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Richard asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

If I refuse to buy heath insurance how much jail time would I be looking at?


To Blue Haired Old Lady

You missed the point entirely. It’s not like car insurance. I can own a car or not, if I don’t own a car I don’t need insurance. This “insurance” is needed only because I’m a citizen illegals aren’t required to get it. To require me to buy anything just because I’m a citizen is a tax, plain and simple.

“Perhaps you will grow up before then.”

Considering I’m almost 50 it isn’t going to happen. I believe in a small government. I believe we should let people fail. I wouldn’t have bailed out wall street. Trust me AIG had enough money to cover their losses, and even if they didn’t it wasn’t like all the notes were going to default. Had AIG failed many a person would have learned something. What they learned now is that the Government will save us and we can keep our jobs.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is no jail time; penalties were removed from the bill by the Senate Finance Committee.

    And the penalty is not for not buying insurance; it would be for not paying the fine. And all that would happen in that case is the IRS would collect the amount of the fine from tax refunds.

  • 1 decade ago

    As other posters stated, it is not a felony, therefore no jail time for not paying the penalty which will just be added to your tax liability. Even not paying the amount of taxes owed is a felony.

    However, that being said, lying on a tax return, for example saying you do have insurance when you don't or falsifying records could be considered filing a fraudulent return which is a felony.

  • 1 decade ago

    Fines, yes, but fines will likely come from both the federal AND state government. MN just proposed a bill last week that would apply a monthly penalty every month you have no insurance. If this bill were to pass, residents could start incurring penalties starting in 2012.

  • 1 decade ago

    You will probably grow up before the government starts imposing jail time.

    First - the plan has to go into effect - like in 2013 or 2014.

    Then - they would have to figure out YOU don't have insurance.

    There would be 6-12 months worth of warnings, perhaps more. Then fines, warnings, more fines. And finally in 2016 or 2017 they MIGHT actually put someone in jail.

    Perhaps you will grow up before then.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I haven't heard of jail time . . . just fines. However, I think there is like - up to a year in prison/25,000 fine if you refuse to pay the initial fines. But I'm not 100% on that.

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