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Lv 5
wooper asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why can't the far right just focus on the ballot box for victory rather than threats?

Is this what the Republican party has become...Becktopia?

Reps. Louise Slaughter and Bart Stupak have received death threats.

A tea party participant published what he thought was Rep. Thomas Perriello’s home address and urged disgruntled voters to “drop by” for a “good face-to-face chat.”

Vandals broke windows at Slaughter’s office in New York and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’s office in Arizona.

And angry voters are planning to protest this weekend at the home of Steve Driehaus — who’s already seen a photograph of his children used in a newspaper ad published by reform opponents.

The vitriolic health care debate has become personal — too personal, say House Democrats who voted for the bill and now find not just themselves but their families in the cross hairs of opponents.

Slaughter, a Democrat who chairs the House Rules Committee, said a caller to her office last week vowed to send snipers to “kill the children of the members who voted yes.” Her office reported the call to police, who were dispatched to provide protection for Slaughter’s grandchildren. She has also been in touch with the FBI and U.S. Postal Service inspectors, who intercepted a letter en route to her home in upstate New York.

Stupak, the Michigan Democrat whose last-minute compromise on abortion guaranteed passage of the bill Sunday, said callers have left messages for him saying, “You’re dead; we know where you live; we’ll get you.”

“My wife still can’t answer the phone,” Stupak told POLITICO on Tuesday. The messages are “full of obscenities if she leaves it plugged in. In my office, we can’t get a phone out. It’s just bombarded.”


And so far Republican politician are saying things like "I disagree with these types of things but I understand the passion they feel."

The passion to murder people over legislation?

Update 2: guys keep saying the legislation is shoved down your throats...the health bill was passed by the Senate with 60 then went to the House to be confirmed and now is back to the Senate. It already passed the Senate with the necessary 60 votes. The minor changes are what now will be voted on.

Update 3:

Brad...please explain how this is a death sentence...or did you turn off Rush before he tried to explain his lies?

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because the climate in America has changed. The Republicans and Tea Party member have led the "I can say anything because of the First Amendment" assault on decency and civil debate. The mantra is now "Scream, shout, cuss, lie, call names, spit, threaten" and they feel it is all protected. The leaders do not take a stand to have them tone this down at all, and therefore encourage it by lack of action. In fact after the recent incidents of Tea Party members call Congressmen the N-word, the F-Word, spitting on them....Jim Boehnir then said that while the acts were reprehensible, people were scared and angry so that justified it.

    Fox News then feeds that mentality by publishing articles saying evidence is mounting that those incidents never happened, the followers then get more angry and it escalates.


  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    they're going to in all probability attempt and keep on making out they're doing nicely. they might strengthen right into a splash greater severe, their maifesto gave the impression to be going that way, and Uncle Nick's rants on Friday morning seem to point he must be greater severe for the subsequent 3 years so as to stop the rank and document racists and nazis from attempting to oust him from the party management. there'll in all probability not be any substantial elections for 4 years, so this is time for hiding and regrouping and perhaps thinking of latest methods of being racist without folk understanding approximately it.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    they are going to probable attempt and save on making out they are doing nicely. they might substitute right into a splash greater severe, their maifesto gave the impression to be going that way, and Uncle Nick's rants on Friday morning seem to point he should be greater severe for the subsequent 3 years with the intention to resign the rank and document racists and nazis from attempting to oust him from the party management. there'll probable no longer be any considerable elections for 4 years, so it's time for hiding and regrouping and doubtless thinking of recent procedures of being racist without people understanding approximately it.

  • 1 decade ago

    These monkeys are not conservatives, far right, Republicans or what ever, they are lunatics To threaten ones life is a very risky move, when they are caught, and some will be caught, they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Fort Leavenworth has some nice accommodations for people like them. The people that are making these threats should be water-boarded in a septic tank.

    Killing people does not punish punish them. If you want to punish them, vote them out of office.

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  • Nrp77
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'm not a democrat, but all these tea party antics to try and get "their point" across is pretty juvenile. Act like adults and voice your opinions during the election. That's what responsible opposers to this health care bill, like me, are going to do. The violent and rude people who are threatening others are the ones that should never be taken seriously.

  • Elsie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm sure Conservative reps. get their fair share of death threats. It's probably one of the few negative things about the job of a politician. You're only hearing about this because the media is just doing it's job to discredit the dissenters of the health insurance bill. I'm sure you've been watching the news for enough years to catch on to how the media works for the liberal cause.

  • Draco
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You judge and condemn a small percentage of outraged people, who have crossed the line of "decency".

    Yet, this Bill was passed by 7 votes ONLY and at least ( at last count ) 16 had been "bought" by Obama, Pelosi and Reid. Since when do we turn our backs on blatant and bragged about "bribery" and coercion, as "politics as usual" ?

    Where was your outrage, when Huffington post and CNN ran Editorials, calling on Democrats to "physically" knock some sense into Republicans ?

    These politicians were well aware of the simmering anger and brooding frustration and although this is not the way to express their anger, neither was passing a Bill that is a fraud.

  • 1 decade ago

    wait until Nov 2010.

    as far as Slaughter Things similar happened in Daily Chicago to rally the masses

    Harry S. Truman said "If you can't stand the Heat get out of the Kitchen"

    I'm not promoting violence but people are mad over this government action and we have extremist on both sides neither is exempt. Just reed some of the Questions and answers here on YA

  • Brad
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    They signed a bill which amounts to a death sentence for millions of Americans, so I guess what comes around goes around. Should the Jews who were murdered by the democratically elected far-left government of the National Socialists have just focused on the ballot box rather than resisting their murderous socialist government?

  • 1 decade ago

    people don't like legislation being shoved down their throats... people are angry and the GOP is exploiting that. Is that wrong? Not any more than Obama using the term "Health Care Reform" to describe a piece of legislation that is anything but...they're exploiting a real need- and using it to further a party's agenda to raise taxes and to solidify govt income... I think we all need to start thinking outside the box and realize that this two party farce is the problem...

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