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Lv 7
Bub asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Do the republicans think it only takes a pickup truck or to a tour bus to be considered "of the people"?

Or more importantly, does it? Mitch in Indy got elected by touring the countryside of Indiana in a luxury bus, SP toured the country in a bus to sell her books (even though, I guess it was only her staff who was actually in the bus?), and now, a publican in Mass gets street cred by driving an older GM truck (is it really registered in his name?) on the campaign trail.

Do the republicans think that is all it takes to understand the working person? Since Mitch and Brown got elected, is that all it takes? A show of being like the common worker?

If this is all it takes to swing votes, are we in deep trouble in the U.S. ??

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are Absolutely right, A BUNCH OF DIP SH*TS. No doubt, YES, we are in big trouble. Like moths to a flame the stupid and simple will seal our fate. Perfect example is the answer below me. Tanya AND HILLBILLY should hook up and have a litter of stupid babies.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Just keep appealing them, again and again, until they relent. And for all you young kids out there, discussing drugs is baad, mmm kay? If you you discuss recreational drug use, on any Yahoo forum, you risk getting your account suspended. But that's the least of your worries. Discussing drugs can lead to informative and accurate information being leaked out to the Public at large, and I don't think that is any way to be winning a "War on Drugs" do you? Remember, as in any War, "Loose lips lose lives". Just think of the implications of a Society, educated enough enough to make informed, and balanced decisions about whether to take this filth or not. They always make the wrong decision, and end up making the rest of us treat them like Criminals, and discriminating against them. Just think if all 10 year old's, were told, "Yeah, go ahead and get yourself hooked on Cake, it's ok" Don't you think this is sending the wrong meesage out to our kids? And I hear lots of you saying ,"It's only a bit of Puff"! Well, I think it's been proven over and over again, that Pot is the "entry level" Drug, that leads to all the other ones. Only when all of these so called "Weed" are wiped off the face of the Earth, will we ever be truly safe from being "Junkpimped"by Evil Druglords. And an Addicts Hungry Heart, is a broad target for the Devils Arrows.

  • 1 decade ago

    We were in trouble the day Mr. Obama got elected!

    He has tried to shove his Socialistic programs on this country from day one.

    As to those who drive trucks or what ever they have done something that many in congress have not. That being they have worked for a living and know what it is to be taxed to the point of being taxed out of their homes.

    Having worked for more than 40 years I like some one who has done some type of work and not those who just say vote for me because I need to get rich and get a good pension for doing nothing in congress. Like Mr. Reid and Mrs. Poliese.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, whatever it may be, the common/ working folk "persona" is MUCH better than the alternative.. Don't you think?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It seems like the Dem's hate anyone that had to work to get to where they are. Can you name one job Obama has had? Im talking a job where he got his hands dirty enough to wash them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually it takes a pair of ears to actually listen to what the people are saying. Then it requires the honesty to do what you committed to.

  • 1 decade ago

    A person could ride a bicycle, and try to get elected "President" , I just don't care, but I will vote

    for the person, that I known(PRAY) will help our country out of this wicked mess special interest

    groups have got us into. If people don't stop voting "Party", we will all go to "HELL" in a hand basket !

    Source(s): The Judge
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    man you did some research! Now go get a job and a life and one day you will be rich like me and understand what it takes to have success all around you! Go on, get dressed and get that first job!

    Source(s): GO now!!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you are truly worried about your elected officials driving late-model vehicles, I would recommend you to find something better to do with your free time.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think they drive based on need and availability

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