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What do Republicans and labor unions have against poor people?

I'm embarassed to admit that I'm a Republican, but I share many of the Democrats' viewpoints...

But it seems that the GOP is determined to turn the USA into a "China clone" or "North Korea clone", where ONLY one political party is allowed to exist, abortion is a federal offense punishable by death to the mother AND the doctor, and ALL media outlets must broadcast ONLY the GOP viewpoints everyday...whereas also every home must have a picture of the POTUS in every room, and ALL political candidates for any office must ignore the pleas of the homeless at all times...homeless people are to be jailed for "tarnishing the image of the Republic", and only if you make enough money to live with a family of four AND a dog, then you can legally vote...cats are forbidden as "family pets"...

Labor unions have it going easy for them:they threaten major physical violence against ANYONE who dares to oppose THEIR viewpoints, whether it be mayors, governors, or those idiots, it's "THEIR way or the highway!"...they control the voting blocs throughout Michigan, West Virginia and Pennsylvania, and declare war on any talk-radio host who dares to argue w/ them...

Why is it that it's ONLY the GOP that has a say about every aspect of life, and to heck with poor folks, who have more of a say on their future?

Please explain, and NO "Rush Limbaugh"-like snotty answers, OK?


All you morons:I'm a l;iberal Republuican, and proud of it...I don't do "lock-step" rules like the GOP "old-school" traditionalists want me to do!...So there!

Update 2:

Jamie, you are weird...most RepibliCreeps are "closeted patriots" who spit out their racist viewpoints to those in Topeka, Colorado Springs and Tupelo(at least those morons who will listen!)...

Mackenzie, I almost gave you a thumbs-up, then I saw the result! sad that to be a RepubliCreep is to be a radical specializing in intolerance for ANYTHING that doesn't go THEIR way!

All others so far, listen to Michaela's thoughts on what I said and start going along with the program...

I am right on the "China/North Korean" clone viewpoint...

How sad that it ends up being like this, having to prove your loyalty to the GOP and being racist at the same time by boycotting ANY foreign-cusine restaurant...and socially shunning anyone who dares to think differently...

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Like Monty said:NO snotty answers!

    I'm w/ you on this one, Monty...I voted against CA's Proposition 8 last year, and was promptly--and socially--shunned by friends for my stance!..

    I believe you on all viewpoints you are NOT a moron who listens to Air America(now that it's off the air for good, to the sadistic delight of the GOP), you believe in what YOU know, hence you like Alex Jones!...good for you, Monty...stand up for freedom and truth!...tell the GOP morons that they DON'T control you!

    Source(s): Alex Jones' Prison Planet and InfoWars...and the new reality stars of Republic Broadcasting Network!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Republicans do care about the poor. The thing is we don't avderise are selfs as that we belief in private charity. What progressive dems want to do is redistribute the wealth not help people. Also abortion is a very sticky issue remember that. First off only 1 in 6 women have been sexually asullted. That is not the same as rape so it is a very low persentage of rape victem. So if you really want to not be at risk birth control pills even if you are not active. Any other things there is no excuse for getting impregnated. (hope I was not to factual based for you liberals)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    As a democrat, I seem to be your mirror-image.

    They appear to want independence for poor people, to avoid having socialism as part of our government (like us blue dog democrats).

    Your exaggerations are just silly. they don't help your point. DO try again with less silliness, because you bring up a good point: The dangers of imitating China or North Korea, the dangers of one political party dominating our country. The rest of it is just nonsense.

    Argument by exaggeration shows three things:

    Your ignorance of the actual topics;

    Your disdain for the intelligence of those you speak to;

    Your lack of any desire or effort to actually analyze the situation as it is.

    Do this again, but until you do make an effort to really understand the situation in other than "sound bytes" and political bigotry, you will get a lot of "snotty answers".

    That's all you've offered us in this question.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Umm, the majority of the unions out there vote democrat. So you are saying both parties hate poor people...even though you provide no evidence to back your claim.

    BTW, I am a Conservative. I am in a union. And I do give to charities which help the homeless.

    You fail.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you're a Republican then I'm the spokesman for Bud Light.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A Republican? I don't think so. You sound like a whiny, misguided, uninformed liberal spouting more B.S. propaganda about what republicans think. Based on what you have represented, it is apparent you would not know what republicans think.

  • 1 decade ago

    Man, you really want is t believe your a republican? Where are you a republican? Ca?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    dont claim to be a republican ,we are patriots and want the best for this great nation

  • 1 decade ago

    Conservatives are right.

    You are wrong.

    Once you accept that fact, all things fall into place.

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