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What part of recent history makes anyone think the GOP could write a better bill?

Bush's Prescription drug plan added 600 BILLION to the deficit in 5 years (according to the ORIGINAL CBO PROJECTION....compared with a 140 BILLION dollar SURPLUS for the reform package now). Bush's Prescription plan provided no source of revenue to pay for itself and added ZERO concessions from the drug suppliers. It explicitly rules out Medicare negotiating prices for drugs.....costing us far more than what the CBO project stated.

Medicare D is a Republican attempt to kill Medicare by privatizing it, which has proven wildly ineffective. We pay almost twice as much for everyone in Medicare who decides to use Medicare D.....and always for for less general coverage.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The GOP Is dedicated entirely to feeding their Billionaire Masters. They care nothing for the American people one way or another - so I doubt they'd be writing any bills - except perhaps for more Tax Cuts for Billionaires.

    They LOVED that one.

  • Lets not forget that Bush signed medicare part D. with the provision that the Gov. COULD NOT have Rx. Co.s bid to provide drugs turning Part D. into another HUGE Multi Billion $$ hand out to the Drug Co.s who backed his campaign, Then they immediately doubled and tripled the price of the most popular drugs! Just think, What if Bush was able to privatize SSI and hand a $trillion to Wall Street Just before he sat back a watched it Crumble!!?? How short the memories are when it comes to the Disaster Bush made of EVERY part of our economy, Now They Just blame Obama for it!!. Think It,s bad Now,... Wait till Big Biz hgets the green light to pour Billions more into TV propaganda, Look what the Insurance Co.s $500,000,000 in advertising almost did to the reform bill!

  • Joe
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    H.R. 3400. They already wrote a bill.

    try again when you can comprehend all of the facts.

    Where will there be a surplus of funding for this bill? The CBO is guessing at what they think costs will be, not stating facts. That is why the statement says that it is only and estimate based on limited information provided for the analysis.

    Do you actually believe that you know how much this country will spend on healthcare over the next 10 years? Perhaps, you should ask Pelosi, Reid, or Obama if they can predict the lottery numbers for you? As you probably believe that you are entitled to that money.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Republicans have lost all credibility on this issue. In fact, they never had it. They had SIX YEARS during which they could have sought reform. (I'm being charitable and not including the last two years during which the Democrats controlled Congress.) They did not do so because the middle class has never been their true constituency. With all their BS about family values, the Republicans have always been and will always be the party of the rich. Even the social conservatives in the party are consistently disillusioned by the party's failure to push their agenda. The purpose of having Rush Limbaugh & company is to toss red meat to conservative voters and get them to the polls. If the party talked about their real agenda, only the rich would vote Republican.

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  • Tony
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    lol 140 billion surplus? Where the **** are you getting your facts. The CBO states that the bill will be a 940 billion dollar defecit over 10 years, 4 of which we aren't even spending the money for.

  • 1 decade ago

    A better bill would be no bill at all. Your criticisms of Bush' policy are valid. All this goes to support my view that the government should not be involved in health care -- period. Have you ever known government to make anything more efficient, better or cheaper--ever?? Me neither.

  • 1 decade ago

    How about the part of recent history where 'someone' declared a transparent administration, yet shut out Republican ideas, even after the meeting at Blair House.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Conserving a seriously flawed status quo and convincing the gullible that it's the best of all possible worlds is routine for the conservatives today. Our health-insurance system needed fixing. This new system isn't ideal, but it's a start. Welcome to the civilized world, America!

  • 1 decade ago

    The part where I read the GOP bill.

    Did you? It was only 214 pages

    Did you read that one that passed?

  • 1 decade ago

    They couldnt write a better plan. And the democrat plan sucks horribly also. Time for a third and fourth party to come along and we should all just be done with those Aholes.

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