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25 Years Building & Repairing Computer Systems

  • Can the public request a vote of no confidence in a County Council?

    There is a growing concern where I live that the County Council are not fulfilling the requirements of the electors and are intent on chasing their own follies.

    Have the public any legal way of challenging the council to the point of getting an early election?

    1 AnswerCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Dating With Extreme Prejudice - Critique Please?

    ~Dating With Extreme Prejudice~

    Diligence dallies,

    drawn between soft-shoe shuffle

    of whispering corners,

    where finger walking negates talking

    ‘cos tongues are knotted in spittoon embrace,

    and voyeuristic carnage vomiting

    from polished pine floor,

    where stiff ***** bob to a racing heart

    and booty is shaken not stirred.

    Ice cube charms melting

    under heated collars swerving to avoid

    dangerous curves with no safety net

    to cushion their fall,

    and is it the last dance

    when weaving a straight line

    with digits as wet as the gusset

    they dethroned,

    or self relief merely misaimed.

    1 AnswerPoetry10 years ago
  • Sestina Poem For Critique?

    For those who don't know the sestina is a strict ordered form of poetry, dating back to twelfth century French troubadours. It consists of six six-line (sestets) stanzas followed by a three-line envoy. Rather than use a rhyme scheme, the six ending words of the first stanza are repeated as the ending words of the other five stanzas in a set pattern. The envoy uses two of the ending words per line, again in a set pattern.

    First stanza, ..1 ..2 ..3 ..4 ..5 ..6

    Second stanza, ..6 ..1 ..5 .. 2 ..4 ..3

    Third stanza, ..3 ..6 ..4 ..1 ..2 ..5

    Fourth stanza, ..5 ..3 ..2 ..6 ..1 ..4

    Fifth stanza, ..4 ..5 ..1 ..3 ..6 ..2

    Sixth stanza, ..2 ..4 ..6 ..5 ..3 ..1

    Concluding tercet:

    middle of first line ..2, end of first line ..5

    middle of second line ..4, end of second line..3

    middle if third line ..6, end of third line ..1


    ~Stand Up And Be Counted~

    Can it be that construction creates holes

    where building blocks are torn without pausing,

    no thought to the scars left all stark and bare.

    Perhaps we all relish that sense of control,

    with not a tear for all the pain we are causing;

    are we even aware?

    how children grow wiser, become aware

    of the sutures we stick to cover holes,

    how we ignore their questions to what is the cause

    then wonder why they’ve stuttered and paused,

    lost all their wonder, have got no control;

    all lonely and bare.

    We could blame this society for leaving us bare,

    no protection from evil, un-aware

    that the more we want the less the control,

    we can’t see out of this self dug hole

    and then its too late to stop or to pause,

    pondering the cause

    of this apathy, what are the causes

    of being shallow, unable to bare;

    too quick a life with not enough pauses.

    Even in knowledge we stay not aware

    content to wallow deep in our holes,

    our pseudo control,

    when really it’s us being controlled

    as we shout for our chosen causes,

    accepting their ‘truth’ dribbling through holes,

    when the lies lay on their faces so bare

    and how I wish I could make them aware

    how they are all paused.

    Stop the faux building, lets take time to pause

    and regain what we’ve lost, take control;

    let bureaucrats know that we are aware

    of all the pain that they have been causing

    and lets start afresh with a sheet so bare,

    plug up all those holes.

    Time to come off pause and fight for this cause,

    take back the controls, no longer be bare,

    be self aware as we fill our holes.


    The added twist here is the rhyming.

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Together, a Poem for Critique?


    was that a sigh

    beneath your threshold

    or just a mote

    absently escaping

    your thoughts

    as they casually settled

    like a plumped pillow

    or favourite song

    upon devotion


    No capitals or punctuation is intended

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • Critique for my first attempt at lyrics?

    ~Just A Lie~

    There isn’t anything I’d do for you

    There isn’t anything worth the time

    It would take to make this better

    So much less of a crime

    Maybe once, or was it twice

    Lies fell easily upon these ears

    But no matter what you patter

    Now I have only fear


    Why’d you have to whisper sorry?

    Why’d you have to cry?

    When I told you it was over

    It wasn’t just a lie

    And perhaps I was mistaken

    Though why I do not know

    Your eyes they carry lies

    And your tears are just for show

    Chorus x 2

    Perhaps you should stop talking

    It’s a sound I’ve heard before

    Now it’s far too late to wait

    To pick my heart up from the floor

    And baby keep your apologise

    You’ll need them later on

    To be repeated when you’ve cheated

    On the next girl that you con

    So why’d you have to whisper sorry

    Why’d you have to cry

    When i said that it was over

    It wasn’t just a lie

    no it wasn’t just a lie

    When I said it was over

    It wasn’t just a lie.


    Anyone want to put this to music? I'd be over the moon if someone could.

    2 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • First Ever Attempt At Lyrics - Critique Please?

    First attempt at Lyrics for me so would be interested in any critique and someone with music writing skills to write the music for it.

    ~Just A Lie~

    There isn’t anything I’d do for you

    There isn’t anything worth the time

    It would take to make this better

    So much less of a crime

    Maybe once, or was it twice

    Lies fell easily upon these ears

    But no matter what you patter

    Now I have only fear


    Why’d you have to whisper sorry?

    Why’d you have to cry?

    When I told you it was over

    It wasn’t just a lie

    And perhaps I was mistaken

    Though why I do not know

    Your eyes they carry lies

    And your tears are just for show

    Chorus x 2

    Perhaps you should stop talking

    It’s a sound I’ve heard before

    Now it’s far too late to wait

    To pick my heart up from the floor

    And baby keep your apologies

    You’ll need them later on

    To be repeated when you’ve cheated

    On the next girl that you con

    So why’d you have to whisper sorry

    Why’d you have to cry

    When i said that it was over

    It wasn’t just a lie

    It wasn’t just a lie

    When I said it was over

    It wasn’t just a lie.

    4 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Be Brutal, Be Beautiful, But Most Of All Be Truthful?

    ~Crooked Line~

    I have angles,

    obtuse places without definition

    that linger long after day has banished night,

    and fight is bravado of dreams.

    Après vu follows déjà vu,

    motes of memory sliding into voids

    like ribbons unfurled

    in confusions tempest,

    and rest is acutely sparse.

    Playing tic-tac-toe with no centre square.

    Am I right, left or wrong?

    Laying the straightness of this macadam

    upon another sandy hope,

    thinking maybe another corner won’t lead me back

    to a point of no recollection.

    In those corners of maybes

    could there be salvation?

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • A Measure Of Thinking - Can You Answer Without Emotional Bias?

    A statement put to me and i would like to know other peoples response.

    The human race has managed to harness the ability to sustain life where perhaps it should not, by allowing certain individuals to live, who according to natures law of the strong surviving should not, are we, in fact, polluting the 'gene' pool of the human race with weaker DNA, thus creating a weaker and weaker species who in turn have to rely on the fewer of the species who are still strong.

    If we were to allow nature to take its course would this planet be better able to support life in the long term.


    NB: Not sure if this belongs in Philosophy.

    15 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Which Is more likely, God or Aliens?

    Explain why both or one and not the other or neither.

    26 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Poem To Critique Please?

    ~Dawn Fix~

    There is nothing so fresh

    as nicotine scissors,

    -inhale, exhale-

    to bring temporary death

    closer to reality,

    and exaltation

    of soft spirals

    expunging doubt

    that both will finally be


    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Poem For Critique Please?

    ~Write The Rites To Right The Wrongs~

    I could cobble words,

    lay them down within precision

    of a heart-beat,

    Perhaps, count their worth

    within their division,

    just to build

    a better tunnel wall,

    Or could I

    remove random bricks

    from structure.

    Let light into their maybe corners

    of policing doctrine,

    rewrite policy

    into abstractive art,

    where meter is like

    a foreign language,

    yes I can,

    for thoughts are not containers

    for rules or formulations,

    for counting lines of snorted coke

    to see how high they merit.

    Mine are hallucinogenic,

    spreading multi-coloured shadows

    in refracted reflections.

    Not flesh wounds,

    but body cavity piercings,

    and I will say thank you

    as my words slit your throat,

    you may dance to your rhythm,

    but don’t mock my song.

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • Poem For Critique Please?

    ~Be It Blinkered Or Be It Blinded~

    It could be confusion that smothers illusion,

    like smog rolling in from the sea,

    or an abstract decision, without precision

    that forges this doubt within me,

    and yet I can’t find a reason to be blind

    to all of this human debris,

    while here at my feet there is chaff mixed with the wheat

    rotting in various degrees.

    When our children are born to a world forlorn

    of anything too close to shame,

    to these mothers so young, that a child should have sprung,

    shows how society is lame,

    but we avert our eyes up to poisoned skies

    looking for somewhere to lay blame,

    when all it should take to admit our mistakes

    is admitting we are the frame

    that captures this sad life in its terminal strife,

    and fixes it to our will,

    it’s easy to excuse, when myopic views

    turn full circle and self fulfil,

    and it’s easier to ignore what lays on our floor;

    just things that happened to spill.

    So my curtains I’ll draw and I’ll forget what I saw

    and practice this ignorance skill.


    Each stanza has 8 lines, all odd lines as 12 syllables with internal rhyme.

    All even lines are 8 syllables and must rhyme with each even line within the stanza.

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Abstract Poem - Critique Please?

    ~Hollow Echoes Of Retreating Breaths~

    Sighs contents litter

    across ambit’s reassurance

    where security trails ‘in’,

    and the language

    of a thousand-yard-stare

    reveals natural rhythm

    for meanings hidden.

    A glass-eyed iris contracts

    when clouds weave scripts

    across vulgar clarity,

    deafening the onslaught

    of voided accords,

    and what of furrowed brows

    ploughed into fallow expression,

    are they proof of a presence?

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Solitude Of A Shade - Critique Requested?

    ~Solitude Of A Shade~

    She slipped like a breeze

    below a threshold,

    just a shiver upon chandeliers

    hung in forbidding halls,

    hoping the prisms

    wouldn’t refract her paleness,

    or blind her with company.

    She could exist on a sigh

    wrapped in self pity

    and never miss the colours

    of her dreams,

    so long as ice remained opaque.

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Kyrielle Form - Critique Requested?

    ~Dead Past Midnight~

    Bible black catches not my prayers

    falling like some forgotten wares,

    as God himself stands there scolding

    while my end begins unfolding.

    His baleful eye stalking my thought

    to how this death should best be sought.

    No matter what he is moulding,

    while my end begins unfolding,

    it doesn’t catch blinkered vision

    tied to my abstract decision,

    all I am is not worth holding

    while my end begins unfolding.

    So take your darkness into dawn,

    I’ll wait until it has withdrawn

    and spend some time just beholding,

    while my end begins unfolding.

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Insomnia Poem - Critique Requested?


    I pray to crosses thrown

    from streetlights through my pane,

    that this insane refrain

    will cease its hold on my brain,

    and offer only sweet release.

    How many shadows of shadows

    must I commit to conversation?

    From their corners of maybes,

    with an abstract vocation,

    to permit and submit

    an elegy to sleepless mourners,

    and these lids remain ajar

    while ceilings remain mute to questions,

    astute observations that these eyes

    look like scars

    rendered in the fabric of night.

    While dawn approaches,

    madness encroaches

    on another wide eyed day.

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Haiku Poetry - Comments Please?

    The Haiku is a traditional Japanese poetry form that has been translated into English. The common misconception is that Haiku's should have a maximum 17 syllable count split into 3 lines as follows 5-7-5, this is not so a Haiku can contain less then 17 syllables but no more.

    The first two lines create an image within the readers mind with the third line creating the 'ku' or aha moment where the reader realises the initial picture is not the whole scene, the 3 lines are all on the same subject but you create a juxtaposition. Traditional Haiku revolve around the seasons and there is always a word that indicates that season, though it may not be obvious. Contemporary Haiku tend to reflect human emotion.

    No poetic devices are used in the Haiku, it is merely an observation of a moment in time. Haiku do not usually have titles, but the first line can be used as the title, neither do they contain punctuation or capital letters, the '-' is added only to show where the aha moment starts.

    Comments appreciated;

    ~Haiku #38~

    feathers bloom

    in spring courtship –

    inky quill

    ~Haiku #37~

    a deer trembles

    in Autumn’s morning mist –

    a cougar waits

    ~Haiku #35~

    in warm eiderdown

    by icy pond -

    ducklings skate

    ~Haiku #34~

    chaos on the battle field

    helmets strewn in autumn dusk -

    harvest time again

    ~Haiku #32~

    sprinklers whispering

    shimmering ‘cross summer lawns -

    house burning brightly

    ~Haiku #30~

    grey-red mosaic

    drying below the May sun -

    a recent roadkill

    ~Haiku #28~

    perfect sky

    ripped by thunder –

    pilots playing chase me

    ~Haiku #26~

    Timber shuddering

    in early April shower -

    a chainsaw cuts deep

    ~Haiku #25~

    suns rays

    dancing on the beach;

    her hair

    ~Haiku #22~

    two shoes lie mirrored

    forgotten when spring cleaning -

    the wake remembered

    ~Haiku #16~

    entrance at last breached

    by a hard battering ram -

    virginities death

    ~Haiku #15~

    shifting the gearing

    as more speed is required -

    orgasm approaches

    ~Haiku #10~

    virgin cold

    shrinks capacity -

    yellow snow

    ~Haiku #9~

    sunbathing wet stones

    beneath waterfalls cascade:

    dog with cocked leg

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Honest Critique On This Poem?

    A little background;

    I am a member of on of the worlds largest poetry sites, which holds contests. The contest I entered had a Autumn theme picture and certain restrictions were put upon the poets entering, one of which was we had to have at least three 'phrases' repeating in the poem. I'd be interested in the communities opinion as I am wondering whether to put this one in my new book.

    ~Beyond Equinox~

    Golden tresses shorn

    lay beneath the feet of summers passing,

    sun shifts slowly towards warmth

    of another horizon,

    promising to return,

    and we are wrapped for winters blues

    beneath compressing sky,

    as it drains away all colours.

    We were tired as we

    lay beneath the feet of summers passing,

    too many attempts to fly

    left our breath

    promising to return.

    How lethargic morning seems

    as it lingers longer in slumber

    beneath compressing sky,

    with no thought to lights insistence

    that night should be on its way.

    Too many attempts to fly

    left clouds resting against mountains,

    dulling their sharpness

    into a soft subtle melody,

    while the wolf’s moon

    called for the chorus to mourn

    golden tresses shorn,

    soon frost will bleach all temporary white

    and as it drains away all colours,

    we reminisce on how we

    lay beneath the feet of summers passing,

    promising to return.

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Critique Required Please?

    Be Brutal, Be Beautiful, But Most Of All Be Honest.


    She’d had a rye life,

    whisky eyes

    seen through ice cube charms,

    propped up on a bar stool pedestal

    accepting only liquid worship -

    no chasers for her,

    and I caught her eye

    as she swept the bump ‘n’ grind persona

    of Friday night whores,

    draped Dali like across wide-boys arms.

    Her half moon smile

    tainted by nicotine clouds

    as they fought to escape

    the confines of an inhale,

    and me the rabbit in headlights glare,

    tongue tied to this table,

    nursing a misplaced conception.

    She was slick as she oozed

    through the waves of melded bodies,

    caught in a chimera of sex and music;

    a deep throb within.

    Another notch to be nicked

    in her playground stick,

    a passing phase

    in her latest craze,

    she was warm in my lap

    like a pile of bones before the pyre,

    waiting .. just waiting,

    and I found I could climb

    the ladder of her spine, though her heart

    had escaped that cage long ago,

    all I could see was my dignity

    lying discarded on an unmade bed,

    and her proclaiming

    “I used to be a lady.”

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago