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what to expect becoming a military girlfriend (wife)?

My boyfriend has told me from the beginning he's going to be in the military. He is starting off in the Army. Since his background wouldn't allow him into the Marines. I know bootcamp is about two months. And then he gets stationed, then shipped. I read that deployment can be anywhere to 12months. And contact with him will be limited (as in phonecalls and such). I wanted to know if writing letters would be more frequent than calls, which I'm sure they will be. But how long can I go without knowing at all. I know his first deployment will hit hard but we both are commited in this. We have a one year old daughter. So I know it will be hard on her as she gets a little older because she loves talking to him. But I would like to hear other things I might need to know before everything is here. Thankyou.


I know it's not all bad. But I just wanted to know what else comes along other than what I know. I'm not too stressed about it. I have looking into information on the military and everything since he began talking and filling out papers with recruiters. I love him and I don't want to be with him for just that. I want to be the woman he gets excited about seeing when he comes back, help him with everything he needs and will needs, keep him happy when things are rough. I never expected to be coming into this type of life so I think being prepared with all the information I can get is very useful. Lol..

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are getting way ahead of yourself. He will train and then be stationed yes. But as for deployment that depends on the rotation for the unit he gets assigned to.....he might not deploy for a year if he gets assigned someplace that just got back. On the other hand he could also be assigned to a unit getting ready to is a 50/50 shot. As for communication during deployment that also depends on where he is at it could be great and you could get a phone call everyday or not so great and get a call once a week.....don't make problems or imagine problems until they happen you'll just stress yourself out for no reason and trust me military life itself is stressful enough without worrying about the little stuff

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I can only answer about the stationed and overseas info because that is when I was with my fiance. Obviously when they are stationed you can talk to him as much as you would like it is like a normal job. Being deployed depends on the unit that he will be attached to if they recently were deployed there will be more time on US soil but if they haven't deployed in about a year he may be on his way out. When my fiance was deployed I talked to him every other day (he called his parents the other day). We talked for about 15-30 mins at a time. The only time we didn't get to talk is if there was a blackout (usually when the base went on lock down with no outer communication). He could also get internet if he has a laptop to webcam or skype. They have internet cafes and he may be able to get the internet in his room. Again this all depends on where in the combat zone he is. Also make sure that you both talk about everything and I mean everything even if it is difficult to hear or say. Deployments can be up to 18 months but it might have changed since I went through it. There is an R & R of two weeks during deployment also. I guess I was on the lucky end with talking to my fiance some go longer. You can always visit and talk to military wives, gfs, etc. GOOD LUCK!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    For starters, don't "deploy" before you deploy. don't worry about deployment, don't worry about contact on deployment. He's not in the Army yet so there is absolutely no reason for you to be thinking that far ahead, as it will just drive you insane.

    Before any of that happens he has to a) enlist b) ship to basic c) go through AIT d) go to a permanent duty station and then he can be there for a few months to a year before even being deployed. So you have anywhere from 1-1.5 years before you even need to worry about that.

  • Tearas
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I posted this answer yesterday to a similar question, though it might be appropriate again.

    Know that you are facing some of the toughest times in your life. The military life is hard, even harder on the families than the soldiers most times.

    Be prepared for long work hours, and even longer field time. I won't even get into the months and years spent dealing with deployments. Look forward to muddy boots, tons of gear (almost always needing to be cleaned), and phone calls in the middle of the night telling him to come in early for one of a hundred different reasons.

    Learn to pack, unpack, and repack everything you own in a matter of days. Get used to never living in one place for more than two years (and that's if you are lucky enough to be in one place that long).

    Develop a thick skin for rumors, and a tolerance for gossip. Be ready to go to countless change of command/balls/award ceremonies with varying levels of dress required for each.

    Be prepared to cry yourself to sleep many nights. Ready yourself to go for extended periods of not hearing from your husband. Learn to fear that knock on the door by someone in Class As.

    Ready yourself to meet some of the greatest men and women this country has to offer, both the soldiers and the spouses. Make friends were you can. Avoid making enemies, the army is a small world after all, you may see them again. Get involved with FRGs, ACS, and other spousal organizations (oh yea, be ready to learn dozens of acronyms, the army loves them).

    Most of all, love and support your husband. He has chosen a profession few can handle, and you have made the choice to stand beside him through it. Be thankful for the times he is home, and never forget why you have chosen to go through the hell that is being an Army wife.

    Good luck.

    Source(s): Army vet & 10 year Army husband
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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    you would be working around the dwelling house or you will get a activity and stay like each the different military spouses and civilian families. undecided why you think of being the companion of a military member is so distinctive. Being interior the army has stresses basically like being in a civilian activity.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hope you will get married before he deploys,because as his wife you will have all the benefits provided.most bases have family advocates,to help you with everything from donated furniture,help with daycare and lots of other family based services.

    Just remember, even when he's gone you are not alone,you have a big military family to lean on!!

    Good luck and best wishes to you!!

    Source(s): Former military brat,And marines wife
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