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How did the show "insult" people with Down syndrome?

In the recent Family Guy episode. A new character "ellen" was introduced. She has Down Syndrome. I keep hearing from the right how it was insulting to people with Down Syndrome to have her on the show. I don't understand that though.

She was treated just like everyone else on the show. Her biggest flaw wasn't that she had Down Syndrome, but that she was a bossy Witch. The character who dated her (chris) Said that she was beautiful and that he thought she would be different, but she's just like everyone else, "mean" (he used another word, but you get the meaning).

Isn't that what we're supposed to do? Treat them like everybody else? She had flaws (like every other character) and she had virtues. They made a reference to her being the daughter of the "former governer of Alaska" which isn't really that much of a dig, Palin does have a kid with Down Syndrome. They also alluded to her hugging to hard, which many people with DS tend to do.

Otherwise, I don't get the insult. Please enlighten me. Actually explain it.


Ok so I have people saying it was offensive because it was offensive. I'm asking to be enlightened. You can't claim to be offended if you can't say how you were offended.

Update 2:

So people say it's offensive because it pointed out the Palin has a child that has Down Syndrome. That's a fact. We aren't allowed to point out facts anymore?

She's a celeb who recently showed hyprocrisy by condeming 1 person for saying a word, but ignoring another person who used it. The only difference between the 2 was their political affiliation. Family guy went after her like they would any other celeb. They gave her an opportunity to look foolish and she's done just that.

If Palin didn't want to people to think about her son as a kid with Down syndrome, she shouldn't have named him TRIG. TRI-G or Trisomy G is another name for DOWN SYNDROME. She gave her son the name of his disease. That's just bad parenting.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I asked the same question and presented the same argument and it seems people don't care that the girl has downs or whatever. Everyone takes offense that Palin's kid was very vaguely referenced. I don't even think the people complaining even saw the episode or even watch the show. there are tons of people Family Guy directly mocked for their disabilities (Micheal J Fox, Lou Gehrig, The Deaf Special Olympics Team, Helen Keller) and oh so many politicians and people wanna start taking offense now? Grow the **** up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It didn't insult people with Down syndrome, it insulted Sarah Palin. There have been many TV shows with Down Syndrome characters in the past, which have not caused an uproar. I don't watch this show, but did see a clip. IMHO, there was no need to mention that she was the daughter of the 'former governor of Alaska'. Other than that, having a strong character who happens to have Down syndrome is no big deal.

  • 5 years ago

    I selected not to get this trying out as I might no longer abort a being pregnant even though the little one used to be at prime threat of Downs Sydrome. There are worse fates that a little one might have. It is a kind of "if it is intended to be, it's going to be" style situations for me. Also, while I discovered approximately the prime fee of "fake positives" I made up our minds in opposition to it for definite. Good factor I did not do it due to the fact I already had adequate to worrry approximately with my being pregnant due to the fact it used to be no longer a gentle one as soon as I hit 20 weeks. I used to be on whole mattress leisure up till I introduced at 37 weeks because of incompetent cervix. I can not recognize the way it need to consider however I might simply attempt to keep calm and wait till you have got an ultrasound to investigate for any bodily abnormalities. Then you'll understand that every one is good and you'll be able to breathe a sigh of alleviation. Good Luck... I wish the whole lot is going good for you and your child :)

  • 1 decade ago

    conservatives only think comedy exists in jokes like "why is chelsea clinton so ugly? janet reno is her father" or "here's a picture of the new white house DOG!" at which time the conservative on television showed a picture of a 14 year old chelsea to the camera.

    get it now? according to conservatives, it's perfectly acceptable and hilariously funny to mock a child as long as that child's parents are liberal democrats.

    if a conservative has a child with a certain characteristic, even MENTIONING that characteristic in public, without using it to mock ANYONE, immediately becomes a SIN.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It was a slam on sarah palin. The character says down child's mother was the Governor of Alaska.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't care.

    People need to stop pretending to be sensitive for political gain or perceived moral high ground.

    Everything is funny.

    Well, except maybe Family Guy which is lame non-sequitur BS.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Im on the right and watched that show for years.

    they make fun of everything. blacks, chinamen, whites, gays, ect

    althought i thought that episode wasnt as good as the rest i dont see the outrage

  • 1 decade ago

    offense is in the eye of the beholder, it's not what is said, but what is heard!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ya its perfectly normal for dc and hollywood to cut and play the DOWN SYNDROME CARD

    Source(s): I liked the J-FOX head shaking better
  • 1 decade ago

    People never understand until it happens to them. Try to put yourself in Palins' shoes for a moment and think about how it would make you feel.

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