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If the BNP ever do get a position where they could take power, what would happen?

Not very long ago, Jean Marie Le Pen, leader of the National Front in France was in the run-off for the presidential election with a substantial share of the vote. Now it seems that voters are deserting the FN in droves.

From this question in French (which I will translate). I think this is also relevant to Britain, what do you think? I don't think the BNP will get anywhere in the next elections, but even where they have got councillors, the evidence here is similar - that they are losing not gaining popularity.

Pourquoi le FN ne gagnera-t-il jamais une élection, une seule?

Why haven't the Front National won any elections, even a single one?

Voici déjè un élémént de réponse:

Here is one reason why this might be the case:

77% des français préfèrent la diversité...

77% of the French prefer a diverse, multicultural society.

Avez-vous d'autres explications à cette constante du FN qui est de perdre les élections?

Do you have any other explanations why the far right constantly lose elections?


Shortbread - I agree, that is exactly what happened with Le Pen.

Update 2:

Auriflamme - Well said. The far-right are a sad minority who only get transient support in difficult times, when there is no real alternative being offered.

Update 3:

Nipatate - what you are describing - distrust in the state, and in favour of direct, local democracy, are what I would regard as left not right wing views. Socialists ultimately want to get rid of the state and have people decide what to do democratically. Stalinism (all powerful state control) has given the left a very bad name - but that is not true socialism.

22 Answers

  • tom
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The thing here is that of what constitutes support for a party. There is loyal support, there is voting support, and there is simple support which does not translate to much.

    We know that the BNP lost 3/4 of their voters from the EU election in 2004 and the General Election in 2005. We also know the BNP has not gained much from the 2004 to the 2009 EU elections even though the 2009 elections saw so much apathy towards the bigger parties, and in general, the MPs expenses, labour being in power so long and a few other factors.

    The BNP is not gaining ground like it claims to be. It is saying this stuff because they believe if they say it enough, they will get people to think they have this support that does not actually exist.

    What happened in France is what is always going to happen with extremist parties, they achieve a limited amount of success on the back of ignorance, people believe their lies. But then they lose interest, find out they were lied to, or just generally don't care. The BNP are on a high because Labour has been in for so long. People complain that no one can do any worse, but they said the same at the end of Thatcher's reign, and at the end of Major's reign. Blair was charismatic, and people liked that, Brown isn't, so all the problems of Blair's govt, hidden behind charisma, are now Brown's problems, and people blame him.

    The BNP is a one issue party, so they blame immigrants, they point out how bad it is, but is this Labour, or were most of these people, "efniks" as the BNP call them, were here before anyway. Look at who the BNP hated, Rio Ferdinand, Amir Khan, David James etc etc, all here BEFORE Labour got in, probably the families were here three decades ago or more.

    The BNP does not need facts though, it works on emotion and reduces the actual real situation to a minimum!

  • jj26
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    well unfortunately the BNP are the only ones who seem to even dare to raise the issue of preserving rights of ethnic britains (anglo saxons to avoid people ranting). I dont think the BNP are the way forward but i am appaled by how weak and liberal the 3 main parties have become. I have travelled to many nations where many of our immigrants are from and seen the ethnic pride that they displayed, the same ethnic pride if displayed by a white man would instantly make you a 'nazi'.

    Multiculturalism has failed, and diversity is in itself racism. We seem to be so apathetic and apologetic to everyone with darker skin than our own, And the way to make up for this is to abolish any display of nationalism (except during sports events obviously) and convince our youth that there is no such thing as british culture and that we have no choice but to merge it with cultures of third world immigrants.

    I hope the BNP get enough votes to wake the 3 main parties up, but because of their past id rather not see them getting into power.

  • 1 decade ago

    First they came for the Communists

    And I did not speak out

    Because I was not a Communist

    Then they came for the Socialist

    And I did not speak out

    Because I was not a Socialist

    Then they came for the trade unionists

    And I did not speak out

    Because I was not a trade unionist

    Then they came for the Jews

    And I did not speak out

    Because I was not a Jew

    Then they came for me

    And there was no one left

    To speak out for me

    To be fair though, the BNP would go for Muslims first. And then work down the list.

    Britain is great. It can be so much better. Lets work together to make it so and not let extremists like the BNP ruin it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here in france many are too much family involved and not work coordinated.

    My optician is German and says the pressures here are not as bad as in Germany, My opthalmic surgeon, French said that france has a culture of relying on the state. So much so that they do not argue with state statements but they are starting to realise that thru this French for the French attitude and of the state proping up those that really think that they do not need to do too much. They are now paying over 30% of there salary in taxes, have jobs forcibly secured on companies that companies can get labour cheaper elsewhere and as employees leave they will not replace them and eventually move elsewhere.

    The people are to an extent starting to realise this and those that are of the group that want to work and make money who used to be right wing have moved to a different stance.

    Watch France over the next few years, could be interesting. They are also going to have to speak English fluently in the next 10 years to get a job.

    Source(s): We live here, daughter works here, know many French persons whose attitudes have changed.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think we are all aware what irreparable damage the bnp would do to Britain. The bnp would only have power if the did indeed 'Take power' as in a military coup. All that has changed with the bnp is they swapped the bovver boots and bomber jackets for pin stripes they are still repeating the same old racist rubbish albeit watered down. Far right groups gain support in times of difficulties but most people realise that voting a party like this for govenance is just ignorant stupidity, thats why they only win at local level.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    nobody wants the BNP to win an overall majority.but what this country needs is 20 or 30 BNP MPs in Parliament to stop the weak liberal policies that get thru because the main 3 haven't got the guts to say no to immigration (except for highly skilled) and to get rid of the 2 million illegals and any immigrants convicted of a serious crime.........That's why we need a nationalist voice in Parliament

  • 1 decade ago

    Total melt down of the British economy. Ostracisation by the rest of the free world. Possibly an alliance with some 'Banana Republics'.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not an awful lot really we`d probably just get the typical incompetent government we`ve known to expect.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If Labour get power again this year (unlikely but just go with me for now) then the state of the country in 5 years time would be such that the BNP would get many more members and would easily get several MPs elected.

    It will be a long time before they were ever big enough to challenge for government though.

  • Batman
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If they got in to power the borders would be closed to immigrants. They would most likely do it bit by bit making it almost impossible for foreigners to live here. Whilst I agree that all illegal immigrants should be booted out of this country I do not agree with stopping all legal immigration.

    That said even legal immigration rules need tightened up.

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