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Lv 5
:) asked in Family & RelationshipsWeddings · 1 decade ago

Are DJs, photographers, etc. more expensive on New Years Eve?

I am debating whether or not to have my wedding on NYE. Are vendors more expensive at this time?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a DJ for a fairly large service the last 16 years I can say that we have never charged a higher price for a New Yrs eve wedding reception. I have done 3 or 4 myself, and the cost was exactly the same as any other time of year. In fact, we actually offered a reduced rate once because it was an 8 hour reception/New yrs party. Not all DJ's are the same, obviously, and DJ's in large cities like New York, Philadelphia and Chicago probably charge a higher price. I can't say for certain about photographers, venues, caterers, etc. My best advice is to start shopping around now before they start booking up. Like the airlines do, some businesses raise their prices the closer you are to your booking date, as your choices become more limited and you have to make a decision regardless of cost. Hope this helps :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since it's a major holiday (or eve), anyone would demand a higher pay...

    I'm not sure about photographers, but I would assume there would be higher demand for DJs for the New Year due to the number of parties that are sure to require a DJ.

    If you're concerned about the cost, you may be able to work something out with a DJ (provide your own music) or hire a college student as the photographer.

  • ABCD
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'm a photographer and while I do not charge more for NYE, I also do not accept jobs on that date unless the package they want is exceptionally high in price. I would rather be enjoying the evening than working. We work on weekends all the time and on special dates it is hard to convince my family that I should be working and not with them. They already miss me way too much.

  • YES for DJs. They are in more demand.

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