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Fug-azi asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

Which Is more likely, God or Aliens?

Explain why both or one and not the other or neither.


tim b - Explain to me how the bible has been proved?

Update 2:

Sal Chaech - Pretty much what I think as well

Update 3:

Personally I believe that Aliens are vastly more likely to exsit then god, with the number of stars etc etc there has to be other life forms out there.

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, as science marches forward, it puts limits on the nature of God. Ideas like the Big Bang don't necessarily preclude there being a God, but certainly it puts limits on when and how he carried out his work.

    And, as we scour the universe looking for alien life, or even the possibility of it, it turns out that planets like Earth are not as rare as once believed. I think it's pretty arrogant to believe that this particular planet is the only place life exists, especially when you consider all of the harsh environments in which life thrives here on Earth. Life seems to be found wherever it's even remotely possible, from deserts to ice lands to deep underwater thermal vents. In the billions upon billions of star systems of the universe, how can there not be life?

    Using reason and logic, I feel that aliens are almost certain to exist, while on the other hand, I still just shrug when you ask me if there's a God.

    Source(s): Life is good as an agnostic. I think that even if there is a God, he doesn't care, he simply is.
  • 1 decade ago

    Belief in any religion takes its origin form the hope to overcome loneliness to escape feeling insecure, anxious, and guilty. God symbolizes a higher virtue consequently the most wanted welfare. Wherefrom the specific meaning of God is dependent on what is the men most wanted good. So the comprehension of the idea of God has to begin with the analyses of the human’s character structure. I consider that the notion of God was invented as an answer to a human being’s need to cling on to something presumably stronger then himself.

    Contemplating the notion of aliens, considering the size of the universe - very possible.

  • 1 decade ago

    i say Aliens. My explanation is going to sound contradictory here though.

    i do not believe in a higher deity. Reason being, there's no ocular proof. Show me a deity; present the deity to me, in person, and then i might change my mind.

    You see where the contradiction comes in here though. i do believe in Aliens as i do ghosts; i believe it's plausible. There is no ocular proof though. Put aside the alleged sightings people have said they've seen of UFO's, or "crop circles." i find it hard to believe that in this whole entire universe, we are the only planet within it that has life on it. We can't be alone, we just can't...i just don't/can't see that. i mean, yes i'm bringing in a conspiracy theory here, but what's to say the government *isn't* hiding something from us?

    i fear my answer is neither long nor satisfactory, but that's my take on it, at least.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you take an alien to be some living thing we have never heard about or seen or isn't common then aliens are more likely. Like if you consider a new kind of animal or living thing (that the human race have never seen) to be an alien then if a new animal or living thing is discovered then it is an alien. God is least likely in that case.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you read the ancient text of the Sumerians and Babylonians they are one in the same. For me personally I am much more capable or perceiving that aliens exist because they would be present on the same plane of existence, just very far away. The concept of a god on the other hand requires the mind to envision another plane of existence which is beyond ourselves. The faith aspect is that you believe it even though you cannot comprehend or understand it, this to me is difficult to do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Aliens because It is not possible for their to be A "God" for so many reasons. There has to be another race of creatures living on another planet even if they are not as developed as Humans.

    Source(s): Knowledge
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God was created by the Jews in about BC 800, before that they were polytheistic like everyone else.

    Aliens statistically MUST exist, there are enough stars out there for there to be a solar system which will have produced the right conditions for life, just like our solar system did. We will never get to see them, however, as the interstellar distances are too great.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Aliens, Some people believe them to be the first generation of humans and they helped build some of the wonders of the world, temple inscriptions show alien like creatures helping them build them apparently...

  • 1 decade ago

    Before you ask a question make sure it has some logical sense.

    Answering a question does not make the question valid or reasonable.

    They are both man made imaginary concepts brought to us by the need for something bigger than ourselves.

    Without mans need none would its all conceptual cack really.

    An alien is from outer are we have no conflict of interest.

    The idea is a reasonable one.........complicated only by the size of space and the length of time.

    Its a bit like putting two ants on the surface of the world.

    Whats the likelyhood of them meeting..................especially if they both live only short lives and not necessarily at the same shared time.

    Obviously if the alien could live forever.that would simplify one aspect.........then at least h(given the ant scenario ) he might eventually find the other dead ant.

    God is for the slow of mind and emotionally unstable.......Belief is a self fulfilling fantasy.......thats ok if you like child like responses to an adult world.

    What's your problem with deciding for yourself.

    Source(s): Time is an . a concept.........gravity.....quite heavy and pot noodles really are not very nice !!! Dont knock it man I is quite the 21st century hippy dude man. Yo init. You know I do think mankind is in an ever downward spiral to armageddon...........and I dont even like Wales, or is it in Ireland.
  • Bun
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    any life outside of Earth is considered as Alien, a bug, a fish, or whatever. there are millions of galaxies in our Universe and each galaxy contains billions of stars and planets. Do you really think our little Earth is the only planet that has life?

    but if you say Aliens that are super intelligent. they can travel from galaxy to galaxy, which takes us human millions of years of traveling, in days or even seconds. I can hardly believe, but i wouldnt say it is impossible. who knows

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