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Letter in today's Metro - what do you think about racist groups like the EDL?

Labour has passed laws to make protest illegal, but are reluctant to act when there are clear cases of incitement to racial hatred. Groups such as the far-right English Defence League's limp excuses that they aren't racists won't fool anyone.

This is Labour's mess and they need to clear it up. They can't leave it all to those brave souls who turn out to meet these thugs and tell them they aren't welcome in our communities.

In the wake of 17 arrests due to the EDL marching in Stoke this month, do you agree that we need to stop them marching wherever we can? Should Wetherspoons, at least, ban them from their premises?


Don't call me Dude, Mr Hairyman - I agree. I wouldn't call for them to be banned by the state. However, we do need to oppose the far right at every opportunity in order to stop them spreading their racist lies.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The EDL are very much an offshoot of the BNP, as for being racist given that is comprised of, two previously formed predominantly anti-Muslim groups, The United British Alliance and Casuals United. Both of these groups are noteworthy in one respect: they are organised bands of football supporters whose real goal in life is to have a fight after a match rather than political debate. The thing is that they have leaned from the BNP that to play the innocent and blame the UAF should any violence occurs.

    The EDL is increasing it’s support on the streets and the demonstrations are increasing in violence and confrontation. However, they are also operating in the short-term. Whilst meeting up for a drink and a crack at the cops and opponents is all good clean fun they are increasing the pressure for the further curbing of civil rights and increasing the likelihood of demonstrations being banned. The government has also raised the level of Terror Alert to Dangerous which has implications for any form of dissent, particularly anti-war demonstrations. The EDL are also attempting to legitimise Islamophobia which helps the government’s agenda as the support for the Afghanistan and Iraq situation is waning and the election draws nigh. The EDL supports the state case for more legislation, surveillance and aggressive policing. The left and far right have both accused the EDL of being state engineered and it is difficult to not suspect this.

    There is also the prospect of the EDL filling the vacuum created by Nick Griffin on the far right. As far right antipathy to the BNP increases over finances, jobs for the boys, the non-white membership issue and suspicions over the legitimacy of Griffin as a leader, the EDL are in a position to capitalise on it politically. By organising a political party they will no doubt attract the more extremist voters and benefit from general anti-Muslim sentiment in certain areas. This could also operate as a right wing vote splitting tactic which could well be part of the state agenda. Whether the EDL members have the political will to sustain election campaigns is doubtful unless they can attract former BNP organisers used to generating local supporters.

  • 1 decade ago

    I firmly believe that EDL are a racist group in all but name.

    However, I believe that all groups, once they stay within the law, should be allowed to protest. Anyone breaking the law on any protest should be picked up there and then.

    I suppose if one group had 3 protests/rallies in a row where lots of people get arrested each time, then they should be barred from protesting, but then they'd just call themselves something else, and start again.

  • 1 decade ago

    The EDL are today what the browhshirts were in 1930s Germany. The only way to stop them is to boycott them wherever they go - pubs, clubs, restaurants, etc, refuse them access to public transport, refuse them petrol at filling stations, refuse them cash at the banks, refuse to serve them in shops, put up posters with the faces of every known member on every spare bit of wall space in town, refuse to print or distribute their propaganda, close down their web sites, publish lists of every known member in every newspaper and on the web, and generally make life difficult for them. This will only work if it has mass support but will be a lot more effective than a few people going out on the streets to confront them when they march - that's what they want, they thrive on it and will turn it to account.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are an extension of Combat 18, a violent racist group who have amalgamated themselves into EDL. They are an assortment of football hooligans, casuals and the unemployed.

    They claim to be against "Muslim extremism" yet they only hold rallies when theres a home game in the nearest town. What I find really ironic is that they claim to be "Proud to be English" yet they attend rallies with their faces covered up with scarves and hooded tops.

    EDIT: "Heard it all before "where is your evidence to support such a claim.."

    Its here:

    During a day thousands of Christmas shoppers last year gathered to watch 500 soldiers from the 2nd Battalion The Mercian Regiment march through the city of Nottingham, EDL members with their faces covered marched through Nottingham shouting: "We want our country back".

    They certainly look like a nice, friendly bunch don't they? And where are the black members that you claim? Where are they in this picture?

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  • 1 decade ago

    NO laws regarding regulation or banning of protest marches should ever be supported by anyone on the left. I don't care what the INTENTION of such laws are - they will ALWAYS be used first, primarily, and sometimes, ONLY, against the left.

    In the U.S., for instance, laws were passed against political demonstrators covering their faces, INTENDED to be used against the KKK.

    No Klansman has ever been charged under these laws. The only defendants ever charged have been Salvadoran and Iranian refugees, who demonstrated against their countries' U.S.-supported secret police, and covered their faces to protect their identities (and their families' lives).

    I agree that racists and fascists should be hindered from marching. But the way to do that is to assemble as many of their potential victims as possible on the spot and outnumber them -- NOT to call on the wealthy's government to "protect" you.

    Labour, Tories, Lib Dems, etc., are NOT your friends. You can't rely on them to do ANYTHING but to go against the interests of working-class people and minorities. Calling for THEM to have the power to ban ANYTHING is very, very foolish, and often, suicidal.


    Source(s): Remember Cable Street
  • 1 decade ago

    Saying the EDL are not racist is not a limp excuse it is morons like you who need to take your blinkers of and learn about the real problems this country is facing instead parroting emotive PC tripe. I believe in free speech and the right to protest against extremist Islam in my country i will challenge leftists who think they can ban such actions and silence the majority. The EDL have black members and are opposed to real racism its the UAF which behave like fascists the Metro need to get its facts straight i would take them to court for spouting such garbage but whats the point. "Heard it all before "where is your evidence to support such a claim or are you just typically repeating the propaganda of the Socialist front UAF which has a agenda."Heard it all before" that is not evidence at all so there marched after a parade so what there were protesting against Islamic extremism and they stated there have no connection with the BNP there where highlighting the threat that certain factions of Islam is having on Britain when many say "i want my country back" it means the independent democratic free nation it once was what the hell is racist about that?

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok but the problem is who speaks up for the traditional English people whose families have lived here for several generations ,, Everyone else seems to be able to speak and say what they want , As soon as EDL . BNP or even UKIP start talking about retaining basic old English culture they are subject to a storm of abuse etc . Should not all incoming cultures respect English standards as being the correct ones as it is their country .

  • D
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I am an outsider looking in. I am American and I know exactly where you are coming from. Anyone who stands up for soverignty is pabeled a bigot or racist. I understand that England wants to keep its core values and its culture intact. Too many foreigners come to our countries and try and change it into a mini version of the place they left. Assimilation is important. Immigrants must obey the laws of the land and assimilate into society. I am not saying forget where you come from (but why not, where you were must be a **** hole, you are skulking to my country to do better.) but you need to fit in with society.

    If you moved to the middle east, you would be FORCED to do things their way and to uphold their standards. There would be no room for discussion. Fight for your country, do it peacefully and be inclusive.

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