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Lawyer X asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Can Sarah Palin answer a question when she's wearing gloves?

And, is it true that her designer eyeglasses are really miniature teleprompters?


To _Spanishlady: You are right, she has--but I meant can she answer a question intelligently.

29 Answers

  • neil s
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Remember, those were notes to answer questions after her speech. This suggests 1) She knew what questions were coming (the order of the notes matches the order the questions were asked) and 2) She still needed crib notes to be able to simply talk about what she supposedly believes. That's not just stupid, it's a clear sign that those who advise her know full well her supporters are stupid, too.

  • Kat
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You have to excuse her , just be glad she's not going through a "Micheal Jackson" phase, otherwise she would be speechless..or is that a good thing ?....As for the glasses, the answer is yes.......They also allow her to see if her audiences are truly earthlings or alien space creatures infiltrating our human population. She quit paying taxes on her properties because she believes her tax man is from the plant "SNURF" ..... I hate to burst her bubble ,cause he was actually born from a test tube and raised in a secret lab in "AREA 51".......a test tube baby created from alien DNA left behind from a recent crash that occurred behind the capital the day our president was crowned PRINCE......He was formally known as Obama....The aliens grow at an exceptionally accelerated rate and can reach adult hood in a matter of months.....Most of them were quickly assigned jobs as tax collectors , since no humans in his right minds wanted the jobs......The suggestion for job placement was made by Arnold Swartzennut......and we all know how Palin feels about his NATZI upbringing......His thinking is, if ya can't get a human to do the job then create an alien who will.........and why is everyone worried about Palin not paying her taxes, and yet no one is making Arnold give his inherited fortune back to the Jewish people ? oh well,,,,Guess ya had to be there to understand........but then again , did the Holocaust really happen ?

    Source(s): Eyes wide shut.......
  • 1 decade ago

    Sarah Palin has the IQ of a newt. She is not only an embarrassment to the Republicans but all intelligent humanity as well. She is glib but her thoughts have no substance or basis in fact usually.

  • 1 decade ago

    She could not answer a question intelligently If she tried. If her glasses had teleprompter in them how could her eyes focus when she can't see because she has no mind.

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  • 1 decade ago

    oh hell no if she went to a Speech wearing gloves she would just sit there and wait for them to hook up a teleprompter of just sit there confused about where she is and thinking about when the last time she shot something. as for the glasses i don't think so but i wouldn't be surprised she probably cant **** without an assistant to tell her how to wipe

  • 1 decade ago

    There is not a thing wrong with writing notes as she did - it is common and acceptable. The bad thing about it was she tried to hide the act - like she thought it was unprofessional or not allowed. She was convicted of so many Ethic charges made against her in her short time as Alaska's governor she is gun shy . Now waite and see what happens when the state files charges against her and her husband for his illegal and unethical activities in state government when she was the governor - the fun has only started. -

  • 1 decade ago

    Just watch her if she says - :the gloves are off." Sorry - it is obvious if she is given a chance to say anything she will say it - right or wrong. She has become so boring - I wish people would find something else to talk about. LETS DO THIS - NO MORE PALIN CRAP ON YA!

  • 1 decade ago

    Every speaker makes notes in the final minutes before they are to speak. Most carry note cards, some people (like President Obama) have them fed into the teleprompter. So she wrote down 4 or 5 things to make sure she addressed them ... so what?

    Are liberals so outwitted that the best argument they can come up with against Sarah Palin is that she wrote a note on her palm? Is that the best you've got?

    If she were a Dem, would you care? Would you be defending her from the conservative pundits? The only transparency Obama brought to DC was to show us how vapid liberals are.

  • 1 decade ago

    Will Elmer Fudd ever catch the Wabbit?

  • 1 decade ago

    Can she answer questions period? Remember, this woman was stumped by a 3rd grader:

    And she uses teleprompters herself, so why the big deal with teleprompters?

    As for the glasses, that was a rumor to excuse her abysmal interview with Charlie Gibson: "It wasn't her, it was an aide who was stupid."

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