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Atheists, what do you think of this quote regarding prayer and talking to God?

"If we turn on our television set and it does not work, we do not declare that there are no such thing as television waves in the air. We assume something is wrong with our television set".

possibly this could be a good rebuttal if Atheists claim that they don't hear God so they assume he's not real ?


fishstix, i was an Atheist...nice try though

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can prove there is a TV. You can prove there are TV signals on other TVs!!

    Now what about your claims for god?!! Plenty of proof that the claims are false!!

    Academia states that in the absence of proof of the existence of something it must be deemed not to exist until verifiable proof is found - thus god is held not to exist pending some sort of verifiable evidence.

    There is not one single mention of Jesus in the entire Roman record - that is right - not one!!! At the same time as he was supposed to have been around there were a number of Jews claiming to be the messiah - all of whom are well recorded!!

    There is not a single contemporary record from any source and even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!!

    He was supposed to have been a huge problem to the Romans and produced wonderful miracles but still not one contemporary record?

    Even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!!

    Pilate is recorded in the Roman record as a somewhat lack luster man but no mention of a Jesus, a trial or crucifixion that would surely have been used to make him look brighter!!

    At best he was an amalgam of those others!!

    The Roman Emperor Constantine produced the bible and he was a pagan not god!!! He also organized Christianity into the Holly Roman Catholic Church!! Not in Israel or any of the countries of supposed origin but entirely ITALIAN!!

    Not one word of it is contemporary with the period and was not written until several hundred years after the period the story is set in!! How did the apostles write their books more than a hundred years after they would have been dead?

    What a wonder full disinformation and deception campaign he waged against his Christian enemies - so good in fact that Christians are still following the deception to this day!!!

    The first person to provide a shred of verifiable evidence for God will become world famous and mega rich!! Ain't happened yet and it never will!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Your quote is a nice try but does not work. Suppose I told you that there was a purple frog singing on Mars. Do you hear it? You don't? Well, I suppose you assume it is not real, that it does not exist.

    And of course, it doesn't. There is no evidence of it, apart from me telling you that it exists. The same is true of the claim that a god exists, and the fact that lots of people make this claim is not relevant, since they are just repeating what they have been taught by other people who were similarly taught. The fact is that this preposterous notion has been passed down through the centuries and it has NEVER been true. Never.

    Just like the notion of a singing purple frog on Mars.

    The analogy with the TV is silly, with all due respect. You know the TV waves exist, there are lots of ways to prove their existence. Unlike the poor frog or your non-existent god.

    Lady Morgana

    "ribbit, ribbit..."

  • 1 decade ago

    So, if the TV is not working, it can't be used to test any claim of TV waves.

    Solutuion: fix it or get a new one.

    Without any means of detected a TV signal, you're not in a position to say they exist.

    If you have previously deletcted them, then you know how to do it again, so can test the claim.

    If a scientist said "Oh, my particle accelerator isn't working at the moment, you'll just have to take my word for it that the Wiggs+ particle exists", he'd be laughed out of a job.

    Only actual testing can validate any claim; if you can't test it just now, then you certainly can't justify the claim just now.

    So, that quote just won't cut it.

  • 5 years ago

    He would not choose our worship. He would not choose us in any respect. yet, He chosen to create us in His image so as that shall we are living and stroll with Him. Worship is our way of expressing gratitude to Him. he's deserving of my compliment and worship. Prayer is think to be as intimate as worship is. it is your expression of religion and a while on my own with the father. there is not something greater effective than to be in His presence. In a real relationship it extremely is not a Sunday only issues. it extremely is on a regular basis.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Rhetorically, it's cute. I like quick snappy answers, with a hint of sarcasm. You'll see it in a lot of my answers here.

    But it really doesn't address the facts.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i don't believe in god because i the thoughts of being in control of my destiny is comforting to me, have you ever met an atheist? probably not. why do you feel it necessary to try and prove atheists to be stupid? what have we ever done to you?

  • 1 decade ago

    Or, as your own analogy suggests, there is something wrong with God.

  • Sev N
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I prefer TV since it is real and not a fantasy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Fine,fix your god,it's broken. In fact it has never worked.

  • 1 decade ago


    Final answer.... beeep...

    Source(s): IMHO
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