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Do Atheists or Agnostics pray and go to church during extremely difficult times?

Why? Perhaps deep down, you really know there is a God!

I noticed that many churches were filled for weeks after 911. Also during and after Hurricane Katrina

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, they believe in God only then. lol

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Those people filling up the churches during difficult times are believers who forgot how to schedule church on a regular basis not atheists who know even" deep down" that god is a useless fantasy.

  • Naoned
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Wait you ask a question and then assume the response? That's not how you win an argument. The answer is a resounding "no". The churches probably filled after the 9/11 and Katrina disasters because the religious folks who did not go to church every weekend thought now was a good time.

  • Jess H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't.

    Maybe many churches were filled after 9/11 & Katrina, but not by atheists.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    None that I know of. Well, not atheists. There are agnostic theists. "Gnosis" has to do with "knowing" while theism is about "belief". I don't "believe" in any gods, but I don't "know" there are none. (I cannot prove there are none, but nor can I prove there are no leprechauns...). Theists believe but, again, do not "know", else they would not need "faith".

    The churches were filled with people who call themselves Christian but who rarely attend services and who very likely rarely dwell on what it is supposed to mean to be a Christian.

    When my son was a newborn and was losing weight, and I was beside myself with worry and exhaustion, I did not "pray" nor go to church. After 911, I said, "If I prayed, I would pray now", but I don't and I didn't. I gave blood instead.

    And there are indeed "atheists in foxholes". To say there are not is to dishonor the millions of atheists who are serving or who have served their countries.

    ~Atheist. Agnostic. Ex-fundie-xian. Former new ager.

  • I've never been christian, so no.

    But if i have a difficult question I do a reading with some tarot cards sometimes, and if I dont get the answer I want, I just do them again lol. I don't believe that shuffling a bunch of cards can predict your future, but it can help you realise what you actually want.

    Source(s): Currently atheist.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Do Atheists or Agnostics pray and go to church during extremely difficult times?"

    Nah... not me.

    "Perhaps deep down, you really know there is a God!"

    Naahhh... 'he' is imaginary...

    "I noticed that many churches were filled for weeks after 911"

    What on earth makes you think it was atheists?

    I'd suggest that many of your own part-timers were searching for something.

    We atheists really don't need dreams-beliefs in invisible sky critters.

    We're self-sufficient.


  • Agnostics, perhaps. But that kind of goes against everything Atheists believe in.

    Even if the world was caving in on itself, the last place I'd want to be is stuck inside a church. I'd want to be with my friends and family. Those are the people I turn to in difficult times.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not this atheist. Maybe most of those people in the churches right after a disaster know "deep down" that God doesn't exist and that scares the sh*t out of them. Ever think about that?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, that would be the last thing I would do/go. If times were that difficult I would either go to a bank to get a loan or a hospital to get well.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago


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