldn't be an issue. i'm taking in all the advice. thank you!

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We were co-sleepers, and not as much by choice but out of desire to get more sleep early on. You definitely do not want to ruin your child's ability to go to sleep on her own, and you would be ruining it by going to bed with her. In my experience, when we finally got our daughter to a point of sleeping through the night in her own bed, she would do fine for a month then come in to sleep with us in the middle of the night once because she woke up to a sound outside. Suddenly it would be an every night event and we would have to wean her from our bed again.

    Co-sleeping is comfortable, apparently for both of you, and it's likely that she will start to prefer your presence. I don't think it's possible to be a part-time co-sleeper, especially with a 12 month old.

    My advise would be to save the co-sleeping for those rare times when she's not feeling well.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have co-slept with my 6 month old on and off since she was born. She normally gets back in our bed when she's going through a growth spurt and needs to nurse more often. That's where I ran into a problem cause she was wanting to nurse to sleep but would wake up the minute I moved to get out of the bed. If she had her way, she'd never sleep anywhere else except between me and her daddy, lol but I've been pushing her to stay in the crib because all three of us sleep better. Her crib is right next to our bed so it's not like she's moving far. You may want to consider the long term effects since if you start co-sleeping with her now (especially since she's already a year old) it'll probably be much harder to get her back to sleeping alone in her crib once she gets used to being with you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a 5 month old daughter whose crib is right next to my bed. We took the front part of the crib off and pushed it against my bed so that it is like she is right next to us if you understand what I'm trying to say. She only comes in my actual bed in the morning. So, when daddy goes to work around 7 am my daughter has made a habit of waking up like an alarm clock and giggling until I put her in my bed. I love our cuddle moments in the morning and I know for a fact if I didn't let her in my bed she wouldn't sleep anymore in the morning. The only bad side is that she now needs me to fall asleep. I don't have to stay laying with her once she falls asleep but it is such a pain trying to sneak away. I think maybe you should try the whole crib next to your bed thing and see how that goes because at least then you won't have to try to sneak off of a loud mattress if you don't want to sleep yet. But just be aware once you start this it will be hell for you and your daughter to try and break it.

  • 1 decade ago

    My son is 11 months old and he co-sleeps. I really wish he would sleep in his own bed because he takes up our whole bed! If she goes to sleep on her own that is a blessing. Are you comfortable sleeping on the floor? She is probably already hooked on the co-sleeping habit. Try not co-sleeping with her. Do you think you could lay with her on the floor till she falls asleep and put her back in her own bed? That would be best for both of you otherwise you will be sleeping on the floor with her for years.

    I don't go to sleep the same time as my son though. He nurses (sometimes not, he is starting to wean himself slowly) and falls asleep in the middle of the bed. I just lay in bed with him and read, watch a movie, surf the net, whatever till I'm ready for bed. It is very dangerous for me to leave him in bed and go into the other room because if he wakes up he gets up and crawls off the bed (head first) trying to find me. So if I were you I would stop "occasional co-sleeping" with her asap.

    Good luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    We co-slept from birth, and had no problems until around 4 months. I could nurse him to sleep, put him in the middle of the bed and go watch TV or whatever. At that point, my son decided he wanted to sleep hooked together (nursing). I dealt with the hassle of that until around 7 months. He got booted to a crib. Now (12 months) he refuses to sleep with me (sits up and talks, or tried to climb over me) and it breaks my heart. I think occasional co-sleeping is the best, but the hardest.

    I did have a friend who had a 4 year old and they had a deal that if the little girl would go to sleep by herself, then her mommy would come in and snuggle her when it was mommy's bedtime. But that kid was 4, and old enough to make deals with. A one year old? Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    if you co-sleep it will catch on quick and its hard to stop ...

    and usually ppl try to stop co sleeping around that age

    i co sleep with my daughter and its hard to go to sleep at differnt times because she might fall off the bed which happened once before sometimes they dont cry if they wake up and crawl off the bed looking for you ... the side rails wont work if she can crawl over ... so unless you put your mattress on the floor or have a super low bed .. then its probably not a good idea to start this now given your situation

  • mcfee
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    "different than their intense love and closeness to a minimum of one yet another they are frequent extraordinarily females and are nicely enjoyed in college, yet they continuously insist on being in each and each of a similar instructions and do each thing at the same time or perhaps p.c. to gown a similar." that's the only factor of subject for me. Do they each and each have their own friends or do they proportion all of them? Do they ever do any varieties of activities aside? they might desire to a minimum of have some separate pastimes being that they are 2 distinctive human beings. What happens while they graduate intense college? Do they plan on going to a similar college with a similar considerable? they might desire to comprehend that they won't continuously be at the same time.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If you let a child sleep with you it's very hard to get them into a bed of their own later. If you put a sleeping bag or crib in your room that's better. Even then they want to have someone in the room with them, maybe a sibling.

    With teething or illness it's actually better to sit in a rocking chair or recliner with them & lay them in their bed when they go to sleep. A little one gets over teething a lot quicker than sleeping with momma...God Bless

  • 1 decade ago

    I co slpt with my daughter. I used to put her in her crib when she went down and then when she waked up chuck her in bed with us.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you have a tv in the room the kid could sleep next to you as you watch tv till your ready to go to sleep

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