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Why were the jews in Germany in the 1st place?

i mean what made them came to Germany and when did they came ?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    After Rome sacked Jerusalem way back in the 1st century, the diaspora occurred which is a moving out of a people from their native land to foreign lands. The Jews went everywhere, Europe, Asia, Africa and as time went by the Americas as well. In the case of Europe, they inter-married with various European races. So there came to be Polish, Czech, Russian, German, French and so on Jews. Their nationality was for example German as they were born there, but racially and religiously they were Jewish.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To the comment regarding Gypsies, theres no such thing as a country of origin for them.its a way of life (though i don't agree with it, not while i pay my taxes!!!) and they originated out of Egypt, hence the "Gyp" bit, which is why they have a darker complexion, still if they stayed theyd probably have become muslims so their probably happy they left. With the Jews though they have been mingling in for milenia, i believe that they lost their country before the Romans came, until then they were confined to the wider middle eastern area (hence the parting of the red sea to lead the jewish eExodus from egypt).When the Romans came,it then linked Europe to the Middle eastern areas and free movement commenced. We English actually kicked out the jews from this country in the middle ages, along similar lines to what Nazi Germany did 600 years later.Theres no for-oar about that though is there?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jews have been scattered all over Europe since the Romans destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem back in the 1st century CE. Jews were a people without a country up until the creation of the state of Israel in 1949.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is also important to remember that the Jews were not permitted to own land in many places in Europe. That is why many worked in the financial and banking systems (creating a stereotype that still exists to this day), because they did not their own land to cultivate. Because they did not have their own country since Jerusalem had been seized and they were not allowed to own land, they spread out across Europe and Africa. Semitic tribes were traveling throughout the Mediterranean before the Romans. The Phoenicians, who were semitic, were the first travel outside of the Mediterranean, and began colonizing the west coast of Africa.

    Source(s): I am a history major.
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  • 1 decade ago

    During the Roman Empire the Jewish people and others were allowed to travel through out the Empire. When they come to a country that they liked they stayed in that country (not to take over the planet). I'm part Jewish myself and my ancestry is Part German and Part Italian. My ancestry in Germany can be traced all the away to the 1rst century A.D.

    One idea that they stayed in Germany is because the soil made it easier to grow things that they couldn't grow in Israel.

    Another was to escape percussion that was going on during that after Jesus was killed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why are there Jews here in London, or in New York even? Because they are free to live where-so-ever they like and where they can continue their trades and businesses.

    Blimey, London would be crap hole without her Jews.

    In any event, Oliver Cromwell MP invited the Jews to come back into England sometime in the 17thC not sure when but around the time of the English civil war anyway. . .Germany indeed. . .huh!

    How to play the clarinet. . . one method anyway. . .

    Shalom Israel

  • 1 decade ago

    Most of the Jews killed by the Nazis were from outside Germany, Poland, Russia, France and all around Eastern Europe..they were a 'Stateless' people just like the Palistinians are at the moment....

    Source(s): Fr Ted told me over a pint in Mulligans...
  • Cabal
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There were Jewish communities in every country of Europe, some as old as 1st century AC. They were not legally of that country until Napoleon I forced the countries he invaded to declare them citizens (a ruling many revoked afterward) but they were there sometimes just as long than some of the local tribes.

    Source(s): History
  • 1 decade ago

    a link to how the gypsies moved just link the jews

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because that is just how it was, before the creation of Israel(that is very recent) they were just a people without a country just like gypsies are now, they were just scattered around the world.

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